【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Angels: Luo Hua (Angel King), He Xi, Kesha, Liang Bing, Alan, Keira】

【Technology: First-generation angel body, second-generation angel body, third-generation angel body, angel wings, sky city, dark matter computer, vibranium armor.....】

After installing the technology on Kesa, Liangbing, and Keira, almost all angels are of this template.

【Angel: Third-generation angel body, angel wings, insight eyes, microwormhole transport technology, dark energy communication technology, full energy projection technology, dark matter computer, vibranium armor]

But there are still differences.

For example, Keira and Alan.

They only have second-generation angel bodies.

There is no third-generation angel body.

"So Kayla, you and Alan have to keep working hard, otherwise the third generation will be unlimited."



Kayla and Alan looked at each other and nodded seriously.


Before Luo Hua could continue speaking

"But Wang, how long has it been since the third generation of angel bodies were developed so quickly?"

Liang Bing leaned forward and looked at Luo Hua curiously.

When Luo Hua looked at her, her eyes blinked.

Seeing Liang Bing being so rude,

Kaisha immediately turned her head to look at Liang Bing, her eyes full of seriousness. She was obviously looking at you normally.

But it felt full of majesty and anger.

Liang Bing was stared at by Kaisha and shrank back.

Luo Hua smiled indifferently.

But this time Luo Hua didn't need to explain.

When Alan stood up to pour tea for the six people,

He Xi sat on Luo Hua's right to help explain

""Liang Bing, don't you find a technology that is far beyond the current technology?"

Hearing He Xi say this,

Liang Bing immediately closed her eyes and started to look.

Then she suddenly opened her eyes and said in surprise:"Dark matter computer!?"

Hearing what Liang Bing said,

Kaisha didn't even bother to stare at her.

She also closed her eyes and checked it immediately. After hearing this, Kaila did the same.

After a while, they all opened their eyes and looked at Luo Hua with unbelievable eyes.

And Luo Hua calmly drank the tea that Alan had just brewed.

After taking a sip,

"Why are you still looking at me? Am I attractive?"

"Of course, Wang is the most handsome."

As soon as Luo Hua finished speaking, Liang Bing immediately followed up.

At this time,

He Xi glanced at Liang Bing beside Luo Hua without leaving a trace.

And Liang Bing also glanced at He Xi at the same time.

He Xi knew a lot when he saw this.

Compared with Kaisha or himself,

Liang Bing is much more proactive.

The key is that Liang Bing's personality and conditions are very suitable for taking the initiative without making Wang feel offended.

Strictly speaking, Liang Bing has a greater chance.

If he doesn't pay attention one day, He Xi believes that Liang Bing is likely to surpass him directly.

After all, how can you predict what Liang Bing will do one day.

For example, sneaking into Wang's yard in the middle of the night to"chat".

Although He Xi and Kaisha certainly wouldn't dare to think about it.

But what if Liang Bing! ?

This is a very troublesome thing.

And the look that Liang Bing gave her just now.

It seemed to carry a sense of challenge and provocation in it.

It was as if she was saying: So what if you sneak away? Look, I'll take a shortcut and overtake you.

Liang Bing is the kind of person who dares to express herself directly.

I admire the king, so I want the king.

I will just show it and play a brand.

Because of the relationship between the king and the angel, she is not afraid at all.

So the scene at this moment.

Luo Hua was drinking tea.

Kaila and Alan were having a good conversation.

Liang Bing and He Xi were fighting each other psychologically and with their eyes.

So after taking a sip of tea.

Luo Hua looked at Kaisha

"You are the same as He Xi and Liang Bing. You don't need to carry such a heavy burden."

"As the king of angels, I will bear the pressure, although there is no pressure"


Luo Hua's words directly touched Kesha's heart.

For a moment, she didn't know how to answer.

Kesha was thinking just now.

With the dark matter computer, what advanced technology can be researched immediately?

What can be done after the research?

What can be done now to make the angel civilization more powerful?


The newly born Kesha immediately thought about these questions.

So Luo Hua just glanced at her eyes and immediately knew what she was thinking.

At that time, He Xi thought the same as her, but she did n't think as far ahead as Kesha about how to help Luo Hua.

Luo Hua's words hit her heart.

Kesha broke her defense and smiled.

Then she gently smoothed her hair with her hand.

As if she was a little obedient, she snorted softly.



As the inner struggle between He Xi and Liang Bing ended,

He Xi clenched his fist with one hand and put it in front of his lips and coughed lightly.

"Ahem, should we first assign our respective tasks?"

"Since Wang and I were the only ones working on the main project in Sky City before this, Alan was in charge of assisting."

"So now that we have more angels, we can reasonably allocate projects outside of Sky City."

He Xi finished speaking.

Kesha, Liang Bing and Kaila were obviously interested and wanted to get involved in the process immediately.

But Luo Hua reluctantly changed the teacup in his right hand to his left hand.

Then he raised his right hand and stretched it towards He Xi's cheek.

Finally, he pinched her ear.


After lifting He Xi's ear,

Luo Hua took back his hand and picked up the tea set again.

"I've already told you to take a break after Kesha and the others arrive. Don't rush into the process."

"Rest." He Xi looked at Luo Hua with a cute face.

Luo Hua was stunned for a moment, then realized.

The rest He Xi mentioned was actually sitting and resting for a while!

But Luo Hua's rest was at least 1-2 days or several days!


Luo Hua sighed

"Then let's decide the classification today, then you can take a night off and start researching again every day."

After making the decision,

Luo Hua looked at the angels present.

"First of all, Kayla, you are like Alan, research is not your main purpose, but to prevent boredom"

"So you, like Alan, can get some small things in the Sky City, which Alan will tell you."

""Yes." Kaila stood up and nodded to Luo Hua.

Luo Hua waved his hand and motioned Kaila to sit down.

"Then it's Liang Bing. I know you have a special talent for time, space and wormholes."

"So your only task is to find and discover breakthroughs in this area."

"I won't set any restrictions on you. You can play freely, such as wormholes, sky gates, time and space jumps, and even time and space genes in the future."


Liang Bing stood up happily after hearing this.

"Wang~! I really love you so much!"

"Liang Bing!"x2


He Xi and Kaisha stopped Liang Bing who said the last sentence at the same time.

Liang Bing saw that her words had offended two people.

She hurriedly sat down and behaved herself but still said stubbornly:"Anyway, that's what I mean."


Luo Hua looked at Kaisha again.

"Finally, it's Kaisha. You are on par with Hexi in terms of research talent, but you are not as good as Hexi in terms of combat technology."

"You also have unique talents, such as algorithms, tactics, attack capabilities, etc."

"So in addition to studying the Sky City with He Xi in your spare time,"

"You can spend the rest of your time studying the direction you are interested in."

After Luo Hua finished speaking,

Kaisha also stood up.

Then she put her right hand on her heart and saluted Luo Hua gracefully.


Here is a general explanation.

Algorithms are a way of calculating in the dark matter computer in the angel's body.

These different calculation methods are very different in different aspects.

It is not what Java, C++, etc. mean in modern times.

Algorithms are more like a way of processing.

In scanning, analysis, and cracking, they are specially targeted according to their own algorithms or experience.

So the more powerful an angel's algorithm is, the stronger she must be in the field that her algorithm targets.

There are algorithms for space, algorithms for early prediction, algorithms for analyzing battles, and how to learn and do things efficiently. A good algorithm.

In short, there are many algorithms, and everyone compiles them based on their own experience.

Of course, if there is an algorithm that can be popularized, everyone's algorithm can be the same, but it may not be suitable.

It should be clear to say this.

As for tactics, this is easier to understand.

Tactics are a kind of attacking moves.

It can also understand why there are flat attacks in the game. Or you can think of it as radio gymnastics and dancing youth.

Although using this kind of tactics will definitely lead to death.

In short, if an angel has a good tactics, then she must be very powerful in battle.

PK and solo are absolutely powerful.

This is the tactics.���Use.

The last skill is needless to say.

What Great Judgment or Flame Bombing is this thing.

Literally, the skill released.

So in the end, we can summarize it.

Why in the angel civilization in Luo Hua's mind.

Obviously, some of the older generation of angels are not as strong as the other party in body, technology, engine, and even without external computers, they can still fight half and even win!

This is the practical gap in algorithms, tactics, and energy.

This can make up for the gap in technology.

The same divine body, the same fourth generation, the algorithm and tactics are definitely crushing the other party.

That's it.

So since Kaisha has a strong talent in combat.

Of course, these technologies can be handed over to her.

Like Liang Bing, they are all suitable for their own directions.


After arranging the work.

Luo Hua personally took them to choose a house.

After all, there are many two-story attics with courtyards around the royal palace. These exquisite buildings are for angels to live in.

Pick whatever you want.

But when Kaisha and Kaila have chosen.

Liang Bing has not chosen yet.

Because the loft closest to Luo Hua had already been chosen by He Xi.

Liang Bing looked at the others for a long time and they were all similar.

So in the end, after Kaisha's urging,

Liang Bing pointed to the loft closest to He Xi and said in an unclear way:

"Then I will choose this one, Wang."

After saying that, she even winked at He Xi and Luo Hua.

I really don't know what she is up to.

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