Today, it has been many days since the incidents of Harlem Boulevard and New York Central Boulevard.

Except for a small part of New York Central Boulevard that has been successfully repaired and can be used, most of it is still under emergency repair......

The Central Avenue of New York will not be repaired before it is repaired.

At this time, in the Mexican slums,

Banner has chosen to live here for a while.

He used some of the knowledge he knew to choose to be a little doctor here.

Although he doesn't know much, there is no doctor here at all.

So Banner is living well here.

Today, he was in a good mood watching the children playing outside.

After he swam from the sea next to Harlem Avenue that day, he tossed and turned and came back here.

But it was not the previous place, but a relatively poor area.

After that incident,

Banner looked at the angels who selflessly helped mankind and seemed to understand something.

He no longer wanted to rush back to find the angels.

Instead, he chose this kind of slum to help others.

This is the inspiration of the angels to him.

And it is obvious during this period of time.

His ability to control the Hulk has indeed improved.

At least before encountering danger, Banner can ensure that the Hulk will not come out no matter what.

At this time

""Dr. Banner! Dr. Banner!"

A dark-skinned little girl ran over anxiously.

"What's wrong?"Banner asked as he packed up.

Although he came here to help, there were indeed people who came here to cause trouble before.

And some people were not worth his medical attention.

"My mom is sick! She's sweating and out of breath!"

After the little girl's explanation, her mother must be sick.

Banner bent down and took out the diagnosis box.

"Then take me to your mother's place." Banner would encounter things like this every few days.

But Banner was happy to do these things.

And he only charged a little money.

Just enough for his own living.

If he really had no money, he could also charge some food or other substitutes.

But he absolutely could not refuse to charge.

Banner knew that if he was merciful and did not charge money out of pity, then the next day a bunch of people would come to him pitifully to ask for treatment.

This mercy cannot be given casually.

But no matter what.

The Hulk in his body did stabilize.


The main reason why Hulk can be stable.

Banner thinks it is because of the angel.

Because from the fragmented memory fragments,

Hulk was very well behaved when he met the angel.

He was really too well behaved.

Banner has never seen such a well-behaved Hulk.

So he would think.

Is the main reason why Hulk is honest because of the angel?

Although this question still needs to be confirmed.

But Banner almost has the answer in his mind.......

Next, in an area on the border of New York, there is a secret research site run by SHIELD.

Although it is close to the city, it is also built deep in the mountains.

Several dozen floors underground,

Fury looked at the research room that was being assembled.

"So how long will it take for us to make some progress after we take over this mess?"

Hill was holding a document beside her and reading it. She sighed as she turned page after page.

"Maybe on the first day of the research, maybe there will never be any results."

To put it bluntly, there is no hope.

It all depends on luck and fortune.

Fury put his hands on his waist uncomfortably.

Although Howard Stark has confirmed that this blue cube contains endless energy for humans, the problem now is that they have no way to take the energy out.

Even if they take it out, they won't collect it.

Even if they can collect it, they don't know how to use it.

Even if they can use it, they don't have weapons to use it.

So, from the Rubik's Cube to energy weapons,

SHIELD doesn't know how long it will take.

Just like Hill said, we don't know the time.

Looking at the experimental site where a bunch of people are still building,

Fury folded his arms and looked back at Hill.

"Do you think angels can use these things?"

"I don’t know."

Hill immediately replied honestly:

"I don't know, but I guess the angels will find a way."

"Maybe they already know how to use this thing, after all, their civilization level is too high."

Hill said this.

Fury felt that angels were aliens.

After all, the legend of angels has been popular on Earth for a long time.

So everyone regards angels as their own people.

Fury lowered his chin with one hand and thought for a while.

"What should we do if we are exposed and the angels need this after seeing it?"

This question is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

Fury was thinking if this is really the case.

How to solve this problem. Hill was also thinking about this problem.

It is not appropriate to say no directly.

But giving it to the angels for free, although from a personal point of view, it is definitely better for the angels to get it than for people to get it.

Because the angels will definitely not do bad things if they get it.

But people may not be sure.

Even if it is the country, Fury and Hill also think that giving it to the angels is definitely better than giving it to the country.

After all, to be honest, they all know those shady dealings of the country.

So the country is nothing compared to the angels.

Hill thought about it.

"If the angel wants it, I would rather find a way to give it to the angel."

Fury nodded in agreement.

But he added:"But we must also find a way to treat it as a transaction."

"If we directly say that it is for the angels, the government will not agree, and we will suffer."

Hill nodded in agreement.

The reason why both of them thought so was because they had both read the plans for energy weapons.

Energy guns, energy cannons, energy missiles、���A large number of intercontinental missiles.

If all of these are developed, will S.H.I.E.L.D. still be called the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency?

And what is the difference between this behavior and the previous Stark?

In the end, it will not only harm itself.

The development of this weapon will definitely lead to the death of a group of its own people.

It is said above that it is used to deal with aliens.

But they will definitely use this thing on their own people.

So when the President said that he had added Fury,

Fury asked Bian if he was sure?


Fury just didn't want to accept this task.

In his mind, the Avengers plan is to deal with supernatural forces, not the energy weapon plan!.......

It was night.

In the Sky City,

Kaisha was combing her hair in front of the dressing table on the second floor of her attic.

She had just taken a bath.

Her hair was still wet.

The first piece of clothing Luo Hua gave her in the morning was hanging neatly on the head of the bed.

And it was very close to where she slept. She could reach it with her hand.

Kaisha sat in front of the dressing table, but her eyes did not look at the mirror.

She looked around the dressing table and then jumped over the balcony with a wide view. She could see the palace where Luo Hua lived.


At this time.

There was a knock on the door downstairs of Kaisha.

She stood up and walked to the balcony.

Then she looked down.

Who else could it be but Liang Bing who was looking at her with long black hair and a smile on her face.

"Come up."

Hearing Keisha's agreement,

Liang Bing didn't even go through the main door. She flapped her wings and flew up.

Keisha was used to her jumping around, so she took her in.

Liang Bing walked in and took a look at the first dress Luo Hua gave them, then sat down on the sofa.

Keisha continued to sit in front of the dressing table and comb her hair.

Then she looked at Liang Bing through the mirror and said,"What's the matter? I don't believe you are here to chat with me."

Liang Bing knew her very well.

Basically, she would not come to see her for no reason.

When Liang Bing heard this, she immediately got up from the sofa and walked to Keisha's side, took her comb and combed her hair for her.

"We are sisters, so we have to chat when we have nothing to do."

When Kaisha heard Liang Bing arguing, she reached out to take the comb from Liang Bing's hand and wanted to brush her hair herself before sending Liang Bing away.

""Okay, okay, I said."

When Liang Bing saw Kesha was about to take the comb back, she immediately retracted her hand and told the truth.

"Ahem." Liang Bing was serious for a moment, then suddenly leaned close to Kaisha's ear and whispered,"What do you think of He Xi?"

"What do you think of He Xi?"Kesha looked at Liang Bing through the mirror:"He Xi is He Xi, I don't have any opinion"

"But she has been with Wang for so long in advance." Liang Bing reminded Kaisha.

Kaisha knew Liang Bing's little thoughts and simply replied directly:

"Alan has been with Wang for so long, why don't you ask me what Alan thinks?"

"That's different."Liang Bing retorted

""Why is it different?" Kaisha asked.

There was silence.

Kaisha turned around and tapped Liang Bing's head.

"Can't I guess what you are thinking about? Why don't you think seriously and study science and technology well?"

"He Xi helped Wang share so much in advance, isn't this what she deserves?"

Liang Bing covered her head with"grievance".

Her eyes were"tearful"

"But He Xi also thought about that, and she took action in advance."

"This is not what she deserves, she is sneaking away!"

"you....."Kesha didn't know what to say or write.

She sighed and seriously reminded Liang Bing

"I won't care about your little thoughts. You can fight He Xi however you want."

"I will not participate in this. No matter what you think or do, don't take me with you."

"How can it be called a fight?"Liang Bing was the first to refute Kaisha's linguistic mistake.

Then she went on to explain:"Although you are also unique, He Xi has the upper hand."

"If you see Wang lying on Hexi tomorrow morning, how will you feel?"

Hearing this, although Kaisha's hand running through her hair did not stop, her eyes looking at the mirror flashed.

At the same time,

Liang Bing, who had been waiting to see Kaisha's eyes, immediately seized the opportunity.

"Look! Your eyes betray you! You can't stand He Xi running away! You are still pretending with your sister!"

Kesha:"Get out!"

After a while.

A figure with long black hair covering his head stood outside Kesha's courtyard and curled his lips.

"Just keep talking nonsense, I'll go find He Xi."

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