As for He Xi, she was sitting on the balcony sofa reading a book.

One leg was flat and the other was half bent.

There was a small table next to her.

On it were some snacks and a set of tea sets.

He Xi leaned on a small cushion behind her.

While reading, she would occasionally look towards the direction of Luo Hua's courtyard.

At this time, before Liang Bing even reached the door,

He Xi had already looked down and spotted her.

Liang Bing walked to the door of He Xi's courtyard and waved.

"He Xi."

After taking a sip of tea, He Xi said calmly:"Come up."

Unlike last time,

Liang Bing did not fly up directly.

This time, she actually came to the balcony on the second floor of He Xi and sat on the sofa in the circle of the fence.

Liang Bing pulled down the pair of long legs that He Xi had placed on it and sat next to He Xi.

He Xi looked at her strangely and then continued to read.

If Liang Bing did not speak first, she would directly drive Liang Bing away when she was going to bed at night.

Based on the two waves of eyes and the mental confrontation between them in the morning,

He Xi knew that she could not talk nonsense with Liang Bing.

Liang Bing looked at He Xi who ignored her.

She took the initiative to pick up the teapot and poured two cups of tea.

"He Xi, you have been with Luo Hua for such a long time, what hobbies does he have?"

He Xi turned his eyes away from the book and looked at Liang Bing seriously.

"Even when the king is not around, please call Luo Hua the king."

"I mean intimately." Liang Bing quickly explained:"If we are talking about serious matters, I will definitely call him Wang. When we are together,"

"I call Luo Hua because it means we are close."

He Xi frowned when she heard it.

But since there was nothing wrong with what Liang Bing said,

He Xi couldn't refute it.

Seeing that He Xi was about to read again,

Liang Bing hurriedly called her back.

"Hey~~! You haven't told me what Wang likes yet. You haven't been here for so long that you don't know anything."

"What do you think?"

He Xi glanced at Liang Bing.

Then she waved her hand.

Suddenly a pile of books and materials came out from her dark plane.

Liang Bing looked at them.

《Knee pillow posture""If you let your boyfriend lie on your legs more comfortable》

《Ear cleaning skills and comfortable techniques》How to cut someone's hair more comfortably》

《What small actions can improve relationships?》

《How to get the one you like....》

Liang Bing hadn't seen the title of the last book yet.

He Xi took the book back and threw it back into the dark plane.

Liang Bing was stunned.

When all the information was taken back by He Xi,

Liang Bing quickly stepped forward and grabbed He Xi's hand.

"Hexi, I....."

"No, don't ask."

Before Liang Bing finished speaking, He Xi interrupted her.

"Aren't you asking what Wang likes? Then I'll tell you."

"Wang likes to sleep on my legs when he is resting"

"Wang likes me to pick his ears when he is tired"

"When I have nothing to do, I can give him a head massage to relax him."

"At the same time, you can comb his hair with your hands."

At this moment,

Liang Bing was really speechless.

If she really wanted to express what she was thinking at the moment, it would be that eating lemons was too sour.

"I...Forehead...."After Liang Bing finished a full mouthful, she didn't know what to say.

The hobbies that He Xi mentioned were all those that she would talk about after she had acquired them.

If Luo Hua had other hobbies, He Xi definitely didn't know about them now.

So when she heard about He Xi's hobbies now, they must have been mastered by He Xi. The truly unknown still had to be discovered by herself.


Liang Bing's purpose of coming this time had actually been achieved.

Her purpose was to understand what He Xi had mastered.

Then start from the aspects that she had mastered.

To understand Luo Hua at a deeper level.

Finally, what Liang Bing had mastered and discovered herself would become her own.

Just like what He Xi had just said.

After a moment of silence,

Liang Bing took a cup of tea from the table and took a sip.

"So what do you think is the best area for me to study now?"

"The king gave me the freedom of choice, and I don't know which one to study first."

Hearing Liang Bing suddenly become formal.

He Xi also removed the cushion behind him, then sat up seriously and suggested to Liang Bing:

"First, if we look at it from the perspective of the future"

"I suggest you develop a sky gate that can jump and a spacecraft that can teleport as soon as possible."

Space jump means going directly from one point in the universe to another.

But a space jump aircraft only means accelerating the jump through a wormhole, which is equivalent to taking a shortcut through a special channel.

So the speed is far less than the jumping ability.

And the energy required for jumping is definitely much more than that for teleporting.

But the advantage is that materials can be transmitted and transported all the time.

Liang Bing thought about it.

Then she nodded very seriously.

Then she stood up. She walked down with a good name and said,"Then I will ask Wang for his opinion and see what he says."

He Xi opened her eyes wide.

She looked at Liang Bing step by step in disbelief.

Can you find such a reason?

And it seems very reasonable!?

She looked at the time outside the balcony.

It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening.

The sky was full of shining stars.

You told me to go to Wang at this time?

Although Wang must not be asleep at this time, you can go to him now......

Something is wrong.

Seeing Liang Bing about to walk out of the courtyard,

He Xi called her from the balcony.

"Liang Bing! Are you going to look for Wang at this time? You are disturbing his rest!"

Liang Bing replied indifferently, jumping up and down:

"It's okay, at most I'll get hit on the head a few times, the king won't hit me."

He Xi:............

At this time in the palace,

Luo Hua was leaning on the big bed in the bedroom.���The system of energy projection is used to study other technologies on the pad.

Since the third generation has been successfully developed, and there are so many angels.

So as the host, is the computing capacity not enough?

Thinking of this,

Luo Hua directly thought of the celestial computer of the Knowledge Treasure House.

But there are still many problems if we want to build it now.

For example, how to communicate energy.

For example, where to set up the celestial supercomputer without wormhole technology.

There are also a series of other problems that need to be solved.

But to be honest, there is indeed a way to solve this problem quickly.

That is: the space gem.

There is no need to explain its function in detail.

The energy is close to infinite, it can open up space, and it can also teleport in groups. These are all the abilities of gems.

But as long as you know a little bit, this space gem is the perfect medium for setting up celestial supercomputers!

With the space gem, the supercomputer of the angel civilization is not only extremely safe!

There is also endless energy that can keep the supercomputer in a fully loaded state!

You know, if the angel civilization in Luo Hua's impression uses the Knowledge Treasure House to calculate at full capacity, the energy consumed is in units of several solar systems!

But with the space gem, these are not a problem.


Luo Hua must get the Space Gem after he appears!


At this time.

There was a knock on the door.

As for his family, which are all angels, Luo Hua will not use the Eye of Insight to see.

All angels will not use the Eye of Insight to see angels.

Because this is a kind of attitude of crushing biotechnology.

So it cannot be aimed at people in your family.

"Come in."

After Luo Hua finished speaking, he also got off the bed.

He put on a pair of royal slippers that only he, the king, wore.

In fact, they were just plain shoes, the kind without any styles.

After walking out of the bedroom,

He Xi and Liang Bing had already stood aside.


Liang Bing's presence at this point was within Luo Hua's expectations.

But why was He Xi here too?

Seeing Luo Hua's puzzled look,

He Xi hurriedly explained:"Liang Bing was just in my room discussing research directions."

"Then she was not sure and said she would come to see you overnight, so I followed her because I was worried."

"What do you mean by worried?"

Hearing He Xi's words of worry, Liang Bing immediately refuted

"I'm here to ask questions and give suggestions!"

After understanding the cause and effect,

Luo Hua took them to the pavilion and sat down.

It was already night, but the fluorescent light from the Sky City still made everything clear.

And it was not dazzling at all.

The stream in the distance was still flowing with clear water.

The flowers and plants next to it were still bright and beautiful, and you could smell the fragrance from time to time.

Next, after listening to the wormhole suggestion discussed by Liang Bing and He Xi,

Luo Hua nodded and agreed:

"He Xi is right. We will negotiate with other cosmic forces soon."

"Then a flying machine and a fixed teleportation gate are exactly what we need now."

"But you don't need to worry about energy. I have a way to do it, and it's enough."

"Really!?"Liang Bing looked at Luo Hua in surprise.

"King! If you don't mind the energy consumption, I can research many aspects!"

"Guaranteed to satisfy you!"

"oh~?"Luo Hua took out a set of tea sets from the dark plane:"Then it's up to you. I'm really curious."

Seeing Luo Hua take out a set of tea sets.

He Xi was on Luo Hua's right hand side and was about to take over to make tea.

At this time, Liang Bing on Luo Hua's left took it and poured it for the three people.

This time.

It was Liang Bing's victory.

A great victory.

Liang Bing took the opportunity to look into He Xi's eyes.

But He Xi didn't show anything, she waited quietly.

Do you think she is a little girl? Her expressions of joy, anger, sorrow and happiness were all on her face.

After Liang Bing poured the tea.

He Xi stepped forward to give it to Luo Hua and said something

"King, not long ago, Alan and I used our eyes of insight to discover the power of"magic" in this world."

"They learn, practice, and increase their spiritual abilities through spell casting."

"I think this thing might be of some help to us."

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