Magic is another magical force in the universe. It can determine the power of magic through the strength of the spirit.

But at the same time, there is also a kind of black magic.

It was obtained by a wizard named Dormammu who gave up his body after discovering the dark dimension.

Now, this man named Dormammu is already the lord of the dark dimension.

But the Ancient One is still using the temple, dark magic and the Eye of Agamotto to protect the earth.

This is to prevent the invasion of Dormammu in the dark dimension.

Luo Hua put his palm on the table and knocked while thinking

"Yes, the power of magic does help us"

"If we can understand magic, then the talent that we angels possess is unparalleled."

The practicality of magic is closely related to the strength of the spirit.

Needless to say, the spiritual power of angels is at the peak.

So Luo Hua was thinking just now.

If magic and technology are combined to utilize the power of angels' spirits, what wonderful abilities will emerge?

After getting Luo Hua's consent,

He Xi nodded.

"Okay, Alan, Kayla and I will study this next."

"Alan and Kayla helped me scan and collect data using the Eye of Insight"

"I will study how to apply magic to angels."

Since the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One's retreat is in the Himalayas,

Alan and Keira's eyes of insight cannot fully scan there.

In addition, Ancient One has been staying in her retreat.

Therefore, the angels cannot scan recklessly for the time being.

However, as long as it is a place where Ancient One does not use magic to protect it, the angels' eyes of insight can scan it.

"Does magic have the ability to teleport, space, or wormholes?"

Liang Bing asked curiously.

After all, this is her professional ability.

"Yes." Luo Hua nodded.

"Ancient One has the ability to draw a circle and directly open a portal."

"But that magic can only go to places you have been to, or places you know."

Liang Bing nodded while thinking.

This ability is indeed wonderful to her.

But if it can be used, combined with wormhole technology, it must be very powerful.

After discussing these things.

Luo Hua looked up at the stars in the sky.

Then he looked at He Xi and Liang Bing on both sides.

"It's almost 12 o'clock. If you don't go back, you will all be staying the night at my place."

He Xi didn't know what to think when she heard that.

Liang Bing immediately sat back and said,"Then wait until after the night before leaving."

He Xi rolled her eyes at Liang Bing when she heard that.

Then she stood up and walked to Liang Bing.

She grabbed her wrist and said,"Go back quickly and don't disturb the king's rest."

"Why~!"Liang Bing was somewhat reluctantly dragged away by He Xi:"Wait a little longer, there are only ten minutes left!"

He Xi:"Hurry up!"......

Time passed day by day.

But something was wrong with SHIELD today.

Fury put one hand on his waist and said in surprise while holding the satellite phone:

"WATCHFAQ!? Agent Coulson, are you telling me you found Captain America from World War II!?"

"Although it is hard to believe, what I said is true."

At this time, Coulson was already on the transport plane and replied:"Captain America is on his way back, where should we put him?"

"What's his condition now?" Fury asked.

Coulson looked back at Steve who was still unconscious.

"Captain America is still sleeping, and no one knows when he will wake up. This requires a full set of medical diagnosis."

After thinking for a while, Fury immediately arranged for people to assemble a small living room.

Then he had to call a full set of diagnostic doctors.

After all, Captain America fell into the sea.

And after so many years, he is still alive?

This definitely needs to be checked.

Although he knew that Captain America had been injected with the real infinite formula potion, it shouldn't be so powerful.

After a while, with the sound of clattering ,~~~~There was a sound of a transport plane landing.

A group of black-clad agents ran over carrying a muscular man on a stretcher.

Following the directions indicated by other agents,

Captain America was sent to the temporary place soon.

At this time, Fury, Coulson, and Hill were looking at Steve lying on the bed.

Before they could say anything, the medical diagnosis team also arrived.

They saw Captain America on the bed.

They all opened their mouths in surprise.

Although they were shocked, they could not leak it out.

Because these were all doctors of S.H.I.E.L.D., the news could not be leaked.

Then they surrounded Captain America. Then they took out various instruments from the assistant next to them and began to check Captain America.

Look at the pupils, pry open the mouth, draw blood for examination, check on his younger brother and so on.

After a while.

About an hour later.

The doctor in charge this time came to Fury with the written information.

""Sir, these are all the conditions that can be checked at present, and they are all recorded in it."

Fury nodded and asked them to go back.

Looking at the several pages of information in his hand,

Fury flipped through them casually and threw them to Hill behind him.

After seeing it, Coulson asked with concern:"What's wrong with Captain America?"

Just as Hill flipped through it to check,

Fury put his hands in his windbreaker and replied silently:

"The body enters a dormant state, similar to those hibernating animals."

"But Captain America's dormant state is even more powerful"

"From World War II to today, Captain America's physical condition may have only been a few months."

Coulson immediately understood.

Then he continued to ask:"How long will it take for him to wake up from hibernation?"

"From the moment you dug him out, he has already activated his body's activities."

Fury looked at Steve and guessed,"Maybe in a few days, when all the cells in his body are active, he can have a good sleep."

At this time,

Hill, who had finished reading the information and handed it to Coulson, asked:

"Then how do we explain to Captain America, who will wake up soon, that it is the 21st century now?"

Fury thought for a moment.

At this time, Coulson, who had already read the information, suggested:

"I suggest not explaining this right away."

"From what I understand, there are many regrets about Captain America's sudden disappearance during World War II."

"So I suggest simulating the environment at that time first, and then let Captain America accept it step by step."

After everyone thought about it for a while.

Fury agreed with Coulson's statement.

He immediately arranged for the people around him to understand and build the scene products of World War II, etc.

The construction project was temporarily handed over to Coulson, who was a fan of Captain America.

Fury and Hill left here temporarily.

Because the person in charge of the Blue Cube Project just informed them that the communication between the Rubik's Cube and the equipment has been built!

All of a sudden.

Fury and Hill hurriedly took a helicopter to this suburban experimental base in New York.

They took the elevator to a depth of several hundred meters underground.

As soon as they arrived here, they saw that the Rubik's Cube was sandwiched in the middle of an instrument.

Then there were many cables as thick as arms connected to the instrument.

Fury came to the side of the instrument. He looked at this thing with his hands on his hips and said angrily:

"What is this!? What are you doing?"

The chief engineer who is working on this blue cube project was invited by Fury himself.

His name is Eric Selvig.

He is a physicist with a doctorate.

Of course, a doctorate is not enough to represent his strength.

But Eric made the Rubik's Cube like this without Fury's approval, which made Fury very angry.

What if you make something wrong with the Rubik's Cube!? If something goes wrong with this thing, then he, the director of SHIELD, will also be in trouble!

And he may be gone!

At this time.

Eric pressed a button on the computer connected to the instrument and walked over

"Sir, I found that the energy overflow of this Rubik's Cube has a frequency."

"As long as we can analyze this frequency and then stimulate it, we can control this overflowing energy."

Fury looked down at the cables under his feet that were as thick as his arms.

"Just rely on these?"

"These are enough." Eric answered confidently:"We just activate and collect the overflowing energy, not using the Rubik's Cube."

"If we want to use the Rubik's Cube, I think our current technology is not enough."

Fury, who didn't understand this, nodded.

"Then you should study the Rubik's Cube carefully, but you have to remember."

Fury looked at Eric and said profoundly:

"The Rubik's Cube is very precious, and there must be no problems with it at any cost!"

""No problem, Chief Fury!" Eric also gave Fury a guarantee.

But what they didn't know was that as long as the Rubik's Cube was activated once, it meant that the Earth had been exposed to all the major forces in the universe.��

And it also announced that we have begun to use this power.

What consequences will that bring?

Of course, it is the invasion of other civilizations.

After all, who would leave such a good thing alone?

But they don’t know these. They are still groping blindly.

The next day.

Sky City.

In the courtyard of Luo Hua’s palace.

Early in the morning, Luo Hua just sat on the pavilion and heard a greeting from outside.

Turning his head, he saw

Liang Bing, who was happy and wanted to fly but couldn’t fly, walking quickly. You can fly everywhere in the entire Sky City.

But you can’t fly only in and around the palace.

Unless it is a special emergency, the palace will not allow flying.

That’s why Liang Bing was like that just now

"Wang~! I discovered a new technology~~!"

When Liang Bing arrived in the courtyard,

Luo Hua asked her to sit down and drink some tea without making any noise.

After Liang Bing took a sip, she immediately happily projected her newly discovered technology using energy technology.

"Luo Hua, look, I found a technology that uses waves to sense the stability of nearby space and time."

"If we load this, then as long as we are within the transmission range of the wave"

"No matter what technology or magic the enemy uses to teleport, we can detect it in advance"

"Even if it was the portal you mentioned the other day, as long as there are signs of instability in the nearby space-time, we can immediately detect it in advance!"

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