According to Liang Bing, this technology is called: Wave Spacetime Detection Technology?

Why is it explained this way?

Because it detects the stability of nearby spacetime through the movement of waves.

This kind of detection method will cause space instability as long as someone wants to teleport, transfer, or jump in the nearby spacetime.

And the unstable space will emit abnormal fluctuations.

And this abnormal fluctuation will detect Liang Bing's technology.

So after Liang Bing's technology is developed, the angel civilization will not be attacked first or ambushed under any circumstances.

After reading Liang Bing's technology,

Luo Hua took a while to understand it.

So, start creating


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Wave space-time reconnaissance technology: By detecting the different waves emitted by nearby space-time, this technology can predict the enemy's space-time movements in advance】

{Start creating}

{Input Energy}

{Install this technology on all angels}

{Loading completed}

After a while, when Luo Hua opened his eyes, it was announced that the technology had been loaded.

Looking at Liang Bing who was full of expectation

"Okay, I'll install this technology on all of you, and the data feedback from its detection will appear in your system."

After hearing this, Liang Bing immediately waved her hand and began to use the micro-wormhole transport technology.

Then her detection technology fed back the location in space and time where the fluctuation occurred.

And this feedback was actually synchronized with the feedback when using the transport technology.

In other words, the delay time of the wave space and time detection technology is very short!

This is so practical!

Then Luo Hua also experimented.

The feedback effect was exactly the same as Liang Bing's experiment.

With this technology, at least it is impossible for angels to be attacked in space and time.

"Liang Bing, you did a good job this time. Luo Hua praised her.

"That...."Liang Bing hesitated for a moment and asked,"Is there a reward?"

"Reward? Good. Luo Hua laughed:"What reward do you want?"

Reward and punishment system, very normal.

But looking at Liang Bing like this,

Luo Hua always felt like he was raising an animal.

"I don't need any real reward." Liang Bing smiled immediately.

She walked to Luo Hua, and sat next to He Xi in the seat where he used to sit.

Then Liang Bing's body softened, and she fell directly on Luo Hua. She rested her head on Luo Hua's shoulder.

She then took Luo Hua's right hand and put it on her right shoulder.

Finally, Liang Bing said silently:"It will only take half an hour."


Looking at Liang Bing's meaningless behavior.

This reward is quite easy.

Putting his right hand around Liang Bing's shoulders.

For the time being, Luo Hua could only reach out his left hand to take the teacup.

But before Luo Hua touched the teacup.

Liang Bing took it first.

She raised her hand in front of Luo Hua's lips, the meaning was self-evident.

Luo Hua laughed and said,"Do you know what we look like now?"

"Like what?" Liang Bing blinked and asked

"Like King Zhou and Daji."As he said this, Luo Hua drank the"fine wine" that Liang Bing fed him personally."

"Then I am the nine-tailed fox that seduces the king.~?"

Liang Bing said, putting down the cup of tea Luo Hua was drinking.

Then she stretched out her jade hand and stroked Luo Hua's chin and face.

She didn't put her palm on it.

Liang Bing just gently put her fingers on it and rubbed it.

In short, it was very seductive.

Luo Hua turned his head and looked down at Liang Bing.

Liang Bing didn't dodge.

She gave Luo Hua a seductive look.

I have to say.

Liang Bing's seductive eyes are really seductive.

But Luo Hua turned his head calmly:"Ahem."

Liang Bing immediately withdrew her hands and eyes honestly and stopped being wanton.

Sometimes excessive indulgence is not okay.

Liang Bing's skin has reached its limit this time.

If Luo Hua lets her act casually again.

Maybe Liang Bing will catch you and be wanton in the future.

It is estimated that it is not a problem that can be solved by lipstick all over the face.

Of the two people, Liang Bing will definitely not be able to get out of bed.

But then it will be a big deal.



At this time.

There were two footsteps outside the door.

It was He Xi and Kai Sha.

Liang Bing didn't show any surprise.

She just sat up straight, then waved her hand and took out a few plates of snacks from the dark plane and put them on the table and started eating.

She took one and put it in her mouth, and she also helped Luo Hua get one and handed it to him.

Luo Hua, who hadn't eaten snacks for a long time, saw that Liang Bing had such things.

He immediately felt that it tasted good when he put it in his mouth.

Although this might be because he hadn't really eaten for a long time.

Since he was reborn as an angel, he forgot about eating.

Because the energy can make him not need to replenish energy by eating.

And even if he eats, it will be decomposed cleanly.

But the energy replenishment is too little, and Luo Hua is too busy to create angels, so he didn't think about eating.

But the snacks Liang Bing handed him this time did make Luo Hua interested.


At this time.

He Xi and Kai Sha stood at the door and knocked on the door while watching Luo Hua eating.

Luo Hua looked at them and nodded to mean that they could come in.

Then He Xi found that her position was taken by Liang Bing.

As for Liang Bing, she was sitting there leisurely eating snacks.

Since Luo Hua was still here, He Xi could only sit next to Liang Bing.

Then Kai Sha sat on Luo Hua's left.

Luo Hua picked up another snack and put it in his mouth.

Then he looked at He Xi and Kai Sha and said:

"You can try this snack, Liang Bing brought it, it tastes pretty good."

Brought it by Liang Bing?"

He Xi and Kai Sha each took one and put it in their mouths to taste it.

Without saying anything else.

Liang Bing's taste is really good, it is delicious.

"Where did you get it from?"He Xi asked curiously.

This thing is obviously not from the mortal world.

"I made it myself." Liang Bing replied with some pride

"You made it yourself?"Kesha looked at Liang Bing curiously.

Now even Luo Hua was a little curious.

In just these few days, Liang Bing figured out how to make these foods?

""Yeah." Liang Bing raised her little head.

Then she began to explain:"I was a little greedy when I was doing research a few days ago."

"Then I used the Eye of Insight to do a simple analysis of the snacks in the world."

"Finally, after continuous testing and attempts of the Sky City production module"

"These delicious snacks are ready."

Good guy.

He is indeed the foodie in Luo Hua's mind.

This is really reproduced exactly.

"Well, you can study it if you have nothing to do. This thing is quite delicious."

After saying that, Luo Hua took another one and threw it into his mouth.

Liang Bing's eyes lit up when he saw this.

It seemed.....

Luo Hua is interested in food?

She nodded obediently and said,"Okay.~!"


At this time, two footsteps came from outside the door.

The only ones who could still hear footsteps at this time were Kaila and Alan.

They walked to the gate of Luo Hua's courtyard, talking and laughing.

Then they adjusted their expressions and knocked on the prompt bar next to them.

The purpose of this is to simulate the knocking sound when the door is open.

After the two came in, Alan said first:"King, I found that we have one more technology.

" Hearing this, He Xi and Kai Sha nodded at the same time.

This is also the reason why they came.

"You are talking about this. This is what Liang Bing researched when she came here just now."

"Then I will directly install this technology on you."

"Liang Bing can explain this to you."

After saying that, Luo Hua turned his head and glanced at Liang Bing.

He indicated that he could come forward to explain.


Liang Bing explained the purpose and usage of this technology to everyone.

After a while,

Alan and Keira nodded at the same time to show that they understood.

At this time, they suddenly looked towards a certain direction in the sky at the same time.

Now even He Xi, Liang Bing, and Kaisha frowned and looked over there.

Finally, before Keira and Alan could make any move,

""Go ahead."

Luo Hua said unmoved while holding his teacup.

Hearing Luo Hua's agreement,

Alan and Keira looked at each other.

They immediately spread their wings and disappeared in an instant.

As mentioned before, flying is not allowed inside the palace unless it is an emergency.

Therefore, this time is relatively an emergency.

Because Liang Bing just finished talking about this wave space-time detection technology.

As a result, it is now in use.

At this time, in the sky outside the Sky City, two figures with wings, wearing armor, and holding long swords flew here instantly.

Alan and Keira pointed their swords at a position in advance and kept silent.

Next, a golden spark rotated in the sky.

After a while, a portal appeared in front of them.

Alan and Keira opened the Eye of Insight at the same time.

But after waiting for a while, there was still no movement on the other side of the portal.

Keira immediately pointed the long sword at the portal and said in a cold voice:

"Ms. Ancient One, can I regard your opening of the portal near the Sky City as an act of provocation?"

"Of course not." A voice came from the other side of the portal.

"But your sky city is floating at an altitude of 10,000 meters. So, apart from using magic in the sky, I can't open it in your territory."

At this time, a hairless woman in white clothes appeared halfway out of the portal.

She had oppressive eyes and a high nose bridge.

Her extraordinary temperament also represented her ability.

"With your swords pointing at me like this, I can't meet you either."

Although Gu Yi's eyes were very oppressive,

Alan and Keira still stared at Gu Yi without any hesitation. The only one in the universe who could make them stand in awe and look down upon him was the King of Angels.

No one else could do that!

After hearing Gu Yi's words,

Keira and the others still didn't put down their swords.

Alan spoke directly and coldly:"Just tell me your purpose, and I will inform the king as appropriate."

"If you have nothing to do, please leave immediately. If you do it a second time, it will be regarded as a declaration of war against the angels!"

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