Facing Alan's cold and serious warning,

Gu Yi smiled.

""Would you accept my invitation? I want to talk to your Angel King."

After hearing what Gu Yi said,

Alan held the sword in his right hand without moving.

He tapped his ear with his left hand and transmitted with dark energy communication technology.

{King, Gu Yi expressed his wish to visit the Sky City and have a chat with you.}

{Take her to the palace, I'll go later}


The communication ended.

Alan put away his sword.

Seeing that it was good, Keira also put away her sword.

"The king agreed, follow me."

After that,

Alan and Keira flapped their wings and slowly flew towards the sky city.

In the golden portal,

Gu Yi also walked out and followed Alan and the others.


When two metal boots landed,

Gu Yi and Alan landed on the avenue of the sky city at the same time.

Looking from here to the center , the magnificent hall is the palace of Luohua.

There are various buildings around.

But you can't feel that this is a civilization with extraordinary combat power.

Because it is so beautiful.

Whether it is the surrounding decoration, flowers, plants, trees, etc., they are all beautiful.

It's like coming to a fairyland.

Gu Yi followed Alan and the others and looked around.

Even she was attracted by the scenery here.

"We call ourselves the most beautiful creatures in the universe not just verbally, but in reality."

Alan led the way and explained without looking back:

"Of course, we have not yet made contact with other cosmic races."

"If that happens, we will not be praising ourselves."

Alan stopped talking about this.

Because by that time, angels will be praised by the universe as the most beautiful race.

They will be praised as.

Ancient One turned his eyes from watching the scenery to the two angels in front of him.

Then he nodded in agreement.

If it is really a comparison of beauty, angels are indeed the best in the universe.

And although their combat power is not yet clear.

But just based on the fact that he was blocked before opening the portal, the combat power of angels should not be low.

At this time,

Keira walked in front and said without looking back:

"You are the first outsider to enter the territory of angel civilization"

"At the same time, our civilization does not allow other men or male creatures to enter"

"But even if you are a woman, you must be qualified."

Hearing this,

Gu Yi smiled a little. At least the word"qualified" in the latter part refers to himself.


""Isn't your king a man?" Ancient One asked.


Alan and Keira stopped in their tracks.

They turned back and looked at Ancient One deeply and seriously:

""Except the king!"

Next, along the avenue with beautiful scenery and magnificent buildings,

Alan, Keira, and Gu Yi slowly walked into the palace.

Alan and Keira stepped forward and pushed open the door.

A red carpet leading directly to the palace appeared in front of them.

Gu Yi looked at the magnificent hall and walked in.

The majestic position at the highest point in the middle was obviously the seat of the Angel King.

But there was no one there at this time.

Alan brought Gu Yi to the center of the hall.

Then, before Gu Yi could ask any questions, four footsteps were heard outside the door of the palace.


As the footsteps approached,

Gu Yi looked back.

A man in a formal dress, step by step like a starry sky palm The male angel holding his hand walked in the front.

He had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and he looked very majestic.

A huge aura from inside to outside swept through the palace.

This must be Luo Hua.

And behind Luo Hua.

Three angels with blond hair, silver hair, and black hair followed behind him.

He Xi walked on the right side of Luo Hua, with calm eyes.

Kaisha walked on the left side of Luo Hua, her majestic face was full of deterrence.

Liang Bing followed behind Luo Hua, and it was said that she did not have the aura of the previous two.

But her unfathomable posture was enough to prevent others from taking it lightly.

When Luo Hua sat on the throne.

All the angels under the throne faced Luo Hua and placed their right hands on their hearts.

Then they bowed and saluted.

"Give, Ms. Ancient One a seat."

Luo Hua said.

Keira pointed to a chair beside Ancient One.

After Ancient One sat down,

Keira returned to her original position.

So in the end, there were only two people sitting.

One was Luo Hua who sat on the throne.

The other was Ancient One who sat below.

The other angels would not sit down now.

Because only when there were no outsiders, they would sit on the chairs in the palace.

This was to show respect for the King of Angels.

"I heard from Alan that you wanted to chat with me."

Luo Hua looked at Alan.

Alan nodded.

Gu Yi now also knew that angels had the ability to make secret calls that were unknown to others.

Then she spoke again:

"Yes, I have been observing angels for a long time"

"We have also been observing you for a long time."

Hearing Gu Yi's uncomfortable words, Keira immediately replied.

Luo Hua waved his hand at Keira.

Then he said to Gu Yi:

"Just say what you want to say directly, angels don't beat around the bush."

What kind of riddles? What kind of hidden meanings

? Angels don't do these disgusting things. Unless it's just a joke, it won't be too serious. After Gu Yi heard what Luo Hua said, she simply looked at Luo Hua and asked:

"I only have one question, what will you do after the Angel King gets the Space Stone?"

This question confused all the angels except Luo Hua.

When did the Angel King get the Space Stone?

Luo Hua had never revealed the news of the Space Stone.

Thinking of himself, he had not yet popularized this knowledge to the angels.

Luo Hua waved his hand and transferred all the gem information to their system.

Then, after hearing Ancient One ask this question,

Luo Hua smiled. It seemed that just like what he had expected, Ancient One could not see him in the Time Stone.

"Why don't you seek the answer from the Time Stone?"

Gu Yi knew that Luo Hua was asking knowingly.

But he still explained:"I can't find the answer there."

It's right that he can't find it.

After getting the Space Stone,

Luo Hua will immediately develop a technology that transcends reality.

Through the powerful energy of the Space Stone, this technology can become a small reality gem.

Then through this technology, not only Luo Hua, but the entire angel civilization will be hidden in the long river of history of the past, present and past.

Even the Eye of Agamotto, which is the Space Stone, can't see any trace of Luo Hua.

Gu Yi observed Luo Hua very well before.

But after observing that Luo Hua got the Space Stone, the subsequent news disappeared.

But what she didn't know was that when the time really reached that point,

Gu Yi observed again!

Let alone the future! Before! Now! In the past! She can't see it!

But then Luo Hua said:"The reason you came to the angels is to know the answer."While saying this,

Luo Hua's eyes were fixed on Gu Yi's.

His eyes seemed to be able to speak.

What he meant was, your purpose is not this, don't lie.

Seeing Luo Hua's eyes that had already seen through everything,

Gu Yi suddenly smiled.

"It seems that you know more than I thought.

Luo Hua remained silent, waiting for Gu Yi's next words.

"Yes, I am not worried about what will happen to you when I can't observe you anymore."

"Because every one of your angels is strong enough to hold Thor's hammer."

"I believe in your souls, and I believe in the angel civilization."


What Gu Yi said is right.

Every angel in the angel civilization can pick up Thor's hammer.

So Gu Yi does not need to worry about whether the angels will do evil.

Whether they will cause destruction to the earth and so on.

Otherwise, seeing such a powerful civilization developing,

Gu Yi would have come up and destroyed it.

It is impossible to let the angel civilization develop to this day.

Moreover, the angel civilization regards the earth as its own jurisdiction.

This indirectly represents guarding the home with Gu Yi.

But angels are still a little different after all.

Luo Hua does not care about the current earth.

The current earth is not even unified, and he himself finds it troublesome.

So Luo Hua is also waiting for the earth to be unified or he will unify it manually, so it will be easier to deal with.

Facing Gu Yi's current rhetoric.

Luo Hua is still satisfied.

"So, the purpose of your coming now is to negotiate in advance."

"Yes."Gu Yi nodded.

Then she looked at all the angels under the throne.

Kesha, Hexi, Liang Bing, Alan, Keira.

After looking at all the faces one by one.

Gu Yi sighed and said:"Every one of them has the talent to become the Supreme Mage."

"The potential of you angels is so great."

"Even my future apprentice Stephen Strange is a little bit behind."

This is not the first time that Ancient One sighed.

During the time she observed the angels, she had sighed countless times about the terrible talents of the angels.

At this time,

Alan said disdainfully:"Sorcerer Supreme? No angel would care about that title."

"In the eyes of us angels, it is not as good as a compliment from our king."

Ailan's words were unanimously agreed by the angels.

Kaisha, Hexi, Liangbing and Kaila all nodded.

Supreme Mage?

A compliment from King X?√√√

When Gu Yi saw this, a trace of sadness suddenly appeared in her eyes.

She sighed in her heart and said with a tone of envy:

"You have a unity that I have never seen in any civilization."

"Your goals, thoughts, beliefs, actions, and souls are the same."

"Sometimes I wonder after I don't see your Angel King get the Space Stone"

"Who in the universe can stop your wings?"

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