There is a reason why Ancient One has such sad thoughts.

You know,

Ancient One is almost 500 years old.

She has had three apprentices in her life.

Her first apprentice secretly studied dark magic, which led to the separation of master and apprentice. Her second apprentice was called Anthony Druid, who was also a hero at that time.

Her third apprentice was Baron Mordo.

Baron Mordo was a hereditary nobleman who took the initiative to learn from Ancient One.

Although Ancient One knew that he had bad intentions, Ancient One wanted to know whether the future of the Time Stone could be changed.

So he accepted Baron Mordo and wanted to see if he could change him through himself.

That is, he wanted to change the history of the Time Stone at the same time.

But obviously he couldn't.

Mordo betrayed Ancient One behind him.

And stabbed Ancient One in the back.

And her last apprentice was the future Dr. Steve Strange.

That is, Doctor Strange.

So looking back over the years, the only one who can make Ancient One happy is the future Doctor Strange.

So after she saw the unprecedented cohesion of the angel civilization, she was shocked and sad.

It's not that Ancient One hadn't thought about whether he could take an angel as his apprentice.

But obviously not.

In the eyes of angels, nothing is more important than being loyal to their king.


Gu Yi didn't want to give up in vain.

If she couldn't accept disciples, then she would give them magic!

She couldn't bear to see the angels have such a powerful talent but couldn't use it.

And she trusted the angels enough!

Is this okay?

Of course it is okay!

This is why Gu Yi came this time.

That is to negotiate.

Friendly negotiation!


Hearing Gu Yi's words.

Luo Hua smiled and said:"Then let me correct you, angels don't travel in the universe with wings."

"It's the soul."

When Luo Hua said this, all the angels nodded.

The wings only represent the appearance of the angels.

The soul is the real representative of the angel!

Gu Yi was stunned.

Then she smiled and said,"Yes, I didn't think it through."

She looked at all the angels present again.

Then she looked at Luo Hua and opened her mouth.

Then she asked tentatively,"You..., do you need any magic books?"

As soon as these words came out,

Alan took a step forward and said,"I've already said that we don't value the title of Supreme Sorcerer!"

"No, I think you misunderstood."Gu Yi turned his head and looked at Alan and explained:

"I mean, I can show you Kamar-Taj's magic book for free."

"Even if it is dark magic, I can show it to you."


Luo Hua was a little puzzled as to why Gu Yi did this.

Just because angels would not do bad things?

If it was just because angels have noble souls, why would she show all the dark magic to angels?

This is impossible.

Gu Yi is not a fool.

This is a magic book that her apprentices cannot casually read.

It is impossible for her to selflessly contribute her treasured books to a civilization.

"Just tell me what you want."

Luo Hua said directly.

If the value of the benefits is equal, then Luo Hua is willing to exchange.

Gu Yi looked into Luo Hua's eyes.

"Rather than saying what I get or what I exchange, it’s better to say that this is a way of entrusting someone in a roundabout way."


Gu Yi explained directly without hiding anything:

"In this world, invasions from other races in the universe are only one aspect."

"There is Dormammu in the dark dimension on Earth, staring at us covetously."

"My life span is limited, my abilities are limited, Steve may not be able to resist it."

"So when you master magic, with the nature of your soul"

"Then he will naturally become the opposite of Dormammu"

"By then......"

There is no need for Ancient One to say more by then.

Because by then the angels will naturally target Dormammu together. In this case, the earth will not only belong to the jurisdiction of the angels.

In addition, after mastering magic, Dormammu will invade the earth.

So everyone is on the same front.

The possibility of defending the earth will be greatly increased.

And Ancient One only needs to pay the magic book.

In her mind, this is a stable and absolutely safe decision.

Anyway, the angels will not do bad things.

Ancient One also trusts the angels enough.

That's enough

"In other words, you want to use the magic book to unite us and fight against Dormammu together.

Luo Hua summed it up. That's what he meant.

"Yes."Gu Yi nodded.


Luo Hua crossed his legs and leaned on the right side of the throne.

He supported his body with his right hand and tapped the armrest with his left hand, pretending to be considering it.


Luo Hua was pretending to consider it.

He not only wanted to show that the angel disdained the book, but also wanted to show that he was reluctant to accept it.

After a while, the rhythmic tapping of Luo Hua's four fingers on the armrest echoed in the palace.

This tapping sound seemed to be tapping on your heart every time.

It was as if your life was in the hands of the owner of this tapping sound.

After a while,

Luo Hua suddenly smiled.

"Ms. Ancient One, do you know how long an angel's lifespan is?"

Ancient One's eyes lit up.

Regardless of how long the lifespan is,

Luo Hua laughed, which means he accepted it!

So Ancient One also smiled and guessed:"Thousands of years?"

Thousands of years is already a high evaluation.

Asgard has undergone countless years of changes to have a long lifespan of thousands of years, and this is not for everyone.

In this universe, a lifespan of thousands of years is already the top batch.

But Luo Hua shook his head and said:"That's just a newly born angel."

Then Luo Hua didn't continue.

But He Xi took a step forward to explain to Ancient One:

"The minimum lifespan of an angel is several thousand years."

"Although the life span of an angel does not increase much, it still reaches 10,000 years."

"From the second generation onwards, the angels’ longevity noodles are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years old."

"The third generation has an upper age limit of six figures."

"After three generations....."

He Xi said this and looked at���Gu Yi, whose eyes had widened, finally added:

"Theoretically, it is infinite."


After three generations, if a divine body is developed, the angel will not die due to lifespan as long as there is energy in the body.

Even if the body is gone, the atoms in the body can still absorb enough energy to revive.

But this requires certain technology, but it is not difficult.

After He Xi finished explaining,

Luo Hua looked at the shocked Gu Yi again and said:

"This is the potential of angels. If we have a pleasant negotiation in the future"

"Then when your life is about to end, the angels may be able to easily let you live for ten thousand years"

"But that requires you to be worthy of being saved by an angel"

"And now you have only lived for 500 years."


Gu Yi had heard it all.

She immediately asked,"What standard?"

"The standard of the soul.

This time, Kesha continued from the side.

"What is worth saving and what is not worth saving depends entirely on the will of the Angel King."

"The soul is an unchangeable fact of a living being."

"But we have the right to judge."

In the final analysis, it depends on whether the angels are willing to save you.

Otherwise, even if your soul meets the standards,

Luo Hua will not save you if he says so.

Gu Yi nodded after understanding.

Next, the matter has been said.

Gu Yi took a deep breath. This visit really broadened her horizons.

She originally thought that angels were just a high-potential civilization.

But now it seems that perhaps they will be the top civilization in the universe in the future.

So this trip of books is worth it.

Fortunately, their angel king accepted it.

Gu Yi opened her eyes and looked at Kaisha, He Xi and Liang Bing.

She knew that these three should be the most talented angels under Luo Hua.

So Gu Yi asked:"Next, which angels will the Angel King send to Kamar-Taj to learn magic?"

According to Gu Yi's idea, send the most talented angels to learn for a few days.

Then, after learning, burn a book and come back to teach other angels.

This is like an exchange student, but Gu Yi has no students.


Luo Hua nodded casually, then looked at Keira and Alan and nodded.

Keira and Alan nodded in understanding.

Then they took a step forward together, looked at Gu Yi and said softly:

"My name is Alan, her name is Keira, this time we will go to Kamar-Taj with you."

Gu Yi was stunned.

But after thinking about it, he realized that the talents of the two angels were not bad.

He nodded, stood up and looked at Luo Hua and said:

"This conversation with the Angel King was very fruitful. I will take them to learn magic as soon as possible."

"It takes more than half a year to learn, otherwise it may take 2-3 years."

After this,

Kaisha, Hexi, Liangbing, Kaila, and Alan looked at each other.

Then they all couldn't help laughing.

Looking at the beautiful angels who smiled with their red lips covered lightly,

Gu Yi opened and closed his eyes for a while, not knowing why he was laughing.

The more serious Kaila recovered first.

Then she walked in front of Gu Yi.

【Open the Eye of Insight]

3 seconds later

【Close the Eye of Insight]

Then Kayla opened her red lips and said:"Ancient One, born on June 5, 1566 at 12:11:43"

"You first encountered Dormammu during the Great Fire of London in 1666"


After talking about a few things,

Keira finished and smiled at Gu Yi:"Do you need to explain more?"

Gu Yi opened his eyes and mouth.

Then he smiled helplessly.

He turned around and walked out of the hall.

Keira and Alan looked at each other and almost couldn't help laughing again.

Then he turned around and saluted Luo Hua.

Then he hurriedly chased Gu Yi.

(Ahem, sorry for the late update today. I went to play LOL with the editor so it was a little late. I will definitely update earlier tomorrow.)

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