On a street in New York, a muscular man wearing a thin shirt stood in the center.

He looked at the busy streets around him with a blank face.

Don't know what's going on?

It's like you woke up and suddenly traveled to the future.

This is something you can't imagine.

At this time, several black SUVs drove up to Captain America.

Fury came down wearing the windbreaker he wears all year round.

He looked at Captain America and said in a kind tone:"Captain America, we salvaged you from the ocean. Welcome back to your senses."

"That was a terrible performance. We wanted you to get used to it first."

Captain America looked around.

"What time is it now?"

"21st century." Fury replied:"You have been asleep for nearly 70 years."

Captain America looked around and then looked up at the sky:"I..., missed a date"......



Alan and Keira had just followed Ancient One out of the portal.


The metal boots hit the ground.

Keira looked back at the golden portal.

"This won't work. There isn't even the most basic identity verification. What if the enemy forcibly snatches the teleportation together?"

Gu Yi thought about it and there was really no way.

Unless he closed the portal in advance, or found a way to get rid of the people and leave by himself.

But in any case, this is an imperfect technology.


Gu Yi took Alan and Keira to the library.

Along the way, there were still many students of Kamar-Taj who looked at the two angels in surprise.

Aren't the angels in New York!?

Why did they come to Kamar-Taj!?

They came to the cabinet.

There was no one here.

Gu Yi turned around and looked at the two women who had already put on the silver and gold silk masks and asked:"Why do you wear masks when you come out?"

"Because unnecessary troubles are not enough for them."

Keira explained directly:"Unless we meet someone of sufficient size, we will take off the mask."

This time.

Ancient One did not ask how big a person is to meet.

Because this is probably in addition to looking at the mood of the angel.

There must be various standards in this aspect.

If a creature does not have much power but is admirable enough, is it worth it for the angel to take off the mask?

It is worth it.

But if a person has enough power, such as Thanos, is there any need to say it?

The angel will never take off the mask in front of Thanos.

Although his actions are quite determined.

But he is not worthy.


Ancient One took Keira and Alan into the library.

Here are collected all the magic books that Kamar-Taj can have or are ready-made.

It can be said that if you can learn it thoroughly here.

Then you have almost learned all the magic on earth.

Except for those private magics that are not engraved in books.

"All the value of Kamar-Taj is here, you can look at it at will."

As he said that,

Ancient One walked forward and unlocked all the locked books.

So next,

Alan and Keira looked at each other.

They stretched out their hands.

A system of energy projection appeared in front of them.

At the same time.

Keira: Open [Eye of Insight]

Alan: Open [Eye of Insight]

In an instant,

Ancient One stood beside the two of them.

Then she was shocked to see that the magic books in the entire library poured out continuous data into Keira and Alan's system.

And Alan and Keira stood there.

A layer of white barrier appeared in their eyes.

The data in the sky rolled out like a tsunami.

At this time, the whole The interior of the library is like a palace of golden data.

They seem to be showing themselves vividly with their lives.

Ancient One stood there, staring blankly.

If every apprentice of Kamar-Taj has this ability, then such a long spell would not be difficult at all when using magic. Before they use magic, they not only have to memorize it, but also understand it, and have the talent to communicate and use it.

But when it comes to the angels, it is such a simple thing?

After a while,

Alan and Keira closed the Eye of Insight at the same time and put away the energy system.

Ancient One looked at the orange energy panel that just floated in the air and asked:

"Is this magic?"

"No, this is technology." Alan turned and looked at Gu Yi and said,"Sometimes, the difference between science and magic is not that big."

"Perhaps the end of science is theology, and the end of magic is cosmology."

"We are not research angels in an angelic civilization."

"We are mainly responsible for the mission of traveling and representing the king."

After that,

Keira asked,"Anything else? Ms. Gu Yi"

"If not, we need to go back and report this incident."

Gu Yi shook his head, indicating that there was no more.

Seeing this, Alan and Keira nodded.

Then they took a step back under Gu Yi's puzzled eyes.


Alan slowly closed her eyes.

She pinched a hand seal with her left hand.

Then her right hand began to draw circles.

Gu Yi's eyes widened in an instant.

You only learned for a few seconds! You plan to open a portal!?

If you really open it!

My title of Supreme Sorcerer......


At this time.

Golden sparks began to flash in the space in front of Alan's right hand drawing a circle.

Gu Yi's eyes flashed with disbelief.

But then the golden sparks never started to draw a circle.

Gu Yi exhaled deeply for a moment.

If she learned this in an instant.

Where would her title of Supreme Mage be placed.

But it's not bad.

She can express golden energy right after learning magic.

This is already a gift among gifts.

It's already very powerful.

But then!

Alan frowned with her eyes closed.

She suddenly began to output a large amount of her spiritual energy and biological energy!


The golden sparks that could not draw a circle were actually pushed up!

From jerky to ordinary.

From ordinary to smooth.

After a while.

The golden sparks turned several circles in the air.

And the portal was officially opened!

Gu Yi...., opened her mouth in surprise.

She didn't know what to say anymore.

Now even if she went out and said.

There is a creature that can cast a portal in seconds after learning magic!

Who would believe it! ?

Even if it was said by the Supreme Sorcerer Gu Yi.

People outside would be skeptical.

Because it's too unbelievable.

What do you think magic is!?


You can learn it in seconds just like that?

What a joke!

But that's the fact.

After casting the portal.

Alan and Keira waved to Gu Yi:"You can come to the Sky City as a guest when you are free, but you still need to report in advance."

After that, they walked into the portal one after another.

And the other end of the portal is obviously the Sky City.

In the end.

As the portal closed.

Gu Yi opened her eyes and wanted to say something the most, but didn't know what to say.

She turned around and looked at the library that seemed to have never been moved.

If she hadn't seen the unlocked book.

She even wondered if she was fantasizing?


Gu Yi thought of what he remembered correctly.

Didn't Alan and Keira say that they were at least combat angels?

Not research angels


The scene turns back to Alan. After two sounds of metal boots hitting the ground, Alan and Keira walked towards the palace step by step.


Walking on the road,

Alan yawned with a bit of mental fatigue.

Kayla turned her head and saw:"Alan, did you use too much energy to cast the portal just now?"

Alan nodded.

"The first time I used it, I was a little awkward. I used my energy and faith to force my way through time and space."

"But if I use it a second time, I can release this energy a second time."

"Forget it then." Kayla waved her hand quickly.

"If you fall asleep in the palace, the king might punish me."

Alan's eyes widened when she heard this.

She immediately looked at Kayla and said angrily,"Okay, Kayla."

"I worked so hard to show my strength for the king and civilization"

"You are actually wondering if you will be punished by the king!"

"See if I can tickle you!"

Suddenly, on the road leading to the palace, two angels were chasing and playing.

It was not until Keira was chased to the palace that she took a breath and said:

""Okay, okay, Alan, I was wrong, I was wrong, stop scratching, we are going to go in and see the king."

Alan stopped making trouble immediately after hearing what Kayla said.

They stood there and straightened their clothes.

Then they looked at each other to see if their hair was messy.

But the next moment, a voice sounded in their minds.

{Come to my courtyard, I am not in the palace}

{Yes! }x2After the two girls finished listening to the reply,

Alan���think of

"Did the king know about our fight just now? Will the king think I'm childish?"

Kayla couldn't help laughing when she saw Alan's current state.

"Alan, you were so impressive outside just now, but now you are like a little girl.

Alan was teased by Kayla and patted her shoulder.

"Don't you act like a little girl in front of the king? I think you are honest too."

Kayla smiled while covering her lips

"But I admit it, and you still don't."

Alan was about to tickle Kayla when he heard it.

Kayla saw it and said quickly:"Okay, okay, it's almost time, let's go see the king quickly."

After Kayla's reminder,

Alan let her go and walked with her to Luo Hua's courtyard.

After entering the courtyard

, Luo Hua asked them to sit down.

Alan and Kayla immediately transferred the collected data to Luo Hua's host at the same time.

After receiving it,

Luo Hua packed these magic books and then established a magic option entrance in the system.

In this way, all angels can watch magic.

However, this is just the most basic.

Then Luo Hua secretly communicated with other angels.

"He Xi, Kaisha, Liang Bing, come here, I will assign the research directions of magic and technology."

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