I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 91 "What Kind Of 'Giant' Is This Refining?"

Chapter 91 "What kind of 'giant' is this refining?"

above the mountains,

The settlement of the ancient Dragon Kingdom,

The loud and crisp bone flute sounded again.


This is the privilege of the lord of a country,

Every time it sounds.....it represents the emperor's announcement of a major event.

Zhou Shuyi understands the habits of her "Big Brother Pangu",

Calling the members of the Yuanmou tribe again, it is estimated that there will be another big event that will shake the world and weep ghosts and gods!

Mountains, dense forests, caves, bushes... Yuanmou people are everywhere.

They came together from all directions, black and dense,

Walking through the grass, climbing the mountains,

Standing in front of the "Royal Palace".

Listen to the call of the bone flute, and come to see their king.

Riding a saber-toothed tiger, Li Changbai drove Sister Zhou to the high platform of the garden villa,

Sitting on the back of a giant tiger, looking down at the world,

"Hoo hoo!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout, and the king's arrogance was fully displayed at this moment.

When those Yuanmou people saw their "King" appearing, they all prostrated themselves on the ground in a humble and respectful posture,

Courtesy of courtiers, to meet the monarch.

Zhou Shuyi stepped down from the back of the tiger, held up the selfie stick, and pointed the camera at the majestic and mighty figure riding the tiger, and said with emotion:

"Brothers, Brother Pangu's post is really cool!"


The water friends in the live broadcast room made fun of the anchor Zhou, teasing:

"Anchor, the ancestor is still single, you should hurry up!"

"Marry him, and you will be the mother of a country, the emperor's queen!"

"Zhou Shuyi, wipe off your saliva, you've become a nympho again."

Zhou Shuyi was rarely angry this time, but she didn't bother to refute these water friends who made fun of her,

Just holding up the phone and laughing foolishly.

"Damn it, brothers, seeing the host like this, shouldn't be..."

"It's over, it's over, modern people fall in love with primitive people? What kind of bloody drama is this?"

"Modern man and primitive man . . . they cannot be together, reproductive isolation exists between them, unless  

"Unless what?"

A water friend asked curiously.

"Unless the ancestors of Yuanmou people complete their evolution and become Homo sapiens whose genes are closest to our modern humans!"

In the live broadcast room, Shuiyou, an expert in human genetics, said loudly.


The various performances of the Yuanmou people's ancestors in the live broadcast room prove that the monarch who suggested the ancient dragon kingdom is evolving towards modern people.


How long will this evolution take? How many years?

no one knows.

"Maybe at that time... Sister Zhou has come back, maybe.

"Brothers, stop chatting and see what the ancestor of the Yuanmou people will do next!"

"Hoo hoo!"

Li Changbai sits on the back of a tiger, just like the bronze ware made before,

Pointing at the Yuanmou clansmen under the high platform, he began to "order troops and generals"

One is divided into three, and the west side remains unchanged.


Clay and ore need to be transported from the mountain again,

Three days ago, making bronze swords and bronze knives and bronze axes consumed a lot, and needed to add a little copper ore.

Some tribesmen moved back the ore from the bottom of the mountain,

The other part went to carry the wood, which had been split with a bronze axe, stacked into a pile, and directly used for burning.

Next, clay should also be added a little.

A large amount of pottery clay is needed to make the bronze cooking vessel "Ding". Li Changbai asked some of the tribe to dig the soil by the pool, where the soil is of good quality and relatively sticky.

"Moulding" does not necessarily have to use clay, as long as the ordinary clay has the right consistency, it can actually be done.

"Hoo hoo!"

After arranging all this, Li Changbai led the people to dig a pit,

Rework the furnace.

"Why did the old ancestor dismantle the original stove? Didn't he plan to refine the bronze ware again?"

In the live broadcast room, seeing Li Changbai dug up the finished stove, the water friends asked strangely.

"Academician Su, what is the ancestor doing?"

The water friends were puzzled, so they had to ask Sister Zhou to connect with professional scholars.

Su Bingqi glanced at Li Changbai on the big screen, hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"I speculate...the ancestors of the Yuanmou people thought the stove was too small and planned to build another larger stove.

Academician Su from Qingbei University's Department of Archeology guessed.

"What?! The stove is too small? Do you want to make a bigger one?"

The water friends were stunned,

What is this casting for?

Need a stove that big?

They looked at Li Changbai who was digging a hole in the live broadcast room, and were dazed for a while.


It was exactly as Academician Su expected,

Li Changbai first enlarged the original stove by four or five times,

Then, put arm-sized clay on the edge of the stove.

After doing all this,

Li Changbai also placed two blowers in the four directions of east, west, north and south.”

Two "blowers" in each orientation, plus the original one,

There are 12 "blowers" in four directions, east, west, north, south, and each "blower" is matched with a Yuanmou tribe.

"What kind of 'giant' is this refining?"

Watching the ancestors of the Yuanmou people arrange so many people and expand the stove, the water friends in the live broadcast room were amazed again and again.

"Look, the ancestors have added charcoal again!"

Suddenly, some water friends in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

I saw that Li Changbai ordered his tribe to bring a large pile of black charcoal from the bottom of the mountain, and piled it on the stove, like a hill.

Of course, these charcoals were fired in advance by Li Changbai. He even passed on the firing method to the chiefs of the various tribes, and told them that the "benefits" of these charcoals are not only heating and firing, but also black charcoal powder. Clean your teeth.....

"Everything is ready!"

Li Changbai built the stove and prepared the charcoal thoroughly.

"Now we're waiting for them to move the copper ore."

Li Changbai looked down the mountain, and there were people from the Yuanmou clan rushing back up the mountain with stones in their arms.

"Hoo Hoo!"

Wait until the copper ore is almost moved.

Li Changbai started "Fire Method Copper",

The amount of "copper juice" that needs to be used this time is very large,

Because the consumption of copper ore and tin ore will be more,

After all Li Changbai this time,

To be a "giant"!

[ps: Counting the first two more than 4,000 words, the sum of them has been updated, and there should be two small chapters in the back. The author is rationalizing his ideas and is working hard to write... Thank you for your support, please subscription】.

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