I am your natural enemy

Chapter 519 Extra Tips, One Month's Money (6k)

Wen Yan was shocked. Two professions?

And one profession was used to cover up the other profession?

If he hadn't obtained the identity of the dark xx that he hadn't seen any great use for before, and the bracelet on his hand had not responded, his hints would not have allowed him to see through the profession of "bone demon". There was actually something else hidden.


"Throughout the ages, everyone has enough sympathy, tolerance, and compassion for victims...

When a professional takes this as his identity.

He will maximize all his advantages.

Anything he does will bring out all the advantages of his current profession.

When he does positive things, he will magnify all his advantages.

When he does negative things, as long as he is not caught on the spot, he will still bring out all his advantages.

This profession is the most suitable disguise profession in the current version."

"Almost all his information is under supervision and is very transparent.

But just like you, everyone has a little bit of unknown core secrets.

Sometimes, hiding such secrets is because it brings great danger.

Your identity is dark xx, and you can guess what kind of darkness is visible in the invisible darkness.

And, are you sure what you see now is true?

How do you know that this is not a disguise? How do you know who he is?"

"Temporary ability: none."

Wen Yan looked at the prompts and pondered these words. What does it mean?

It means that when a disguise profession is seen through, it is also possible that this disguise profession itself contains disguise?

So this profession is the most suitable disguise profession at the moment?

Wen Yan guessed that it was because of insufficient information, and the hint could not be determined.

After all, according to his understanding, the reason for the hint this time was because of something else.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wen Yan saw that after the temporary ability appeared, there was something behind it. In the past, this time was the end.

"Extra hint.

From the identity dark xx: I saw you in the darkness that cannot be seen.

From the core of the Taotie myth: You look familiar, have I eaten you?"

Seeing these two extra hints, he did not understand the first sentence at first glance, but the latter sentence immediately reminded him of Boss Tao.

Boss Tao opened a store, and the starting point of the name of the two-legged sheep was this dog thing.

Think about the record of the bone monster in the Lieyang tribe. There are a lot of traces of various creatures of different sizes on the bones of this guy. There are so many traces that the traces behind have even covered many layers of the traces in front.

And the femur of that guy should have been forcibly bitten off by some kind of beast.

That is indeed possible. The death of the predecessor of this bone monster is related to Boss Tao.

Unfortunately, this matter cannot be verified at present. Boss Tao has been on the Dragon Slashing Platform and died cleanly. The core of the myth has been stripped away.

However, the five incarnations of Taotie in the past are not all gone. There is a bamboo forest monster among them. When Wen Yan killed it, he had completely cut it off from Taotie, and the consciousness that belonged to the bamboo forest monster was cut out.

The great cultivator who cultivated the realm but not the power was possessed by the empty shell of the white bone Taoist soldier and was sent to Fuyu Mountain by Wen Yan for cultivation.

The other party did not want to be related to the past, so Wen Yan arranged a new identity for him. Of course, this new identity was in Fuyu Mountain.

Wen Yan hesitated whether to disturb this person's cultivation.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan temporarily suppressed this idea. He was afraid that he didn't know these things at all, and it was useless to ask.

Maybe this person only knows something about the power, characteristics, and habits of the former gluttons.

Let's take a look first, and go back to bother him if necessary.

Let's deal with the bone monster first. This bone monster is also miserable...

Thinking of this, Wen Yan immediately closed his eyes and adjusted his thoughts.

He had to remember why he came to find the bone monster, and he must not be affected by the bone monster.

So, he couldn't delay and couldn't investigate slowly.

Investigating cases was not his specialty. He was suitable for simple and rough soul summoning and directly asking the victim.

Wen Yan reached out his hand, touched the big grass carp, and blessed the big grass carp with yang energy.

"Please help me get a small boat over there. I saw a person. I want to talk to him and treat you to food later."

The big grass carp readily agreed. It was too easy to find a small boat by the river.

Wen Yan stood up, took out his phone, checked the number of the bone monster, and called the other party directly.

The bone demon looked at the incoming call and felt a jolt in his heart.

But when he looked up, he saw Wen Yan by the river, holding the phone in one hand and greeting him with the other.

The bone demon picked up the phone and heard Wen Yan's voice.

"Are you free? Come over and chat?"


The bone demon didn't know what to say for a moment. He wanted to pretend that he didn't know who it was? Asking who you are?

That was too fake.

He was really a little scared to answer directly.

In other places, he could still keep his composure, but by the river in Decheng, where Wen Yan killed five big demons, he wanted to be calm and steady, which was impossible.

Even the water demons who used to ignore the land people didn't dare to speak loudly here.

The land and the river here are all their home ground.

Just when he was hesitating, he knew that he had made a choice in those few seconds of pause.

These few seconds meant that he knew Wen Yan and recognized that it was Wen Yan.

"Okay, but I'm still at work, so I may not have much time."

"It doesn't matter. I'll ask someone to help watch the boat, and I'll ask someone to take you to the boat later. If you need anything, I can tell your boss."

Wen Yan had said this, and the bone demon couldn't refuse.

He was a demon, passing by Decheng, and was invited by Decheng Wen Yan to the riverside to chat for a few words. If he didn't give face, it would be too abnormal.

At least Hei Zai would never give face like this.

When the bone demon was thinking, he saw a small boat floating alone next to the cargo ship. The bone demon grabbed the edge of the boat with one hand, and after falling, it landed in the small boat, which was stable.

The big grass carp held the towing rope, dragged the small boat, and swam to the riverside.

The bone demon stood on the small boat and bowed to the big grass carp.

"Thank you, Brother Yao."

The big grass carp surfaced, staring with a pair of wise eyes.

"Don't thank me, I'm just following the orders of the adults."

The big grass carp left a word and sank back into the water and disappeared.

On weekdays, Wen Yan looked for the old turtle more often, and rarely looked for the big grass carp.

It was really difficult for the big grass carp to accumulate merits in this area. Last time, it got the news that someone was going to jump into the river. It rushed over at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, waiting for the other party to jump into the river, and then it knocked him out and carried him to the shore.

Who would have thought that a guy in yellow clothes suddenly rushed out from the bridge and pulled the person who was about to jump into the river back.

This merit is too difficult to accumulate. Not only do you have to compete with the Lieyang tribe, the local law enforcers, and the fishermen, but now there are more ordinary people to compete.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Not having any accident is the most important thing. If something happened, according to the old turtle, it would have to line up at the end of the queue.

So the big grass carp hangs around here every day. On the one hand, it is doing routine inspections here, and on the other hand, it is because the food here is good. The fact that it can grow so big already explains the reason.

Of course, the most important thing is that it wants to hang around in front of Wen Yan. This is what Jiang Yanyan, the water god downstream, said last time.

Jiang Yanyan said it with envy, saying that the big grass carp is lucky. It is near Decheng and can often see Wen Yan, and no one dares to come and grab this territory.

It is rare that Wen Yan has something to do with it, so the big grass carp is of course happy.

Wen Yan was chatting over there, and the big grass carp was guarding in the river.

Wen Yan looked at the bone monster up close. His skin was dark, his eyes were clear, and his whole spirit was very good. He was capable and energetic. At first glance, he was the kind of young man who was full of longing for the future, but also willing to work hard.

At least the first impression gave people a good feeling.

Wen Yan also couldn't see any evil spirit in him, nor could he feel any blood.

With just this one look, Wen Yan could be sure that it would be absolutely no difficulty for him to pass the review of the Lieyang Department.

"It seems that you know me."

"Of course I recognize you, the famous Wen Yan from Decheng. I dare not say about other places, but at least in Nanwu County, especially the aliens fighting near Decheng, no one does not recognize you."

"It seems that you pay attention to me."

Wen Yan smiled. He had no contact with him, but he was still so familiar with him, which only showed that this guy paid special attention to him.

Ever since the Rain Master fought to the death and erased some information about Wen Yan, some people who had little contact with Wen Yan but only heard of Wen Yan, even in the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou, did not remember the word "Wen Yan" at all.

A demon, but he could still recognize him at a glance, which must be very concerned about him.

Even in that mysterious forum, there is no photo of Wen Yan.

How did this guy know him? Where did he see his photo? How could he recognize him at a distance, but still recognize him at a glance?

There are so many problems here.

It's just that these people still remember Wen Yan, naturally they were not affected by the power of the Rain Master at that time, and they themselves would not notice that there was anything wrong with this.

But Wen Yan could instantly detect the problem.

Wen Yan didn't point it out, he took out his phone and pulled up Sun Fuan's photo.

"Don't be nervous, I just have something to ask you. Do you know or have seen this person?"

Bone Demon looked at the photo and his mind suddenly stagnated.

Of course he had seen him.

Even now, there are still some fragments of the other party's memory in his mind.

He remembered that the other party was called Sun Fuan, with advanced liver cancer, which had spread, and two lovely daughters.

He remembered that Sun Fuan's health was not very good, and he was unwilling to carry a gas tank, but he could still carry his daughter weighing more than 30 kilograms all the way.

He also remembered that Sun Fuan cared about treating his daughters equally. Every time he bought things for his two daughters, they were exactly the same. If he bought two clothes, he would return them without hesitation because one of them had an obvious thread.

Sun Fuan didn't want to have surgery, which was meaningless, and he didn't want to waste money. He was worried about what would happen to his two daughters after his death.

So, he didn't know where he found the channel and sold himself.

Before selling, in order to make it more reasonable, he also made some tricks. In order to make money abroad, he quarreled with his family and divorced. Before leaving, he took advantage of small loan companies and borrowed money from relatives and friends.

In the end, he left, staged a classic plot, and disappeared completely. Everything seemed reasonable.

The memory fragments that the bone demon still remembered in his mind were because he had obtained the other party's brain, and he only needed this.

He needs this to maintain consciousness and rationality, but the side effect is that he will inherit some memory fragments and may also inherit some obsessions.

I just don’t know why Wen Yan came to him with Sun Fuan’s photo this time.

Something must have happened here, otherwise, there is no reason to find him here.

The bone monster was shocked by the photo. He pretended to look at the photo carefully for several seconds, nodded, and shook his head.

"It looks familiar. I should have seen it before, but I can't remember where I have seen it."

Wen Yan heard this answer that seemed to be not directly saying that he didn't know him, but was still trying to distance himself from the relationship. Instead, he became more and more certain in his heart that this bone monster must be related to Sun Fuan's matter.

"I have seen his ghost, so there must be a reason for looking for you.

His ghost has lost its brain, wisdom and consciousness, but it still recognizes two things, money and you.

I want to know why.

You and him must have met more than just a simple possibility.

After he left, he used a third party to send money to his family once, and then disappeared completely.

There is no record of him leaving the country, and his family reported him to the police, and he was considered missing..."

Wen Yan did not finish his words. The bone monster, who had always been normal, somewhat vigilant, and a little fearful, suddenly changed its aura, but it was only a moment, and then it returned to normal.

Wen Yan felt his heart fire, and he felt that at that moment, the bone monster was furious, and the anger had reached the point where it could not be suppressed.

The furious mood at that moment could even cause the fire in his chest to react.

Even if there was no problem, there was no intersection between the two people, and they had never appeared in the same county.

But at this moment, Wen Yan felt that the problem was getting bigger and bigger. What did he say just now that made this bone demon, who had always been very cautious and had to think twice before talking to him, so angry in an instant?

And why was he so angry?

This was really beyond Wen Yan's expectations.

"Do you remember when I saw him?"

"I remember. I saw him on the river. Maybe ten days ago. I saw him on a boat near the port two days before the end of the year.

At that time, his expression was not right. He was staring at the river in a daze. I thought he was upset, so I said hello."

"That's it?"

"That's it. He didn't say much. He ignored me and went back to the cabin by himself."

"Then do you remember which ship it was?"

"I can't remember the hull number. I just remember that it was a supermarket ship. I don't know which one it was. I didn't go up to see it at that time."

"Okay, thank you for the news. The number I called you just now is my number. If you remember anything, remember to call me. There will be rewards, and I can also accumulate merits for you."

"Okay, okay, I will."

Wen Yan knew that this bone monster seemed to know something, and he also knew that this bone monster was a disguised profession and was hiding something.

Wen Yan was actually not interested in the other party hiding things about himself, and he had no intention of digging into the details, but he wanted to dig into the details about Sun Fuan.

When he saw the disguise profession just now, he wondered if the bone monster was related to Sun Fuan's death.

But when he talked about sending money and leaving the country, the bone monster unexpectedly had an uncontrollable rage. After Wen Yan carefully recalled, he was basically sure that when he said "I will disappear completely after sending money once", he immediately felt the heart fire resonating.

The reason why the heart fire resonated was definitely not because Sun Fuan actually sent money to his family.

Wen Yan was not sure about other things, but he knew his own strength best.

Watching the bone monster take the boat back to the cargo ship, Wen Yan turned and left.

After crossing the levee from the riverside and going down the levee, he immediately took out his mobile phone, applied for permission for the black box, and then sent instructions to the black box.

"Keep an eye on this bone monster. I'll give you the highest authority you can get for this case."

"Sir, as you wish."

"Then, immediately start collecting information about the supermarket ship on the Xijiang River. List all those that may have had contact with the bone monster."

Wen Yan knew that when a person was in such a furious mood, it would be impossible to pretend that nothing had happened.

He had experienced it, and he knew best what it felt like at such a time.

He was very sure that the bone monster now had a very definite goal.

On the other side, the bone monster returned to the ship and completed the routine inspection. The moment he entered the cabin, he could no longer suppress it.

In his eyes, the whites of his eyes were instantly stained with blood. His face was hideous, and he gritted his teeth. The fragments of memory in his mind seemed to be boiling, and his obsession seemed to be burning.

His reason began to falter, and his anger was burning uncontrollably.

He took out his mobile phone and entered a password in a memo app. After reopening it, the content inside turned into a website. He clicked on the website without hesitation and entered a chat room.

"Why did you only give me one month's salary? Fuck, do you need this little money?"

Someone immediately responded below.

Don't Eat Onions, Ginger and Garlic: Uh, what's going on?

Old Black: Just because I only gave you one month's salary, now I'm in big trouble. You stole this little money, did you keep it for yourself? Fuck, where's your credibility? If you try to get a small advantage, you'll suffer a big loss. How many times has the group leader said this...

Bone Demon's eyes were red, and he was furious beyond control.

He @ed it dozens of times in a row, and finally someone responded.

Grocery store: What are you crazy about? That person concealed the situation. Not only is the liver cancer in the late stage, but it has also spread. Except for you, it can't be used anywhere else. It can only be destroyed. Giving one month's salary is already a conscience!

When the bone demon saw this, he covered his head in pain. Everything in his mind seemed to be boiling, boiling to the point of exploding.

His memory, his obsession, Sun Fuan's memory fragments, and his highly similar obsession, and then, there were a large number of memory fragments, constantly popping up with the boiling of consciousness.

His reason was like a lonely boat, drifting in the boiling sea, and soon he would not be able to distinguish the direction.

The bone demon endured the pain and wanted to maintain his sanity, but he couldn't maintain it.

Then his obsession, like a lighthouse in the storm, gave him a direction.

Kill him, kill that guy, must kill him!

It was agreed that it would be 6,700 per month, increasing by 500 every year for fifteen years. Why only one month?

I sold myself just to play a role in the end, you son of a bitch, you even want to cheat for this money?

I want to kill you, kill you, and take back the money that belongs to me.

If you give more, even if you give more for a few months, Decheng Wenyan will not find me.

You also said that you have dealt with it, why would you be summoned if you have dealt with it?

No one can cheat me of my money, that is the money I gave my daughter to go to college.

The bone demon covered his head, his eyes were red, and a trace of black air began to emerge from his body.

Those black airs seemed to be bound by an invisible force and maintained on his body surface.

Then he felt the pain again, he was being cut, he was being gnawed, who was he?

He couldn't remember clearly.

He only remembered now that there was a damn bastard who dared to cheat even the money he sold himself.

The black air on the bone demon gradually converged, and he returned to his original appearance.

The ship was still sailing, but when the bone demon passed a bridge, it jumped up silently and climbed onto the bridge.

As for whether there are cameras on it and whether he will be photographed, he no longer has the energy to care or think about it.

He now has only one thought, immediately, without any delay, to go over and kill the profiteer who stole his money, to kill him completely, to scatter his soul, and never reincarnate.

He knows where that guy is, he knows that guy is on a supermarket ship, and he also knows where the supermarket ship is now.

On the other side, Wen Yan stood on the side of the road, looking at the content sent from the black box on his mobile phone, with a look of shock on his face.

"Sir, according to the authority temporarily approved by the headquarter, I tracked a chat group.

The jump was completed using a very niche memo app as a springboard.

This is some cracked information intercepted by the target.

The remaining members of the chat group are being tracked. In order not to be noticed, it may take some time to narrow the scope."

"Sir, a camera on a bridge captured the target."

"Sir, he seems to be going somewhere, but it is not certain where he is going."

He was really not sure whether the bone monster had any problems before. At least there was no problem with the strength, no blood, and no resentment. You can't convict him just because he has a disguised profession, right?

Before beating him to death, he would never have thought that just because of the sentence "one month's money", the bone monster would break the defense directly.

According to the current information, it was Sun Fuan who sold himself, and his brain was taken by the bone monster, and it should have been eaten.

But the bone monster, who ate other people's brains, was furious because Sun Fuan's family only received one month's money, and he didn't care, and he obviously lost his mind.

How could he have thought of this situation before?

At this time, the black box issued a reminder.

"Sir, please allow me to remind you that based on the current video, there is a high probability that the target is targeting a specific target."

Wen Yan pondered for a moment and said.

"Please connect Feng Yao to me... No, connect the director to me, Feng Yao can't make the decision."

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