I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1034: In danger again

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In the beginning, they scored one hundred and eighty-two points. How long has it been since then, they have increased by nearly a hundred points. Now their scores have always been among the best. Even more, their strength is not very strong, and many people are coveting them. It can be said that they are just like the roast duck on the table. Everyone wants to take a bite when they see it.

"Yes, now our red blood cells can be said to be the thorn in the eyes of these guys." Miao Lang nodded and said solemnly: "Even if we are not sinners, these people will not easily let go of our points. Our strength is a bit weak in the eyes of these people."


Everyone nodded slightly. Obviously, they were also quite afraid of the enemies behind. These talents are a real trouble. Now they have encountered a team. After this, what kind of team will they encounter.

"Let's go through this snowy area first." Yu Sheng thought for a while and said, "This place is too dangerous to hide. Let's leave here and talk about other things."

Yu Sheng's words made Chen Shanming and others nodded slightly and said: "That's right, let's leave here first."

At this time, the group of people walked towards the front one after another. Soon, they came to a mountainside. This mountainside was too steep and seemed dangerous. Here, there will be lives in danger at any time.

Yu Sheng looked around for a week and glanced at the surroundings. This made Yu Sheng's complexion a little more dignified. This place is not a good place.


But in the next moment, yellow smoke suddenly appeared on the top of Miao Lang's head, and the sudden situation caused the expressions of all the people present to change drastically.

"No, there are snipers."

When the voice fell, Yu Sheng and the others were looking for shelter. At this time, Miao Lang was just staying. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would be eliminated.

This shocked Miao Lang on the spot.

"There are enemies here."

Chen Shanming, He Chenguang and others all stared at the surroundings with solemn expressions, their expressions a little ugly, they never expected that there were some enemies hidden here, and even more, they did not notice the existence of these enemies. These enemies are very terrifying.

Thinking of this, this makes their complexion extremely difficult to look.

For the rest of his life, his pupils suddenly shrank, revealing a little amazement.


The rest of his life was full of shock.

When the enemy fired, he didn't even notice the enemy's existence. How could this be possible? You know, he has radar warning. As long as the enemy fires a gun, he will be aware of it, and his whole body will be erected, and he will be aware that he is in danger, and therefore he will avoid some danger.

But what I never expected was that there was an enemy hidden here, and he didn't even notice it. The opponent is likely to be a very terrifying master.

Yu Sheng's complexion became extremely fierce, and he said in a low voice: "Be careful, the enemy is very powerful, we are not their opponents."

For the rest of his life, he was also taken aback by these people. He stared at the surroundings solemnly, not daring to be careless. The other party was indeed a terrifying opponent, and so far, he didn’t know how many people there were. If a person's combat effectiveness is similar to this person, then they might be wiped out.

At this moment, hidden in the dark, there are several enemies. One of the enemies is lying in a snowy area. There are two rocks beside this person. This sniper spot is very impressive. Concealed, it is not easy to be discovered.

One of them had a smile on his face. He smiled and looked at the rest of the group of people in front of him. He chuckled softly: "Unexpectedly, you can meet people with red blood cells here. At this moment, the red blood cells are very popular. I heard that they have a lot of points, the sheep is fat, it's time to kill."

The speaker was a foreigner. This person was from Old Han. There was a bit of coldness and chill on their faces. The people who killed them for the rest of their lives would naturally not let them go so easily for the rest of their lives. The purpose of waiting here is to hunt some fat sheep that have been raised half-cooked.

I happened to meet them for the rest of my life.

"Park Min, let's just rush over and let our people kill them? Why hide here and put a cold gun?" The speaker was Liu Minjun, who was also a special soldier with rich combat experience.


When Park Min heard this, his face sank, and he said coldly: "These guys are a very hateful group of guys. Since they dare to kill our old Han people, then I will let these guys know about us. It’s terrible. If they were eliminated in this way, it would be too cheap for them."

Hearing Park Min’s words, Liu Minjun suddenly realized and understood what Park Min’s words meant. Obviously, Park Min wanted to teach Yu Sheng to give them a meal, or to say that he wanted to be on them for the rest of his life. Find the place.

But he didn't speak either, because he knew that Park Min was already suffocating in his stomach at the moment.

At this time Liu Minjun asked: "Should we go around now?"

"No." Park Min said coldly: "As long as they appear, I will shoot them."

Park Min’s words made Liu Minjun stop talking. Liu Minjun almost understood what Park Min meant at this moment. Obviously, Park Min wanted to use this method to teach these Chinese special forces.

So as to achieve the purpose of deterrence.

At this time, Yu Sheng was carefully watching the surroundings, but after watching for a long time, he still could not find the location of the other party, which made Yu Sheng also anxious for a while.

"No, you have to find the opponent's location."

Thinking of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng hesitated for a moment, and then moved quickly. The rest of the people watching the series of actions for the rest of his life were a bit inexplicable.

For a while, I didn't understand what was going on for the rest of my life.

Under everyone's gaze, Yu Sheng used his clothes to quickly assemble a dummy. After Chen Shanming and the others saw the scene in front of them, Chen Shanming and the others stared.



He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and the others also blurted out when they saw this situation, watching the scene with shocked faces, and for a while, they were stunned by Yu Sheng's methods.

"This this……"

Li Erniu looked at the things on Yu Sheng's side. After a long time, he took a breath and gave Yu Sheng a shocked look.

"This is fake..." Song Kaifei continued.

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