I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1035: Not an opponent

Under countless gazes, they saw one after another. For the rest of their lives, there was an extra dummy, and that dummy is fine. It looks like a **** real person. If you don’t watch it up close, it’s easy. Admit mistakes.

Everyone saw this scene, all with indescribable vibrations.

"This guy……"

For a while, everyone didn't know what to say. In this case, Yu Sheng used his clothes to create such a dummy, what exactly did this guy want to do.

When I thought of this, Yu Sheng began to simulate human movements and exposed the dummy to the outside. Of course, the exposure was very small, because if the exposure was too large, it would be easy to be noticed by people and cause the enemy. The best way to be vigilant is to expose a little bit, so that the enemy will inevitably be fooled.

The most important thing lies in Yu Sheng's counterfeiting technology. Chen Shanming and the others are stunned to see this counterfeiting technology.


With the appearance of the dummy for the rest of his life, suddenly, a gunshot sounded, and with the sound of the gun, the dummy for the rest of his life was shot.

"found it."

Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he suddenly looked in one direction. On that side, Yu Sheng found two stones, and the shot came from the middle of the stone.

In other words, the enemy is likely to be behind this stone.

Yu Sheng stared at this side with a pair of eyes, while the two people behind the stone frowned.

"Not even eliminated?"

Park Min frowned and glanced towards Yu Sheng. If he was hit, he would inevitably emit yellow smoke. This also showed that he was eliminated, but obviously there was no smoke, that is to say, he was not eliminated.

This makes Park Min wonder, what is going on? Why haven't they been eliminated?

"This... Did the other party destroy the sensing device?" Liu Minjun asked.

"No." Park Min shook his head and said, "It may be that the sensing device was not activated, or that this person is not a real person at all, just a piece of clothing."


Liu Minjun was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in a little astonishment: "What's the matter with this dress?"

"To get us to shoot, now that kid has noticed our side." Park Min said flatly.

As soon as he said this, Liu Minjun's expression became a little dignified, and he glanced at Yu Sheng.

"I tempted him."

Thinking of this, Park Min carefully exposed the muzzle. For the rest of his life, he also obviously saw the muzzle, and Yu Sheng sneered coldly.

"found it."

Yu Sheng said: "They have someone behind the two rocks. I think, I'm afraid there are other people beside them. We should all be careful."


He Chenguang and others all responded, "What are we going to do next?"

"I'll try these guys."

After thinking about it for the rest of his life, he said.

However, this time Yu Sheng did not impulsive, he jumped out directly, he knew that the opponent is a master, or a very terrifying master, so he must deal with it cautiously.

Yu Sheng carefully exposed the muzzle, and the moment when Yu Sheng exposed the muzzle, a gunshot resounded.

"not good……"

When Yu Sheng noticed this shot, his pupils suddenly shrank, and immediately after that, Yu Sheng also pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The bullet swiftly penetrated the two rocks, and the opponent's bullet also penetrated towards Yu Sheng. It was almost an instant. Yu Sheng felt his hand shake and the opponent's bullet hit his own. The muzzle, and his own bullet, hit the two stones.

Such a scene also changed Yu Sheng's expression drastically.


Yu Sheng’s expression was extremely solemn. This was the first time he had encountered such a powerful opponent. He had never encountered such a powerful opponent before. The moment the opponent shot, he would have been hard to notice, if it weren’t for him. He couldn't see this shot in his eyes.

This is the first time he has encountered such a strong opponent. The opponent must at least be a soldier king, and possibly the top soldier king, but where did these guys come from?


Chen Shanming, Wang Yanbing and others all took a breath in unison, which shocked them, and it was the first time they saw Yu Sheng so solemn.

Obviously, the opponent's combat effectiveness has exceeded their imagination.


But at this moment, there were two more gunshots resounding. The first shot hit the stone on Yusheng's side. At this time, the rest of his life did not appear, but immediately followed by the first shot. Two shots resounded.

This made Yu Sheng, his expression changed drastically, and in an instant, he thought of something.

"not good……"

For the rest of his life, even without thinking about it, he shot a shot by his side.


With the resounding of this gun, the next moment, this sudden bullet was blown off in an instant, and for the rest of this moment, his face was also full of horror.

"He actually does this trick."

This trick is similar to Yu Sheng's bullet hitting bullet.

That is, the bullet for the rest of his life only sniped the bullet, but the opponent uses the collision ability between the bullet and the stone, and uses another bullet to exert a certain force on the bullet, thereby breaking the bullet again, thereby achieving You can kill the purpose of the rest of your life.

This is how the opponent uses a gun.

It can be said that it is similar to his shooting method.

For the rest of his life, he never expected that the other party would even play this trick.


At this time, there were two more gunshots from two places. The two gunshots caused Yu Sheng's pupils to shrink again, and he immediately lay on the ground.

And He Chenguang and the others are also lying on the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, there are two bullets, which collapsed along their bodies. Such a scene made Yu Sheng they all sucked up. Cool air.

"Fuck, how did the enemy hit us?"

When He Chenguang noticed this scene, he took a breath and exclaimed.

"This... can this **** bullet turn around?" Wang Yanbing asked in shock.

"No, this is not a bullet turn, but the other party uses the bullet collision principle to achieve the purpose of the bullet turn." Chen Shanming said in a condensed voice.

"What to do? If this goes on, we will be killed by these guys sooner or later." Li Erniu hurriedly said.

As these words were spoken, the people present immediately looked at Yu Sheng not far away. They all stared at Yu Sheng dignifiedly, seemingly wanting to get answers on Yu Sheng's side.

(End of this chapter)

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