I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1041: New place

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The next moment, Yu Sheng threw a shot without hesitation, and a shot resounded. There was a gun hole in the person in the distance, and then yellow smoke appeared!

Yellow smoke billowed, obviously, this person was eliminated.

This person is no one else but Park Min.

Park Min was also buried in the ground, but Park Min’s luck was relatively good. He was buried shallower, so he could break free from the snow, but the rest of the people were not like that. Good luck, when Park Min saw Yu Sheng and them, Park Min couldn't help but shoot Yu Sheng and them.

Park Min knew.

It was all because of the rest of their lives. If it weren't for the rest of their lives they attacked the stone and caused an avalanche, they would not have been annihilated. This made Park Min have unspeakable anger.

At the moment when Park Min wanted to kill Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng had already seen Park Min, so he shot it without hesitation. However, Park Min was in the snow, so the speed of this shot was naturally slower than Yu Sheng. , Therefore, it will become what it is now.

Otherwise, it's really hard to say that Yu Sheng and Park Min are shooting guns.

"what happened?"

He Chenguang, Chen Shanming and others were also aware of this scene, and immediately looked shocked.

It was the first time that they encountered such a situation. They never expected that Yu Sheng would shoot at this time, which made them all have indescribable horror.

"Someone." Miao Lang said suddenly.

"Could it be the one who attacked us."

Immediately, everyone looked in that direction in unison, and they saw that yellow smoke had appeared on the person's body. Obviously, this person had been shot to death by the rest of his life.

They breathed a sigh of relief, which would allow them to say slowly: "Go, let's go over and take a look."

With an order, everyone present immediately walked towards Park Min. At this time, Park Min's face was pale, as ugly as it was.

They never expected that things would develop into this way. They thought that they could easily destroy them for the rest of their lives, but the result was beyond their expectations. They were not destroyed. Now their team members are all I don't know life or death.

They were all buried under this heavy snow. I thought I could attack Yu Sheng them sneakily, but I didn't expect to be discovered by Yu Sheng. This guy's shooting speed turned out to be faster than himself.

It can be said that in this battle, they were defeated disastrously.

When they got closer, after seeing Park Min's face clearly, they all frowned, and immediately said, "It turned out to be an old Korean..."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be the old Koreans. These guys are actually blocking us here."

Thinking of this, all of their eyes were full of chills. Obviously, they had no good feelings about Lao Han's team.

After Yu Sheng saw Park Min, he said coldly: "You were just on the side to snipe us, right?"


When Park Min heard the words, he gave a cold snort, did not speak, and some were just angry.

Yu Sheng sneered, did not say anything more, and said lightly: "Now hand over all the medals on your body, and I hope you lose the bet."

Yu Sheng's words made Park Min's face slightly changed, and Park Min's complexion became extremely unnatural, which made Park Min very angry, and he was deeply unwilling.

Asking him to hand over the medals is equivalent to giving up all their points, how can he be willing?

But now, he has to do it.

Park Min gritted his teeth and stared at Yu Sheng. If his eyes could kill someone, he would have died 10,000 times in the rest of his life, which made him extremely angry.

"Why? Do you want to shame?" Yu Sheng said lightly: "You know, you can't bear the consequences. If we report, you will be very troublesome. For some medals, let yourself be very passive. Do you feel worth it? I suggest that you still hand in all the medals obediently, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Yu Sheng’s tone was full of threats. After Park Min heard the threat, he stared at Yu Sheng with a full face. This kid would even dare to threaten himself, if it weren’t for his carelessness. , If it weren't for this avalanche, it would definitely kill you alive.

I even dared to threaten myself here.


This is a naked shame.

Park Min is so angry. He has never encountered such a thing. In the end, Park Min weighed the pros and cons. He gritted his teeth and took out the medals from his pocket. After Yu Sheng saw these medals, he Yes, he took it in his hand and threw it to He Chenguang.


However, He Chenguang began to count in front of Park Min, and Park Min was jealous at this sight, and he wanted to kill them for the rest of his life.

"Almost." He Chenguang said casually.

"Let's go." Yu Sheng waved his hand and said.

"Shall we help them?" He Chenguang couldn't help asking at this time.

"How can you help?" Yu Sheng said casually: "We are fighting now, and we have lost the opportunity compared to others. Let's leave this place as soon as possible."


Afterwards, under the leadership of Yu Sheng, they left this place one after another. This place has just experienced an avalanche. Who knows what dangers still exist here, let alone what the life and death of the other party has to do with him, he There is no excuse for not saving the other person. Even if they are saved, these people must be grateful to themselves. However, these people are like this by themselves and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ saved these guys, these Would the guy really appreciate them?

Obviously it is unlikely.

So, for the rest of their lives, they left here swaggeringly.

At this time, Park Min just reacted, and immediately said: "No, I have to save people quickly."

Their team is the elite of the elite. If there is a big problem here, he will also be punished. Immediately, Park Min is looking for these people quickly, but Park Min is not as perverted as the rest of his life. Skills, Park Min can only find these people with his own luck and some inferences. The probability of finding these people is naturally extremely small.

In the end, Park Min was worthy of finding such a few people. As for the others, they were almost dead. This made Park Min even more furious.

If he can, he doesn't mind really killing the rest of his life. This time, their hatred for red blood cells can be said to have reached the extreme. It is all because of red blood cells that caused things to become like this.

In this battle, they have suffered heavy losses.

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