In the next two days, Yu Sheng and the others did not encounter much danger, but experienced a battle with Park Min and the others, which made them feel a very serious crisis.

They also all know that the next battle will become more and more difficult. As they go forward, they will encounter more and more masters. The best way at the moment is to improve their combat effectiveness. Their combat effectiveness is still relatively It's too weak. So far, it has depended on the rest of my life to support the overall situation.

However, the rest of his life is obviously not enough, because this is a team battle, which requires cooperation between the teams, so in the next period of time, all the people in the group are crazy into training.

Although they are fighting here, they are still training.

They know that only in this way can they grow rapidly and grow faster.

After walking for about three days, they finally left this snow-capped mountain. After leaving this snow-capped mountain, they breathed a sigh of relief. In this snow-capped mountain, there is a big horror, and one accident is a broken bone. According to the news from Fan Tianlei, in this snow-capped mountain, at least hundreds of people have been lost. All of these people are dead, and there is no bones.

It can be seen how dangerous this snowy mountain is. You must know that the special forces who come here are all top special forces, and these special forces are very powerful.

And their experience is quite rich.

It is precisely because of this that even they have died here, which shows how dangerous this snowy mountain is. You must know that only one or two thousand people participated in this battle.

At least one thousand people have been eliminated at present, which shows how fierce this special forces competition is.

As everyone progressed, everyone felt a little more relaxed. On this day, they came to a forest. In this forest, they carefully hid and kept guarding the surroundings.

"Go further, it will be a big desert." At this time, Chen Shanming looked at the map and said in a deep voice.

"Yeah." He Chenguang also nodded slightly, and said: "This large desert in front is very big. I am afraid it will take half a month or even a month to walk from here, and it is full of unknown dangers. "


Wang Yanbing also nodded solemnly, and said solemnly: "In comparison, the desert is more dangerous than the snow-capped mountains. In the snow-capped mountains, we can still find food and water, but in the desert, what is most lacking is Water and food, if we get lost, it will be even more troublesome..."

Wang Yanbing’s words also made everyone nodded solemnly, because Wang Yanbing said nothing wrong. In the desert, water sources are extremely important. It is not so easy to find water sources. As for oasis, it’s even more important. It depends on luck, so...

The desert is more terrible than the snow-capped mountains.

What's more, in this desert, there are still a lot of quicksand. Once caught in it, it will be difficult to break free. The ultimate consequence is to be buried by the desert.

"Then do we need to bring more water?" Li Erniu couldn't help but ask at this time.

"It is necessary to bring the water source." Chen Shanming also nodded.

"For the rest of your life, what plans do you have next?"

At this time, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others looked towards Yu Sheng and asked.

When Yu Sheng heard this, his expression was solemn, and Yu Sheng paused and said: "There is a road here, the closest road, but..."

"But this road is also the most dangerous." Chen Shanming continued.

"That's right." Lu Zhulin

Yu Sheng nodded solemnly. He took a deep look at Chen Shanming and the others, and took a deep breath. Then he slowly said, "Many people may be ambushing on this road, but this road is the nearest one. According to what is said, this road is also the road with the most water sources."

"It will be difficult to find water on other roads."

"It's really troublesome." Song Kaifei couldn't help but said: "How do I feel that this is the way someone above deliberately made?"

"Yes, 80% was deliberately made by the top." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said: "This road has the most water source and is also the closest road. In this way, the elimination rate can be accelerated and some people who want to fish in troubled waters can be accelerated. All are eliminated, I have to say that this organizer is really a chicken thief."

Everyone sighed deeply. The organizers decided to pass the vote of various countries, so they decided on such a route.

Since all countries have agreed, they can only abide by this rule.

"Now we have to pass by this road?" Wang Yanbing paused and asked.


Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and said faintly: "This road, we have to go, maybe some people will choose a detour, but if you make a detour, at least one more week, one week, you can already decide many things. It takes us half a month or even a month to take this road alone. If we use a month’s time, then we will not have much time to reach the end. It can be said to be very nervous. If we take a detour... …We may not be able to catch up."

"Failing to catch up is equivalent to being eliminated."

Yu Sheng's words made everyone nodded seriously. According to Yu Sheng's words, then this road is the only way to go...

Thinking of this, everyone in front of them all began to become solemn.

"I don't know if Miao Lang has returned to the Chief of Staff." He Chenguang sighed slightly at this time. They did not expect that Miao Lang would be eliminated, which made them a little regretful.

"Someone should pick it up." Wang Yanbing said, "Perhaps he has returned to the chief of staff."

"Miao Lang can just report to the Chief of Staff about our situation when going back." Song Kaifei thought for a while.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded slightly, Miao Lang was killed, they also felt sorry, but...then they still have to go the next The time is almost too, let's hurry up. . "At this time, the rest of my life reminded.


Everyone nodded slightly, and then they walked towards the distance...

at the same time!

Miao Lang had also been sent to this base. After Miao Lang returned to the base, Fan Tianlei and the rest of them all summoned Miao Lang.

At this moment, they are in a conference room.

After seeing Miao Lang, Fan Tianlei couldn't help but said, "Miao Lang, how did you get eliminated? Who did you meet? How were they for the rest of your life?"

When asking these words, Fan Tianlei and others all showed a little nervous look. You must know that for the rest of their lives, they walked too much against the sky. At this time, Miao Lang was eliminated, which made them natural. They are also a little nervous.

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