I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1044: Robbery?

When Yu Sheng's words were spoken, He Chenguang and the others were silent for a while. They did not speak any more, but they knew that there would be many, many dangers here.

"Let's go, you're all here, it's time to go in." Yu Sheng said slowly.


Li Erniu and the others all sighed, and they all knew that this was an inescapable fate, and they had to go in.

"By the way, are your water sources ready?" Chen Shanming suddenly looked at the crowd and said in a condensed voice.

"Only enough for two days." He Chenguang paused: "Within two days, we must find a new source of water, otherwise, we will die of thirst."

"That's good."

Chen Shanming nodded and said, at this moment, they are obviously not suitable for carrying too many water sources. Carrying too many water sources will easily slow down their marching speed and cause excessive physical exertion. Therefore, they comprehensively Considering, only slackened the water source for two days.

According to their ideas, within these two days, they can almost feel the place where the oasis is and find a new source of water. Then they can add it again, which is enough.


When the voice fell, everyone walked towards the desert.

As Yu Sheng and his party walked toward the desert, after about half a day, suddenly, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others saw the sky full of wild sand sweeping, and the sound of a rumbling engine resounded. As they drove, the voices of two or three cars resounded, which made Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others all face changed greatly.

"No, someone..."

After everyone noticed this scene, all their faces were gloomy. They hurriedly looked to the front. There, as expected, there were three or two off-road vehicles rumbling toward this side. For a while, this made all the people present. They all became extremely ugly, even for the rest of their lives, they also stared at these people in front of them cautiously.

I am afraid there are about fifteen people. Each of these fifteen people is wearing some clothes similar to military uniforms, and these people also wear a face towel around their necks, and they hold ak in their hands. The muzzle was facing the sky, and the car quickly drove towards Yu Sheng and their side.

Moreover, when the car came towards this side, their mouths were still yelling constantly, as if they were cheering.

Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others noticed that after this scene, they all took up their guns and aimed at these people. The guns in their hands were also snatched from other people's hands, but it was a pity. ... The opponent's guns are obviously real guns and live ammunition, and they, just empty bullets, can't kill people at all...

These cars soon came to Yu Sheng's side and surrounded them all. After seeing the situation of Yu Sheng and them, all of these people's complexion was condensed, and Yu Sheng and He Chenguang etc. People, all of them are holding guns and aiming at these people. Although they are aiming at these people, they are very clear in their hearts for the rest of their lives that the guns in their hands can't kill the enemy at all.

After a group of people surrounded Yu Sheng and the others, everyone present started talking. Some people smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, it would be a group of special forces. This time we actually slaughtered the special forces."

"Hehe, you know they are special forces from the looks of them. We did not expect that this time we would have robbed special forces. I heard that these special forces are very rich in the backstage." Someone said with bright eyes: "If you can use these special forces. Threatening the people behind them, we may be able to get a huge sum of money." Cola Literature

"I heard that these special forces are very powerful. I am afraid that we are not the opponents of these guys?" Some people said cautiously. This makes them very afraid of these special forces. They all know that the special forces are all. It is a person who has undergone special training, whether it is physical strength, speed or even marksmanship, it is a very scary existence.

"Humph." One of them sneered: "What are you afraid of? We are robbers, they are special forces, are we going to be afraid? I have robbed them for so long, and have never robbed special forces. Today I want to see What are they capable of."

"But the guns in their hands..." Someone said with some fear.


At this moment, a person walked out of the crowd. This person's hair was tied with a few small braids, he had heavy eye circles, and a big yellow tooth was exposed. This person was even more tattered, but But there was a kind of evil spirit on his body, this person could detect it at a glance, and it was not easy to provoke.

The man sneered at the rest of his life and the group of people in front of him, and said faintly: "These are all fake guns and can't kill anyone."

"Fake gun?"

When the people present heard this, they all looked dumbfounded. They obviously didn't understand what their leader meant. Why are all the guns fake here? Doesn't it make sense?

The leader is named Jack Depp, and many of the people under him like to call him the leader Jack.

"Chief Jack, how could this be a fake gun?"


Chief Jack snorted coldly, glanced at the people present with a smile, and said faintly: "That's because...this season's international special forces competition is held in this place, so...the guns in the hands of these special forces. , All of them are empty bullets, they can't kill people at all."

The words of Chief Jack made the people present suddenly realize, but after Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others heard these words, their expressions were all condensed, showing a little solemn expression.

Because what they didn't expect was ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chief Jack, who would know that they were participating in an international special forces competition, knowing that their guns were fake guns, it was a little troublesome.

This time, they are probably going to be the turtles in the hands of these people, which makes all their complexions look a little difficult...

Chief Jack looked at Yu Sheng's group. Chief Jack's eyes showed a little playful look. Chief Jack smiled and said, "Hey, what do you guys do?"

After Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others heard these words, they all looked dumbfounded and went into play instantly.

"Fuck..." Song Kaifei stared at the person in front of him dumbfounded, and was dumbfounded for a while, a little bit unimaginable.

"I'm Nima..." Xu Tianlong looked at the leader Jack dumbfounded when he heard these words. Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming and others also looked at the leader Jack dumbfounded.

"Is this an old Japanese?"

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