I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1045: Robbed?

Oh my mind..." Wang Yanbing also looked at the leader Jack in front of him a little dumbfounded. For a while, he was a little speechless. You said your uncle, a person who doesn't know his blood, actually vomited here. In a word, what do you guys do...

Damn it, people who don't know think you are from the old side.

You said it’s not good for you to learn something, but you just learn this.

Yu Sheng stood up and spoke to the leader Jack in fluent English: "Who are you? Do you know what you are doing?"

For the rest of my life, Chief Jack understood, and Chief Jack said coldly: "You are all special forces participating in the International Special Forces Competition, right? Now, I regret to tell you that you are all surrounded by us, and I now ask you to put it down immediately. Weapon, surrender."

The words of Chief Jack made Yu Sheng's and his party's expressions condensed, and Yu Sheng said solemnly, "Do you know what you are doing? Are you not afraid of causing war between the two countries?"


After hearing these words, Chief Jack burst into laughter suddenly, the laughter was full of joking, and said: "What does the war between the two countries have to do with us?"

After listening to the rest of my life, I was speechless for a while. Yes, if the other party is an official person, there may be some fear, but the other party is obviously not an official person, and he is still a robber. Do you think the robber will reason with you? ? As for the honor and disgrace of the country, they have a relationship with you.

This left the rest of my life without knowing how to speak.

Yu Sheng said slowly: "What if we don't?"

"Da da da……"

The next moment, the ak in the hands of Chief Jack shot a dozen shots in front of Yu Sheng and the rest of his life. This sudden situation made He Chenguang and the others glared.

Chief Jack said indifferently: "Not obedient, then, this is your fate."

Yu Sheng stared at the leader Jack with a gloomy expression, and was very angry. These guys are really too arrogant. If the guns in their hands are real guns, then he doesn't mind killing them all.

They didn't expect that during the International Special Forces Contest, they would even **** meet robbers... it was really hell.

Right now, their situation seems very passive. If they resist, these people will really kill them. If this is in China, these people would have become scum, but it is not China at all...

And they are still participating in the International Special Forces Competition...

"What should we do?" Wang Yanbing whispered.

"There is no way?" Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I can only go with them for a while, and then I am looking for a solution."

"But... what if they are unfavorable to us?" He Chenguang said with a somewhat ugly face.

"Will not."

Yu Sheng shook his head and said faintly: "They only ask for talent, and they also know that we are participating in the international special forces competition, so as long as they are given money, they will not kill us for the time being. As for the money, they will I don’t know if I won’t tear up the votes, but at least it won’t kill us now.”

"Aren't we just being slaughtered like this?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but ask.

"Otherwise you go?" Yu Sheng asked rhetorically.

Song Kaifei: "..."

Hearing this, Song Kaifei was speechless for a while, fifteen guns were pointed at them, and they didn't have a real gun in their hands yet, so many guns were guarding them, would they dare to mess around? Once there is a slight movement, these fifteen guns are enough to sieve them.

"Say no now?"

Chief Jack looked at Yu Sheng and the others in front of him with a smile but a smile, his eyes flashing, and a trace of chill rippled away, and in the trace of chill, there was also a sharp killing intent.

If they dare to resist for the rest of their lives, then Chief Jack will shoot them without hesitation. For them, killing is also commonplace. They often go to the desert and rob their houses, and the people above can’t control it at all. What is the reason for such a mess.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said faintly: "I know that your main purpose is to want money, how much money you want, it's easy to say, now you are not allowed to hurt us, if you hurt one of us, then you You can't get a penny, not only can't get a penny, but I think you will also bear the anger of our China."


When Chief Jack heard these two words, this made Chief Jack's face changed drastically. Chief Jack looked at Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others with solemn expression, and said solemnly: "Are you Chinese?"


Yu Sheng's body was straight and he looked at Chief Jack with a sharp gaze. His eyes flashed with a little coldness. At this moment, Yu Sheng spoke with some pride: "We are Chinese. You should know that if we kill us, we Huaxia will lead the army at all costs to come here and kill you."

"Ha ha."

Upon hearing this, Chief Jack laughed and said coldly: "You Chinese people are too cunning, do you think I don't know? If your Chinese troops dare to enter and leave here, it will inevitably cause international disputes."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he laughed, and confidently said: "Really? Do you really think our army can't enter?"

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "I don’t know if you have heard of peacekeeping forces. This time the international special forces competition is held by various countries. It is the easiest way to set up a peacekeeping force. As long as the army comes out, Using all kinds of advanced equipment and airplanes to fight, I don’t believe that you can still be intact."

"Of course."

"If you are absolutely alarmist...you can try to kill us, and if you try to kill us, will you be in such a danger."

Yu Sheng confronted the leader Jack ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, leader Jack had no bottom in his heart. He also knew that this international special forces competition was held together by various countries, if something really happened here. Maybe their people will really be wiped out. Once so many countries cooperate, they will have nowhere to hide.

It will be very troublesome.

"Of course, if you only ask for money, then everything is negotiable, provided that we can't hurt us." Yu Sheng saw that the time was almost too.

Yu Sheng also knew that he had just stunned the leader Jack directly, but it was obviously not enough to just stun, and these people are all robbers, not good people. Therefore, you must give a stick and a red date. After all, these people are just for robbery and begging for money. Since they are asking for money, then give these guys a hope first.

I have been a little busy lately, so the update is not as stable as before. After this period of time has passed, it will continue to be stable. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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