I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 956: All scared

Chapter 943

It is enough to cause some teams to have evil thoughts. Once they get these 30, it is equivalent to killing four teams...

Those who can enter here, where is not a top team, it is not easy to kill such a team, let alone kill three of them at once.

Therefore, for Yu Sheng and others, trouble will follow, and the battlefield is so cruel.

And outside this.

Fan Tianlei and Zhao Yunfeng also watched the scene in front of them excitedly, which surprised them all.

"This kid actually killed three teams."

After Fan Tianlei saw this scene, it made Fan Tianlei feel indescribably happy. He didn't expect that things would turn into the way it is now. At first, they thought that Yu Sheng and others were in big trouble. When the three teams are united, no one can stand it...

This is a team of about twenty people, and all these people are masters. Although this red blood cell is not bad, after all, there is only one soldier for the rest of his life. You know, there are also soldiers in this team...

As long as this king of soldiers entangled the rest of his life, the others could only wait to die, but no one thought that it would only take about ten minutes before the battle was over?

If it's over, it's still a battle that wins more with less. Even Fan Tianlei is indescribably moved.

"Did we win this?" Gong Jian looked straight at the big screen in front of him. At this moment, the scores on the rest of his team's team had already come out.

They reached a terrible 29 points, one point short of thirty points, that is to say, they killed 21 enemies for the rest of their lives, so many enemies, Gong Jian took a breath of cold air from this point of view.

"Yeah." Fan Tianlei nodded solemnly, and then slowly said: "Now all the points are added to the red blood cell team, then they should have killed all the enemies and scored 21 points."

"Hi..." Gong Jian said shockedly: "How did they do it?"

"Yeah, Lao Fan, you know your soldiers best. How did they do it?" Zhao Yunfeng stood by, shocked. This scene was really shocking. Eight people killed more than 20 people. Well, this number is a bit sturdy...If you are facing ordinary soldiers, that's nothing.


The people facing this are all masters, all special forces, and they killed all the enemies within ten minutes. How terrifying is your uncle's... such strength?

I'm afraid that even if they are all soldiers, they can't solve this group of top special forces in ten minutes, right?

Fan Tianlei also frowned and thought a little. He was also very curious about how he did it for the rest of his life. Thinking of this, Fan Tianlei took out his tablet and adjusted the camera. Fan Tianlei checked it carefully. , Soon, a picture appeared in everyone's eyes.

Yu Sheng took Gatling to suppress the scene of Jacks and the others. It was also seen by Fan Tianlei and others. When Zhao Yunfeng and Gong Jian and others saw the scene in front of them, it made them all too. Is a little dumbfounded.


"I got a big slot."

Both of them exclaimed: "This guy... unexpectedly, used Gatling to suppress Jacks and the others..."

The group of people were dumbfounded. At the beginning, they brought such a cumbersome guy for the rest of their lives, which made them a little bit very confused. They felt that bringing such a cumbersome guy for the rest of their lives was purely to cause trouble for themselves, because no one could. Walking around with such a heavy guy, at first, Fan Tianlei felt painful to take Gatling for the rest of his life. That was messing around and messing around.

Have you seen anyone who can run around carrying Gatlin.

But it never expected that Yu Sheng and others directly killed 21 enemies relying on this Gatlin. Fan Tianlei saw such a scene, and his cheeks were twitched.

Because the victory of this war was won by this weapon, look at the people running in it, which one is carrying Gatling.

Only this kid can do this.

However, this is a beautiful job.


At this moment, an angry roar resounded, and only one person stood up and said angrily: "Foul, they are foul, why can a heavy weapon like Gatling? Brought to the scene, they are fouling."

Obviously, this person is talking about them for the rest of their lives, taking Gatling into the exercise, how to play behind here, although Gatling is relatively heavy, but... once Gatling turns... Who the **** can do it? Got it?

Even if you hide behind a big tree, even if you hide behind a stone, this shuttle bullet will cool you down...

For a while, this made them all angry.

At this time, a chief officer looked at this man with a frown, and said coldly: "The rules of the competition are not limited to any means. All kinds of guns can be brought into the arena at will. Gatling is also there. Column, as for those shells and the like, they are not allowed, do you have an opinion?"

The chief officer took a cold look at the snarling man and scolded coldly.

The man said angrily: "Gatlin is a heavy weapon, similar to a machine gun. Who can stand this thing when it is moved to the battlefield? Isn't this a foul?"

"Haha." The chief officer is also quite good. At least, the chief officer said indifferently: "Gatlin is within the scope of the rules of this exercise. If you are not convinced, why? Don’t your team bring it? You can bring it too?”


As soon as this sentence was exported ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, this old man was dumbfounded. Hell, they want to bring them too. Who the **** doesn't like this kind of heavy weapon?


Did you bring this thing you wanted to bring? Can you run around with such a heavy thing? But someone **** did it, such as this Chinese soldier, did he **** do it?

That guy is simply a strong man.

This person is angry, but he also knows that this is their own self-inflicted feeling, but he can't be angry with the breath in his heart...

Their three teams encircled and suppressed one team. What was the result? I was suppressed to death by a team of others, and that was all but the whole army was wiped out. In the end, I was robbed of the medal.

This stump, this scene, irritating...

He was making wedding dresses for others, he gave Fan Tianlei and the others a fierce look.

(End of this chapter)

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