I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 957: Trouble is coming

Chapter 944

Fan Tianlei is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He noticed that this person was hostile to them. Fan Tianlei laughed and said, "There are some people here, even if they are weak. They are still yelling here, the world is unfair, hey...this If it were me, I wouldn’t have the face to stay here."

"At the very least, I can't afford to win or lose. Who will play with him in the future? Gong Jian, don't you think?"

After Fan Tianlei said this, Gong Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what Fan Tianlei meant. Don’t be serious about this kid Gong Jian, but don’t forget, he is also a soldier under Fan Tianlei’s hands. what……

How did Fan Tianlei train them back then? Isn't he still in his heart? What kind of virtue is Fan Tianlei, can he be unsuccessful in his heart?

Gong Jian hurriedly said: "Yeah, this person just can't afford to play, he won, but he can't. I think, this champion, it's better to give it to him directly. What is better? Anyway, ratio is just a cutscene."

"Yes." Fan Tianlei also smiled and nodded, and said faintly: "Hey, nowadays, some people really can't afford to play more and more. They worship all kinds of rights defenders every day, but it's here. In my own body, this is not a rights defense anymore, but I am acting as a **** stick..."

"Yes, a typical double standard." Gong Jian also said.

Fan Tianlei and Gong Jian sang together, which made everyone present clearly hear. After Zhao Yunfeng heard the conversation between Fan Tianlei and Gong Jian, he couldn't understand what this meant.

Obviously, these words were clearly spoken to the guy next to him, and he also knew that the three teams that were destroyed were the team of three people next to them.

Looking at the three of them, all their faces were pale. If their eyes could kill, it is estimated that Fan Tianlei and the others have died 10,000 times.

The most important thing is that it was Fan Tianlei who said to kill people without seeing blood. He didn't say anything specifically about these words, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was talking about this person.

This is really maddening.

"Chief of Staff, Gao."

Gong Jian looked at several people, his face was pale with anger, and he dared not speak. Gong Jian gave Fan Tianlei a thumbs up and said in admiration.

"Haha." Fan Tianlei smiled when he heard the words, and said, "Basic operation."


After Gong Jian heard this, he was speechless for a while, what is the basic operation? Don't know why, he felt that Fan Tianlei seemed to have the shadow of the rest of his life.

This made Gong Jian puzzled. Logically speaking, Fan Tianlei should have been on his body for the rest of his life. After all, Fan Tianlei was trained for the rest of his life. The style of this incident should be similar to that of his head.

But why did he always feel that Fan's pretense for the rest of his life had been taught by Fan Tianlei?

"However, for the rest of their lives, I am afraid they will be in trouble."

At this moment, Fan Tianlei's complexion became a little dignified, and there was a little jealousy in his eyes.

"Why?" Gong Jian said in a daze.

"Medal points." Zhao Yunfeng slowly spit out a few words.


Fan Tianlei said solemnly: "Right now, Yu Sheng has the highest points in the game. I think that such a high point will definitely be remembered by some interested people, so... these people will definitely not miss this opportunity for points. With so many points, you only need to kill one of their teams for the rest of your life, which is equivalent to getting points from four teams."

"This sale is a good deal."

"Moreover, don't you see that so far, there are still many people who are not in a hurry to kill the enemy, but they are slowly waiting around."

"If my guess is right, these people should be waiting for an opportunity." Fan Tianlei said.

"Waiting for the opportunity..." After Gong Jian heard this, he suddenly thought of something: "You mean...Wait until these people fight first, and when these people get the medal points, they will slaughter the leeks?"


Fan Tianlei nodded slightly, and said: "If it's good, they should do it, and all those who do this are the top masters. They are all the soldiers of the king's team."

"Bing King's team."

When Gong Jian heard this, they all took a breath. Zhao Yunfeng also looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "The soldiers of the king's team are not very easy to deal with, I am afraid it can only be attacked by the fifth. The team has come to deal with it."

"This fifth type of people is terrifying, and their combat effectiveness is super strong, but... the enemy's combat effectiveness is not weak. If they are united, whether they can win is still unknown." Fan Tianlei said.

"Then now, what should we do?" Gong Jian said.

"no way."

Fan Tianlei paused and said: "At the moment, I can only wait. I hope this kid can make it through. At present, the highest score is about 18 points. I want to kill two teams until they have all surpassed them for the rest of their lives. The team will naturally draw all eyes away."

"At that moment, they will be safe for the rest of their lives."


"Before this, they have to pass this level for the rest of their lives, but this level is not so good."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded slightly, and they looked at the screen solemnly, with indescribable prudence.


Look at Yu Sheng's side!

For the rest of their lives, they cleaned the battlefield one after another, said hello to Jacks and the others, and left here. At this time, everyone looked at Jacks and couldn't help but say: "Jacks, what shall we do next? "

"Going back, we are eliminated, and someone will pick us up in a while." Jacks spoke a little aggrieved.

He felt that his fighting power had not had time to show, the **** end of the battle, that kind of stubborn feeling made Jacks feel uncomfortable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If this is to go back, it is estimated that he will be caught People laughed to death.

Look, this knelt as soon as he came out, just a few hours before and after this? Was killed by someone? Right here? Top commando? It's almost the same as a rookie.

"But they..." They glanced at the rest of their lives and others, and couldn't help saying.

"Huh." Jacks said coldly: "We still have three teams. What are we afraid of? Among these four teams, we are the weakest existence. For the remaining three teams, one team is stronger than one team. not to mention……"

"These guys will come to accompany us soon."

"What do you mean?" someone asked.

"They have won so many medals, they will inevitably attract the attention of other people. You said, what do they think when other people see so many medal points."

"Kill them and take the points."

(End of this chapter)

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