I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1067

Press down with the second finger.


third finger.

"A sea..."

fourth root...

"Takigawa Sae..."

Finally, the fifth finger pressed down, making Kiryu Sentu's right hand close into a fist.

"And Brother Fande."

Although Kiryu Zhantu said this with a smile, it made everyone feel distressed.

Until this moment, they didn't know how simple the life of this righteous hero who really fought for "love and peace" was.

"At present, there are only so many people who really understand Kiryu Zhantu, so I can't help but think about it." Kiryu Zhantu grasped his right fist with his left palm and paced back and forth on the spot.

"Why haven't I been in touch before, but Mr. Assistant and Mr. Reporter, you know me so well?"

Monyashi didn't answer, but played with a card in his hand. Seeing this, Kiryu Zhantu also continued:

"It's like watching me secretly, knowing everything about me, and then telling me all this in the Pandora Tower. If the guards in the Pandora Tower are helping me and my companions If you realize your own shortcomings, aren't you the same, Mr. Assistant and Mr. Reporter?"

This sentence stunned Wanzhanglong, and then he realized something, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The same goes for everyone else.

According to the meaning of Kiryu Zhantu's words, that is to say, Mr. Assistant...It is very likely that he is not dead yet? !

When this conclusion appeared in everyone's minds, they were not to mention how excited they were, and even the fear caused by the appearance of other phantoms of the earth disappeared at this moment, and then Kiryu Zhantu asked the question again It makes them full of expectations.

"So, Mr. Reporter, can you tell me where Mr. Assistant is now?"

This sentence also made Wanzhanglong I focus on Men Yashi, and even my breathing subconsciously stagnated, but...

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you about this." Monyashi gently put the camera on his shoulder aside, and returned to the tugging look when he first appeared in front of Kiryu Sentu and the others.

"Now you should stop the Enigma system. "

"But this is not the ending I want! Even if the "Enigma" system is stopped, it is just comforting myself to solve the world's crisis again! " Kiryu Zhantu said seriously.

"The real crisis is not solved by me at all! If I don't move on, the world everyone sees will still be false!"

"Will you make such a choice even if you will be used by Evolto?"

This sentence made Kiryu Zhantu silent, and his fists were tightly clenched together, and then he heard Kato Yashi continue:

"You should have heard from your father, too, about the theory of using the power of Evolto to create a "new world". "

Kiryu Sentu nodded, he knew his father's idea of ​​creating a "new world" and resurrecting all those who died because of Evolto, but he had to give up because Evolto existed in other worlds, but...

"False, Evolto does not exist in other worlds at all, your father's research direction is correct."

When this sentence came out of Monyashi's mouth, Kiryu Zhantu showed a surprised expression on his face, but before the surprise lasted for two seconds, Monyashi's next sentence seemed like a basin of cold water , and poured it down on his head.

"But Zhantu, can this really be called resurrection?" Katoyashi looked at Kiryu Zhantu seriously.

"Even if you don't create a "new world", people who died because of Evolto in this world are still alive and well in the parallel world, so even if you create a "new world" by merging the two worlds, it is a combination of two worlds. The fusion of the same people can bring back those who died because of Evolto, but..."

Katoyashi stood up, walked to Kiryu Sentu step by step, stretched out his palm and patted him on the shoulder, and said: "In a world where Pandora's Box and Evolto do not exist, the memories of human beings in this world will be in another world." A person who sleeps in his own body, that is to say... In a sense, a human being in this world will disappear."

Of course, Monyashi is aware of the disadvantages of creating a "new world", and of course he will not comment on such a method, because in the original trajectory, this is indeed the only way to save the world, but it is different now!

After finishing speaking, Monyashi was about to leave, but the moment he passed by Kiryu Sentu, Kiryu Sentu spoke again:

"But even so, I don't want to let go of the only hope that can save those who died because of Evolto!"

This answer brought a helpless smile to Mon Yashi's face.

"It's really a willful answer, so the real last layer seems to have to appear."

Katoyashi raised his palm with his back to Kiryu Sentu, and at the same time tapped the edge of the knight card in his hand with his fingers, and then inserted it into the driver that appeared at his waist.

[Kamen Ride! 】

Close up!

[Decade! 】

"So do you want to fight meaninglessly with me, or do you do what you should do now?"

When eleven gray knight logos appeared around Men Yashi's body, and the phantom of the condensed gray armor surrounded and converged on Men Yashi's body, I was so stunned that I couldn't say a word.

I don't know what these symbols represent, but the knight system symbol that appeared in it gave him a bad feeling, but he couldn't tell why for a while.

The same is true for ordinary people who saw this scene through the camera placed aside by Katoyashi.

Just now, Kiryu Sento's question to Monyashi made them excited, because Mr. Assistant probably didn't die! But Mr. Reporter has no intention of speaking out!


Why is Mr. Reporter a Kamen Rider? !

Wouldn't that be...

"Hey! Mr. Reporter! Who are you?! And where is Mr. Assistant now!!" Wanzhang Longwo asked Mon Yashi loudly, but what answered him was Mon Yashi's armor-covered palm The sound of blades scraping, and...

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by. As for another question...huh?" There was a hint of teasing in Toyashi's tone, "I can't casually reveal the information of the guests."

"Damn it!" Wanzhanglong and I were a little annoyed, but what Kiryu Zhantu said in the next second made him stunned.

"Mr. Assistant should be fighting in another space now."

This sentence stunned Wanzhanglong and me, and then I suddenly realized something, and asked with wide eyes: "Zhantu, you mean Mr. Assistant is that mysterious guy?!"

"Other than that, I can't think of other possibilities." Kiryu Zhantu's tone trembled slightly, but he was not angry because he was deceived, but Jon's actions made Kiryu Zhantu feel as if all the previous efforts were gone. significance!


"It's not meaningless, at least you have realized who you really are, haven't you?" Monyashi seemed to see what Kiryu Sentu was thinking, and said with a smile, "That's enough."

"It's not enough!" Kiryu Zhantu roared, his flushed face made him look as if he had poured all his energy into these words.

"If this is the case...won't your efforts, Mr. Assistant and Mr. Reporter, be in vain?"

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