I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1068

In the eyes of Kiryu Zhantu, he and the world he lives in are the ones who have been helped all the time. Whether it is the transformation brought to him by the Pandora Tower or the battle that is happening in another space at this moment, it is telling him that he comes from other worlds. The Kamen Riders of the world have made great efforts to save the world.

But this seemingly helpless situation made Kiryu Sentu suffer.


"It's not in vain, at least it's enough to make heroes of justice appear in this world." Monyashi looked at Kiryu Sentu and said calmly: "The reason why that guy fought for him is that simple. Now Zhantu, your battlefield is indeed not there, and the battle with me is meaningless."

This sentence made Kiryu Zhantu silent.

After a few seconds, he understood.

"I understand the meaning of this layer." Kiryu Zhantu smiled again. This scene almost made Wanzhanglong think that Kiryu Zhantu had been hit too hard and became mentally disturbed, but...

"Let's go, stupid orangutan!" Kiryu Zhantu patted Wanzhanglongwo on the shoulder, and said, "It's time to help Brother Huande and the others."

"Hey Zhan Rabbit! What's going on?! Quickly ask the whereabouts of Mr. Assistant!" Wan Zhanglong, who was still confused about the situation, said anxiously, but...

"Trust your companions, stupid orangutan, whether it's Mr. Assistant or Brother Huante." Kiryu Zhantu laughed.

Sure enough, he realized that the speed of this matter was still too slow!

Obviously, Mr. Assistant had to disappear in front of them because of Evolto's calculations, but he still used that method to help him save Wanzhang Longwo, but he still needed Mr. Reporter's reminder to wake up.

Now he really shouldn't go to that battlefield, because if he did so, wouldn't he be negating the efforts of Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Huante?

So he should trust Mr. Assistant!

Likewise, trust your companions!


Kadoyashi heaved a sigh of relief watching the backs of Kiryu Sentu and Manjo Ryuga leaving.

He thought he really needed a fight, but fortunately, Kiryu Zhantu really understood what Jon meant at the last moment.

"In this way, the gap left after the disappearance of the "false" is completely filled...Huh? Into the shape of "love and peace"? What a nice description. "Men Yashi chuckled and said to himself.

Two knight cards unfolded in his hands, and on the front were the figures of Kamen Rider Build and Kamen Rider Cross-Z.

Monyashi didn't cancel the transformation state, nor did he choose to catch up with Kiryu Sentu and the others, but pointed the blade in his hand behind him.

"Then it's time for you to come out. It would be very rude if you don't express anything after watching the show for so long."

Men Yashi's tone was not polite at all, as if he would strike directly if the other party didn't give him a satisfactory answer.

It was an old voice that answered Mon Yashi.

"No, I just didn't expect our first meeting to be in this world, World Breaker."

A phantom of a throne slowly appeared in front of Men Shishi, and an old man in black with golden ornaments on his body could be vaguely seen sitting behind the curtain.

And the moment he appeared, Monyashi felt a strong sense of loneliness emanating from the other person, as if people in the whole world couldn't understand him.

At the same time, this sentence also made Men Yashi frowned slightly.

meeting for the first time? Could it be that Narutaki guy playing tricks again?

And even if the opponent hasn't transformed, Menyashi can feel the terrifying power from the opponent!

Intuition told him that the current him is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the old man in front of him!

Is it time to tell Jon that the accidental factor has appeared? Such thoughts flashed in Men Yashi's mind, but the words spoken from the old man in front of him in the next second made him startled again.

"Give new life in destruction?"

After saying this, the old man seemed to be in deep thought, and he didn't speak again for a long time.

This scene made Men Yashi a little confused about the current situation, but before he could say anything, Men Yashi heard the sincere laughter of the old man sitting behind the curtain.

"It seems to be a good idea, especially in the case of a dead end, it is indeed the best way to break and stand."

After speaking, the old man sitting behind the curtain stretched out his palm towards Kato Yashi.

What made Monyashi frowned the next second was that there was another knight card in his hand.

Not only that, after the driver around his waist had an additional knight system logo, other colors appeared faintly.

"Pink? What a nice color."

"It's magenta!" Putting away the newly acquired knight card, Katoyashi corrected and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll talk to you when I'm free. As for now..." Mon Yashi's mouth curled up slightly.

"It's time to change the history of this world."

"I don't hate this kind of change." I don't know about Kiryu Sentu and Banzhanglong. Choosing to transform is also to prevent bad things from happening.

Now they are rushing to the battlefield where Himuro Hyunto and Saruto Izumi are, but Manjo Ryuga still hasn't woken up from the shock of the fact that Kamen Yashi and Jon are also Kamen Riders.

"Zhantu! What's going on?! I'm getting more and more confused about the situation!" Wan Zhanglong looked like his head was about to blow off.

He doesn't understand the reason at all! Since Mr. Assistant is the mysterious guy, why didn't he say it earlier! And why choose to fight alone now!

"Isn't it good to say this kind of thing at the beginning? Why hide it!"

"But if we say it directly, will we believe it?" Kiryu Sentu replied with a smile.

This sentence stunned Wanzhanglong, and then I became embarrassed.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, but with his personality, if he saw a stranger rushing up to him and said that Ishidou Soichi is a monster who wants to destroy the world, and he has been playing with you all the time, he would probably roll up his sleeves and fight with the other party.

After thinking about it, I started to change the subject.

"But Zhantu, did you really just give up like this? Obviously everyone wants to see the truth of the matter, and I don't want Mr. Assistant to fight alone in a place where everyone can't see." Wan Zhanglong, I looked uncomfortable. road.

He didn't want to have to wait like this, he also wanted to fight with Mr. Assistant!

It has obviously helped them so much and made them realize themselves again, so... at least they have to be given a chance to prove to the other party that they have truly grown into what the other party expected!

Mr. Reporter, who is always dragging, said that Mr. Assistant’s reason for fighting for it is to let more righteous heroes appear in the world, so...

Such efforts cannot be wasted!

"War Rabbit! Help me!" Wanzhanglong I said earnestly, holding on to the full-filled bottle in my hand.

"It's already ready." Kiryu Zhantu seemed to have expected Wanzhanglong I would say this sentence, and said with a smile:

"But just like I said just now, you have to trust your companions! Whether it's Mr. Assistant, Mr. Reporter, or Brother Fande."

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