Chapter 536 CH-3A

It took Chen Chen a full 6 hours to finally return to the airport. This was certainly not because their car was driving too slowly, but because the Dongfeng Corps had suffered too much loss and needed too much time to deal with the aftermath.

Of the 42-man team, 6 were killed, 5 were seriously injured, and 13 were slightly injured.

More than a quarter of the entire Dongfeng Corps' main combat effectiveness was wiped out. This was one of Chen Chen's many battles with heavy casualties.

But in fact, it is not easy to survive in such a situation.

If you can achieve results, that is already a huge profit.

After all, this is a war, and it's not a petty fight like bullying a child in Pubei.

There are bound to be casualties in a war, and the casualties of mercenaries are naturally greater than those of the regular army. This is something that everyone is prepared for.

As long as the pension is in place, not only will the morale not be affected, but the training of a tough battle will qualitatively improve the combat effectiveness of the entire team.

Therefore, after returning to the airport, all the remaining 29 people, including the slightly injured, stayed, and no one asked to quit midway.

This result made Chen Chen very satisfied. What was even more satisfying was that what bought them was not just money, but also a vague "cohesion" that could be seen.

Looking at each other, we all are people who want to do great things.

Since you want to do something big, there is no reason to give up halfway.

Chen Chen handed over the final work of transporting the body back and allocating commissions to Bai Gou, while he followed Xia Xing non-stop to the interior of the airport.

At a glance, he saw the two large craters on the runway, as well as the airport facilities destroyed by precision-guided bombs and anti-radiation bombs.

Seeing the missile launcher exploded into scrap metal before it could be launched, Chen Chen couldn't help complaining:

"We've all said that air defense is ineffective, but we don't know how to configure the air defense system. I'm going to suffer a loss this time."

Hearing his words, Xia Xing nodded and replied:

"Not everyone can have regional air defense capabilities. The opponent uses anti-radiation missiles and high-altitude drones for electromagnetic suppression. It is actually not easy to counterattack in time."

"However, because of this attack, Russia has also determined that it will strengthen the airport's air defense capabilities."

"A new batch of radars and anti-aircraft missiles will arrive soon, but we don't know the specific models yet."


Chen Chen pondered for a moment, and then asked:

"So what exactly is this drone?"

"It's not a Global Hawk anyway. The specific model is still being identified."


Chen Chen then asked.


"But the doubt is that Talalion is not deployed in the Middle East and Africa. If it appears here...well, it actually doesn't make any difference."

"After all, even outside the law have begun to protect bin Laden. Is there anything else they can't do?"

Hearing Xia Xing's words, Chen Chen couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, in this series of events, the French's actions felt like brainless fools.

Leaving NATO and the European Union, all plans are carried out independently, and even frantically testing the edge of the red line.

However, from a macro perspective, a country cannot go "crazy"; it can only make mistakes.

There must be a more grand strategy behind these plans, and under the control of this strategy, it is not too strange for Tallarion to appear in the Middle East.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen did not ask any more questions, but turned directly to more core questions.

“What is our drone?”

He was really curious, because what Xia Xing said about "real drones" really hit him.

Now he has suffered too many losses. When faced with the opponent's systematic power, an ultra-short-range drone simply cannot meet the needs of battlefield reconnaissance.

Others have aircraft, tanks, and long-range artillery at every turn. What effect can you achieve with a drone weighing several kilograms?

If we really want to fully unleash our own power, our battlefield situational awareness capabilities must keep up.

But now, it is impossible, including Mao Zi, to provide reconnaissance intelligence support to our side anytime, anywhere and in a timely manner, so we can only rely on ourselves.

The demand for large, high-altitude drones can be said to be becoming more and more urgent day by day. If he can have such a drone, Chen Chen has reason to believe that he can maximize the power of the Tiger Corps and the Dongfeng Corps and use various weapons. The performance of the equipment is also maximized!

Not to mention, he now has an airport in his hands.

With the cooperation of drones and a limited-function data link system, you can even customize a simple version of the "Loyal Wingman" plan to change the way of fighting on the future battlefield in advance!

Therefore, the model and performance of the drone have become the top priority.

Although it is certainly impossible to get a Global Hawk or the like, if there are domestically produced Rainbow and Pterosaur series, they will be enough.

After hearing his question, Xia Xing smiled slightly and replied:

"You'll know after you go in."

At this time, both of them had already reached the hangar door, so Chen Chen didn't care about Xia Xing's betrayal.

After verifying his identity, Chen Chen couldn't wait to walk into the hangar door, and what appeared in front of him were two strange-looking drones.

The canard layout is shaped like a triangular boomerang. There are multiple hanging points under the wings. Behind it is a turboshaft propeller, and the whole body is painted in desert color.


Chen Chen exclaimed in surprise.


"It's Rainbow-3A."

Xia Xing corrected Chen Chen, and was a little surprised that Chen Chen could recognize the drone at a glance.

Chen Chen didn't explain too much, because it was actually not a big secret.

CH-3A, the most exported drone in the north, has thick skin, powerful functions, a complete and independent system, and most importantly, it is cheap!

If the Mi-8 is the AK-47 among helicopters, then the Rainbow-3 can be said to be the AK-47 among drones.

In the last life, I don’t know how many aircraft this thing was exported to, and every country in the Middle East has this aircraft configuration!

No way, it's just so useful.

As an integrated surveillance and combat drone, it can actually undertake a series of functions such as forest fire prevention, meteorological survey, ocean surveying and mapping, geological exploration, etc.


In other words, its export purpose is actually mainly for "civilian" functions in many cases.

However, the synthetic aperture radar, electro-optical payload, and ground attack fire control system it is equipped with are a bit too "exceeding the standard" compared to civilian functions.

The AR-1 semi-active laser-guided missile attached to this thing can carry more than 8 kilograms of high-energy explosives. It can destroy the most advanced main battle tank in the world with one shot. The attack accuracy can even be within 1 meter. .

Before DJI developed, it was the cheapest aerial unmanned attack platform.

none of them!

The most outrageous thing is that it can also carry electronic countermeasures pods.

It's an electronic countermeasures pod, not an electronic countermeasures reconnaissance pod.

It is a complete electronic attack system that includes electronic countermeasures and reconnaissance, radar active interference, passive interference, and photoelectric interference. Once this system is released, it will be an almost crushing strike for some small countries!

Of course, not to mention attacking the United States and the three permanent members, even attacking certain NATO countries is not enough. However, using this thing to bully and bully the Free Army and bully ISIS in Syria is really just fun. Same!

Chen Chen couldn't hide his excitement on his face. He subconsciously stepped forward and touched the CH-3A. At this moment, he felt a powerful throbbing and a void but powerful pulse.


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, tried hard to suppress his excitement, and then asked:

"Who's going to fly?"

"If someone is flying, you don't have to worry about it."


Chen Chen nodded subconsciously. He understood Xia Xing's words and Beibian's approach.

After all, this is an advanced drone, and it is impossible to hand it directly into your own hands.

Its delivery method is likely to be the same as the delivery method of previous helicopters, through some kind of "contract", and the north will send its own operators to operate it.

This is not a problem at all. Anyway, later on, didn’t the helicopter become the “property” of the Dongfeng Corps, and didn’t Cheng Lei become one of his own?

Chen Chen sighed with satisfaction and continued to ask:

"When will the other equipment arrive?"

"I mean, missiles, jamming pods, radar pods, that kind of thing."

"I have no right to know that. You may have to ask your old comrades."

"Old comrade?"

Chen Chen was confused, while Xia Xing continued:

"This batch of equipment is exported by Poly Technology, and it has access to the sea and Southeast Asia."

"So essentially, it's equipment backed by your old comrades."


Chen Chen clicked his tongue and said with emotion:

"It's better for my mother's family to know that we are having a hard time here and send us equipment as soon as possible."

"Look at you, you are just not as close as your mother's family."

After Chen Chen finished speaking, Xia Xing shook his head in amusement and replied:

"You got the order wrong. It's because you have created huge value for them in Southeast Asia that they have the authority to provide you with more support."

"As for us, the matter has been completed, but confirmation also requires a process, and it cannot be that fast."

"Of course, we don't have any expressions."

"We don't have airplanes, but we can still provide tanks, armored vehicles, and a small number of high-mobility vehicles."

"After a while, we will provide you with a batch of multi-functional vehicles, including VT-1A tanks and other armored vehicles."

"???Really want to build us into a synthetic brigade?"

"Even if we wanted to, you don't have enough manpower."

Xia Xing spread his hands, implying that he had almost made it explicit. Chen Chen immediately replied:

"I understand, we will expand our enrollment immediately."

".I didn't say that."

Xia Xing quickly distanced himself from the relationship, and the two of them smiled in unison, and then Chen Chen continued to ask:

"Then what do you mean by multi-functional vehicles?"

"In addition to tanks, they are mainly multi-purpose vehicles on the VN-1 platform."

"VN-1 platform?? You mean the 09 platform, right? Can this thing be shipped now?"

Chen Chen asked slightly surprised.

He vaguely remembered that in the previous life, the earliest export of VN-1 was in 2014, and it was sold to Venezuela.

And now, its export time is actually two years ahead of schedule?

Another change that doesn’t look big, but is actually quite big.

"It is indeed the VN-1 platform. Currently, there are plans for a 120mm mortar truck, a missile anti-aircraft truck, a 107 rocket launcher truck, a remote-controlled machine gun weapon station truck, and an experimental model. The specific functions are unknown, but it should not be a useless product."

"In short, if drones can increase the upper limit of your combat effectiveness, these armored units can ensure the lower limit of your combat effectiveness."

"At least from now on, you won't have to drive modified pickup trucks to fight guerrilla warfare - that sounds pathetic."

"More than pitiful!"

Chen Chen sighed and said:

"One of the reasons why we were beaten so embarrassingly by the extrajudicial corps this time is the lack of battlefield situational awareness, but another reason is that the overall protection capabilities and support counterattack capabilities of the convoy are insufficient."

"We cannot make full use of the bunker, nor can we avoid the enemy's tracking and attacks in a short period of time, nor can we interrupt the enemy's attack through countermeasures."

"However, if all can be replaced with VN-1 platform multi-functional armored vehicles in the future, at least one thing will be certain."

"That is, even if it has suffered a round of air strikes, the entire convoy will not be disabled. Instead, it can at least retain the most basic continuous combat effectiveness."

Having said this, Chen Chen couldn't help but shook his head again and said:

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten. There are some things that tactics cannot make up for."

"Anyway, let's pull out the Rainbow-3 and fly it first."

"Not urgent."

Xia Xing waved his hand again and then said:

"Just look at this thing and know that it exists. There is no need to fly and perform like a military parade."

“What you really have to do is figure out how to use it.”

"Let's go to the command room first. Everyone is waiting for you."

"We need a practical combat plan and duty strategy. This strategy must be determined through an actual combat operation."

"Didn't Judicial just come to Hasakah?"

"Give you a chance to find a way to kill them."

“Drone air strike??”

Chen Chen was stunned.

"Not necessarily. You can also choose to use other fighters to cooperate."

"There are three Su-27s, six MiG-21s and four MiG-29s available at this airport."

"No matter how you use it, you must ensure that you complete the combat objectives."

"Only if you win the battle can your control over this airport be completely established. Do you understand?"


Chen Chen took a deep breath and nodded solemnly to answer.

In fact, he had never thought of simply letting the Outlaw Corps go, but the situation at this time was indeed not suitable for continued pursuit.

Therefore, he could only tell himself not to rush yet.

But he didn't expect that someone was more anxious than him.

That being the case.

I don't need to be polite anymore.

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Chen Chen's mouth. He knew that the mercenaries of this extrajudicial corps who went deep into Syria this time had a narrow escape.

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