"We have received the latest intelligence that the opponent's main force is still staying at Tabuka Air Base."

"This is our opportunity. If we launch an attack now, we can avoid their interception and enter Raqqa as quickly as possible."

"There are currently only 400 people from the government's local troops there. As long as we enter the city, our goal will be achieved."

"Relying on this important town, our power can completely radiate to the entire northeast region and completely establish our base."

"We can no longer hesitate. Opportunities are fleeting. If we fail to seize them, it will be blasphemy against God!"

At 6 o'clock in the morning, outside the city of Hasakah, Baghdadi held the iconic AK47 tightly in his hand and said excitedly.

He knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for for several years, or even more than ten years, was right around the corner.

A country gripped by war, a weak government, and a complex political environment.

A group of poor and desperate citizens, a group of warriors with firm beliefs, and a group of sufficient and advanced weapons and equipment

The right time, right place and right people, he firmly believed that under such sufficient conditions, it was absolutely impossible for him to fail.


No, in fact, no matter who it is, it is impossible to fail.

Even if a mute dog is tied here, a bone is placed on the "start" command, and the dog leaves its paw prints on the command, then, after the command is conveyed, those The warriors who have gathered together will spontaneously win this battle.

Of course, this does not mean that he is the "talking dog".

In fact, his success is definitely not luck, nor is it the so-called "natural" "succession".

In order to kill the leader who had lagged behind the times, and in order to gain the command that was coveted by everyone, he had sacrificed too much and the risks were too great.

Fortunately, the final result still reached the level I expected.

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, and although the black army almost ruined all of his plans, his most critical layout still worked after all.

Dongfeng Corps

Maybe I should thank them.

If it hadn't been for them, it would have been possible for bin Laden to escape from the Americans as the French planned, and then successfully enter Hasakah and take control of his current location.

Baghdadi couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't know what his "ally" was thinking - could a person who had long since withdrawn from the front line be more trustworthy than himself?

There is even a natural contradiction between that person's philosophy and the French's strategic goals.

If you die, just die.

The facts are irreversible. Although the French have launched an investigation into this conspiracy under pressure from the United States, as long as they move quickly enough and can successfully capture Raqqa, all failures and mistakes will be eliminated. erased.

And now is the time to start everything and end everything at the same time.

Thinking of this, Baghdadi continued:

"Command all our brothers to prepare."

"Victory and glory are before our eyes. Those who sacrifice for the Lord will go to heaven, and those who shrink from the battle will go to hell."

"Within an hour, everyone set out for Raqqa."

"We will launch an attack on Raqqa in 90 minutes and completely capture it within two hours!"

At the same time, in Raqqa city.

Officers and soldiers of the Sixth Battalion of the Syrian National Defense Forces Border Brigade responsible for the defense of Raqqa lay nervously in the hastily built fortifications in the city, handing out pancakes that could barely be used for breakfast.

The atmosphere in the city was extremely tense, not only because of the large-scale attack they knew they were about to face, but more importantly, because of the riots that were occurring in the city.

In one day, more than 10 suicide bomb attacks occurred in Raqqa, ranging in size.

The most serious attack destroyed the only large shopping mall in Raqqa, killing more than 70 people.

The smallest attack only killed one attacker and destroyed a long-abandoned fire hydrant on the roadside.

But regardless of the casualties, there was no difference in the panic caused by the two attacks.

People have begun to gather to protest against the incompetence of the government troops, and some have even directly attacked the military camps.

There is no doubt that this has caused a new round of casualties, and residents' emotions have become increasingly intense due to the government forces' loss of control.

Public opinion in the city has undergone earth-shaking changes. From the beginning of "Unite to fight terrorism" to the current "ISIS is not terrorism", the terrifying trend contained in it makes everyone in the border brigade tremble with fear. .

They have no doubt that if this confrontation continues for much longer, the situation in the city will be completely out of control.

By that time, even if the terrorists under the banner of "Syrian Islamic State" do not take action, the city will completely collapse.

What's even more disappointing is that the support the border brigade expected has not yet arrived.

Not a single plane, not a single tank, not even a gun or a bullet.

This most important city in the Northeast seems to have been abandoned and has become a neglected "no man's land" amid the fierce confrontation between the government forces and the Free Army.

Commanders standing in the trenches were still constantly communicating with senior leaders via radio and satellite phones, but they received only one reply:

"Continue to hold on and wait for orders."

hold fast? Order?

These two words even made the commander want to laugh.

Now that we've reached this point, what else is there to hold on to?

At this point, what other orders can save this city?

According to intelligence, ISIS has assembled a total of more than 4,000 troops this time, while its own side, including the police force and militia, only has a mere 400 troops.

Moreover, the weapons situation of these four hundred people was extremely backward. There were only 300 guns that could be used normally, and there was less than one gun per person.

At the same time, there are almost no heavy weapons. There is only a 155mm howitzer that is usually neglected and it is not known whether it will explode.

And every enemy he was about to face had an automatic rifle, and even a gas tank cannon that, although crude, was quite astonishingly powerful!

Not to mention, they also have a variety of weapons including mortars, rocket launchers, and howitzers.

The outcome of the battle is destined, and the only suspense is probably how long the teams in my hands can last before surrendering.

The commander spit out a mouthful of food mixed with gravel, and then said to the adjutant beside him:

"There will be no support."

"All the resources and forces of the top management will be invested in the northwest battlefield. They will fight a decisive battle in Aleppo, completely regain the entire Aleppo, and eliminate all the power of the Free Army."

"It's been a tough fight -- arguably, tougher than ours."

"They didn't give up on us, they were helpless."

"So, we're on our own."

"Delay as much time as possible and hold Raqqa as long as possible."

"If we can survive until the end of the battle with the Free Army, then we may still survive."

"Even if we die, at least Raqqa can be defended!"

After hearing the commander's words, the adjutant nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with determination to die.

However, after a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed bitterly, and then asked:

"Does what we do really make sense?"

"So what if Raqqa can be defended? JD doctrine has penetrated into the hearts of everyone here."

"From the moment they launched the attack on the military camp, we actually no longer had the need to resist, right?"

"Of course it's necessary."

The commander denied it without hesitation and then said:

“If you think it’s unnecessary to hold on to Raqqa, isn’t it equally unnecessary to fight the FSA?”

"The people have no judgment. You cannot hand over the power in your hands just because of their temporary opposition, because you never know whether the person taking over the power is a true patriot, or whether he is trying to steal achievements and pretend to be sanctimonious. The jackal.”

"So, we can't give up."

"Inform everyone and prepare for battle."

"ISIS's offensive will begin soon. This will not be the last battle between us, but it will definitely be the most important battle."

"Reinforce the fortifications, check the weapons, have enough to eat and drink, and stay vigilant."

"If you don't have a gun, just grab the bullets and follow your comrades who have guns."

"Those who have never been on the battlefield will just stay in the rear and transport supplies for us."

"Prepare all mine fuses, open the lids of all oil drums, start all the cars, and tie all the explosives."

"Also, continue to report to the superiors--send the names of everyone here to them via radio."

"I want them to know that those who died here for the country are people with names, not just numbers!"


The adjutant nodded slowly, then turned and left.

It was already daylight, and in the city of Raqqa, the soldiers of the border brigade preparing for combat were busier than ever.

Lacking weapons and equipment, they have tried their best to make use of everything they can, even using the same extreme means as those terrorists - self-exploding cars.

Their idea is also very simple. If the explosion of a car can delay the opponent's attack for a few minutes, then their sacrifice will be considered worthwhile.

Not far away, black smoke from burning tires drifted up into the air in the morning breeze. Next to the burning tires, there was a weapon that definitely did not belong to this era, but it actually appeared here.


This scene makes the whole scene seem a bit absurd, but behind the absurdity, what flows is a kind of perseverance that is almost desperate.

On the other side, inside Tabqa Air Force Base.

All the main forces had arrived at their predetermined positions, but Chen Chen, as the commander-in-chief, did not follow his usual habit of following the troops out to fight.

This is a step he must go through - from a vanguard soldier to a true commander. This is responsible for himself and the war.

At this time, Chen Chen was staring closely at the screen in front of him. The real-time pictures sent back by the two CH-3A were focused on the situation in Raqqa and Hasakah. In the picture of the drone, the movements in the two cities were clearly visible. .

However, Chen Chen actually didn't care about the defensive actions of the Raqqa defenders.

Because in his plan, the so-called city defense battle was simply impossible to happen.

He was only concerned about the ISIS militants who had just emerged from Hasakah City, numbering more than 4,000 people, because their direction of movement and mode of action would determine his own fighting style.

".The other side was very cautious. Like the previous 1er RPIMa, they did not choose to take public transportation out of the city."

"All militants dispersed immediately after leaving the city, and acted independently in small teams of 10 to 50 people."

"Their direction of movement was quite clear, and it was obviously heading for the Elkibush Valley."

"According to the intelligence sent back by the drone reconnaissance, at least 50 vehicles have gathered there."

"But unfortunately, the terrain of the Elkibush Valley is too complex, and the vehicles are scattered. It is basically impossible for us to completely destroy it with an airstrike."

"Therefore, stopping their march is not a rational choice. I We still have to wait for them to complete the maneuver and gather near Raqqa before launching an attack. "

"Based on their current speed, most of them will reach the valley in half an hour and reach the vicinity of Raqqa in an hour and a half."

"The forward camp is ready, near the town of Ahashiri."

"This will be our main battlefield-the third and fourth companies are the closest to there, how long will it take them to get there?"

Hearing his words, the white dog beside him immediately pressed the keyboard, and a slightly rough dynamic map appeared on the screen, and the positions of all the troops of the Dongfeng Corps were clearly visible on this map.

"Companies 3 and 4 have arrived near Dura Village, 12 kilometers away from Ahashiri."

"They have a limited number of vehicles. Theoretically, they can deploy 200 elite troops to Ahashiri within 20 minutes, but it will take at least two hours for the remaining personnel to arrive."


Chen Chen nodded slightly, and then continued to ask:

"What about Companies 1 and 2?"

"Companies 1 and 2 have arrived at the cemetery in the east of the city and completed their deployment there."

"The artillery positions have been set up, and the artillery reconnaissance team is setting up observation posts."

"They are 21 kilometers away from Ahashiri, within the range of the 155 gun."

"However, if you want that artillery to have the greatest effect, the artillery position must be moved forward and deployed within 10 kilometers of Ahashiri."

"At this distance, 120 mortars, 155 howitzers, and 105 howitzers can all hit, and 107 guns can barely touch , provide fire support. "

"At the same time, if the attack of the third and fourth companies is blocked, at this distance, it will be easier for the first and second companies to provide support, so as not to be eaten away by the enemy one by one."


"We misjudged the distance of the enemy's forward camp, but it is not a big problem, and there is still time."

After a little thought, Chen Chen gave the order:

"Order, the third and fourth companies move along Highway 6, and the artillery positions are deployed forward to the vicinity of El Kavas, and launch artillery attacks from the east. "

"At the same time, the armored company detours to the vicinity of Kantar and hides, ready to assault at any time."

"Half an hour later, all flying units in the Tabka base took off with bombs, and the CH-3A began to conduct directional electromagnetic interference in the combat area to disrupt the enemy's communications."

"The Dongfeng Corps assault team sneaked into Ahashiri in advance, ready to carry out a decapitation operation."

"Everyone, be alert."

"In this battle, we will beat them back home directly!"

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