I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 416: Method of Creating Gods

"Are you planning to create a god?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"Of course not, I don't have that ability."

"Then what are you going to do?" Mo Ling thought for a long time, but couldn't imagine how the balloon would make God appear.

"Just use this ball of thread."

"Ball of thread?" Mo Ling still didn't understand.

"Yes, didn't you say before that as long as God comes, the world will be destroyed? Now the hostility that can destroy the world is here."

"We only need to advance the destruction, and God will come early." Balloon explained.

"This...but if the world is destroyed, God may not come. There is no causal relationship between the two."

"That's not the case." Balloon retorted: "Since God will come, the world will also be destroyed when God comes. That means the world will be destroyed and God will come."

Listening to the logic of the balloon, Mo Ling felt a little dizzy.

"This is wrong. What if the world is destroyed and God doesn't come?" Mo Ling asked.

"If God had not come, the world would not have been destroyed. Your assumption is wrong." Balloon immediately retorted.

Mo Ling was silent, and he decided not to argue with Balloon on this topic.

"Tell me first how to advance the destruction."

"Just make the line thicker." Balloon replied lightly: "Put multiple lines together..."

The balloon stretched out directly from the sponge thread and grabbed the entangled thread.

Immediately afterwards, the sponge thread was continuously interspersed, curled, and kneaded. After a while, a large part of the thread ball was missing, and the silk thread in it became much thicker.

The balloon has its threads braided together like braids.

In this way, the thread ball continued to shrink and thicken, and finally turned into a ring-shaped coil like a hair tie.

"about there."

The balloon bends and folds the coil from the middle, and continues to knead it. The coil becomes half its original size and becomes a little thicker.

Mo Ling finally understood the balloon technique.

Unexpectedly, this "method of creating gods" is so simple.

As the thread continues to grow thicker, the time for hostility to come becomes shorter and shorter.

"Twelve hours..."

"Six hours..."

"three minutes……"

Three minutes before the world was destroyed, the balloon finally stopped.

It held the coil that destroyed the world and said flatly:

"Only three minutes left."

"In three minutes, the world will be destroyed."

The coil that could destroy the world was quietly caught in the sponge thread of the balloon, as ordinary as a hair tie that could be seen everywhere.

"Don't you need to prepare?" Mo Ling looked at the coil and was very worried.

"what to prepare?"

"This is at least the world you have lived in. Why don't you re-see the beauty of this world before it is destroyed?" Mo Ling thought this was a bit too childish.

"No need, this world will usher in its glorious death. This is its destiny."

"But... you may also be destroyed."

No one knows what form of destruction this world will take. Can the creatures in it escape?

Mo Ling was even a little afraid that he, an outsider, would be destroyed by the destruction of the world.

Still, Balloon wasn't worried at all.

"I will not be destroyed."


"Because I don't feel any hostility, it means I'm safe." It said firmly.

"But..." Mo Ling wanted to refute something, but Balloon interrupted him.

"The time is almost up, there are still thirty seconds."

"Twenty seconds..."

"Ten seconds..."

"five four three two one."

The moment the balloon said "zero", the coil in its hand suddenly broke and scattered into countless fragments.

Hostility has arrived.

In the desolate universe, threads suddenly appeared out of thin air. They extended from all directions and led to endless distances. They appeared and broke instantly, as if the source and target of hostility had completely disappeared at the same time.

But Mo Ling and the balloon were still floating in the void unscathed.

"Nothing happened?"

Mo Ling originally thought that the destruction of the world was an earth-shattering thing.

However, the surroundings were unexpectedly calm.

Those occasional threads will no longer appear after flashing for a period of time.

There was no sky falling or earth falling, planets shattering, fires flying everywhere, everything was extremely normal.

In the deserted universe, Mo Ling and the balloon floated quietly like this, waiting for a long time.

"I understand." Balloon suddenly broke the silence.

"The destruction of the world is a process. After hostility comes, it will take a long time to destroy it. This world will exist for a long time, and the time may be beyond our imagination."

"What about God? When will he come?" Mo Ling asked.

"It's already coming."

"Where?" Mo Ling looked around, but saw nothing.

When I looked at the balloon again, it was completely silent.

This went on for a long time...


It suddenly said this to Mo Ling inexplicably.

"What do you mean?" Mo Ling was confused.

"We are leaving this world, the wish has been fulfilled."

"Done? Do you wish to escape from this world?"

"Almost, a large part of my wish has been fulfilled."

"Ah?" Mo Ling's thoughts were completely confused, and he had no idea what was going on.

The balloon floated slowly, circling Mo Ling several times, as if he wanted to see him more carefully.

"I didn't expect that the wish would be fulfilled in this way."

Then, the balloon suddenly floated to the top of Mo Ling's head.

"Do you feel the hostility from the real world?"

"What?" Mo Ling looked up and saw nothing.

"Look more carefully, you should be able to see it. Don't limit yourself to what's in front of you. The hostility is everywhere. You have to float to the surface to see it clearly."

"Hold me tight." The sponge line of the balloon trembled and entangled Mo Ling's palm.

Suddenly, a sense of restraint came, and Mo Ling felt as if his body was entangled by countless silk threads.

But the balloon pulled and rescued Mo Ling from those silk threads.

However, those silk threads still refused to give up and continued to twist and entangle.

Under the pull of this terrible force, Mo Ling's sponge body was completely damaged.

The sponge fragments were torn apart, and the hostile threads drilled into every hole in his body, wreaking havoc in the gaps of the sponge. Mo Ling only felt that countless greedy maggots were born in his body, gnawing frantically along his holes.

"Don't be controlled by hostility, you are the master of hostility!"

At this moment, the sound of the balloon sounded again, like a thunder, drilling into Mo Ling's body, instantly destroying all the maggots.

Relaxed, unprecedentedly relaxed.

Mo Ling only felt light and light, without a trace of burden.

Just like the feeling of floating in the volcanic ash when he first came to this world.

Wrapped in warm smoke and dust, a strange sense of security.

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