I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 417 Killing

In this envelope of smoke and dust, Mo Ling heard a howling like a strong wind.

It was the voice of another fellow sponge.


The voice was calling Mo Ling, telling him its wishes.

But it was completely different from Zongshi's before, there was no respect in that voice.

"God! I want a hearty battle, and I want an enemy stronger than me!"

The voice was shouting unscrupulously, deafening, and countless hostility wrapped around the voice, attacking Mo Ling like a torrent.

"Turns out that's where all that hostility comes from."

The hostility that tore Mo Ling's body apart before came from the same kind in front of him.

Not only that, these hostility also contain the "wishes" it wants to make.

Mo Ling slowly felt it and finally understood everything.

The distant past.

In a certain volcanic plain, a sponge creature with extraordinary talents was born.

Like Mo Ling, it has been involved in fighting since its birth.

It kills creatures hostile to it and absorbs their bodies.

Relying on its increasingly powerful body, it was invincible on the volcanic plains, killing all targets that were hostile to it.

Fighting is its only purpose.

The same goes for when it encounters its kind, it will grant those of its kind a glorious death.

During the battle, it develops its sponge body more and more deeply.

At first, he could only restore his body. Later, he could even combine the bodies of different creatures at will, and he could even separate his body completely to form a powerful army.

But it is still not satisfied and still wants to become stronger.

"Fighting is to become stronger, and becoming stronger is to fight."

"Only by constantly growing stronger can all things be given a glorious death!"

Its goals are very clear.

It fought from the foot of the mountain to the top, getting stronger and stronger, and finally entered the tallest volcano and fought with the strongest of its kind in the crater.

Of course it won.

Its development of the body has reached an extremely terrifying level, and before those of its kind could even resist, they were broken into pieces by it and given a glorious death.

"too weak……"

It was a little disappointed. It thought that its kind in the crater would fight it for three hundred rounds, until the sky was dark, but it didn't expect that the so-called "strongest kind" could not block its punch.

It had no choice but to occupy the crater and wait for others of its kind to challenge it.

There were many similar people coming to challenge, and at first it was very much looking forward to a hearty battle with these similar people.

It's a pity that those of its kind are surprisingly weak, and it gradually loses the fun of fighting.

However, in the process of constant fighting, it still learned some new things from those weaker contemporaries and continued to develop its own body.

Over time, such low-quality combat still made it very painful.

"They are all too weak."

Those of the same kind are completely unable to withstand a single move from it, and are often instantly killed by it as soon as they enter the crater.

Its spongy body can be stretched and changed at will.

It spreads its own sponge fragments throughout the crater. As long as it senses something approaching, it will directly attack and destroy the target.

In this boring battle, its progress in strength came to a standstill, and it could only start thinking about ways to break the situation.

Finally, it thought of a way:

Fight the world.

Since all things are hostile, it means they also want to fight.

"Fighting with the same kind is not enough, so I will fight the earth! Fight the sky! Fight the mountains! Fight the sea! Fight the stars!"

It just so happens that something is hostile to it at this time - a volcano.

"The volcano is about to erupt."

It didn't hesitate, soared into the air and blocked the crater directly.

"Volcano! Let's have a fight!" it roared directly at the volcano.

As if in response to it, the volcano made a rumbling sound, the magma rolled, and thick smoke billowed out.

"Well done!"

The sponges on its body spread out instantly, forming a giant net and heading towards the thick smoke cover.

As the giant net expanded and contracted, a strong wind hit, and the thick smoke in the sky suddenly turned upside down, and was swept back into the crater by the strong wind.

It easily deflected the volcano's smoke attack.

But it knows that this is just an appetizer, and a more terrifying power is brewing in the volcanic veins.

Not long after, as the volcano roared, magma spewed out.

This is the real meal!

Its body expanded instantly and blocked the center of the crater.

Looking at the incoming magma, it turned around to gather strength, and then followed with a heavy punch, hitting the magma flow hard.

Suddenly, fire splashed out, and the magma with terrifying energy was instantly stimulated by the energy of the punch, and red light overflowed.

The entire magma flow was almost stagnant by the fist wind, and the oscillating ripples spread along the magma throughout the earth's veins, making the vibrations of the earth's veins no longer smooth.

But it's not over yet, this is just the first punch.

The sponge's body gives it incredible flexibility.

The hole erupted with a burst of white air, and countless heavy punches were thrown towards the magma flow.

The viscous magma flow was instantly rippled and trembled, with light overflowing.

That hurricane-like punch activated all the energy in the magma, and the heat turned into white smoke, rising into the sky.

The holes in the sponge body breathed the white smoke of the magma, which made it more fighting spirit and its fist wind became more fierce.

Finally, under this terrible blow, the magma flow could no longer bear it.

After a flash of light, the energy contained in the magma was fully stimulated.

However, energy is limited. After it is released violently, it will be exhausted.

The originally turbulent magma flow actually began to dim and turn black, cooling into stiff volcanic rock.

"Boring! No power to resist!"

It hit the completely cooled volcanic rock, and the huge force was transmitted along the hard rock mass into the earth veins, forcing the entire earth veins to a halt.

The volcanic eruption was interrupted!

Halfway through the eruption, it actually started to retreat.

The battle was not over yet, but one party chose to retreat, which made the sponge creature feel bored. It was not enjoying itself at all.

"Is even the volcano so weak?"

The sponge creature suddenly realized that these natural hostilities could be easily resolved through combat.

"In that case, I will fight the whole world!"

So, it left the volcanic plain and started a battle journey in the abyss.

Because it would initiate battles wherever it went, it gradually became known to the creatures in the abyss.

And because of its spongy body that dispersed and gathered at times, it was mistaken for a race by other creatures.

But really, there is only itself.

It is also very satisfied with the name given to it by those creatures - killing.

After knowing the existence of the Sea of ​​Creation God, Killing came here.

Its purpose is clear:

A hearty battle, an enemy stronger than it.

"God! Please satisfy me!"

"Or you can come and fight me yourself! I haven't killed a god yet! I will give you a glorious death!"

The killing unleashed hostility unscrupulously, covering the entire world like a dark cloud-like thread.

Just as it screamed, a thin sponge line stretched out and instantly pushed aside the terrifying line of hostility.

The balloon is rising lightly in the sky:

"I'll... fight you."

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