Just broke up with the empress, stepped on the ant to upgrade

Chapter 149 Peace Agreement between Humans and Demons

"Why did I die, not you?"

The companion's eyes were full of blood and tears,

and his mouth opened and closed and roared unconsciously, with an astonishing resentment emanating from his whole body.



The monk waved his sword to resist, with a bitter expression,

and his heart was full of misery, but he didn't know what to say.

He could only wave his sword numbly, fending off the attacks from his companions again and again.

Similar scenes appeared in countless battlefields,

"Captain! You said you would take me home... Why did you abandon me?"

A "warrior" exuded a dark aura all over his body,

his eyes were red, his mouth opened and closed, moved, but no sound came out, and his aura was eerie and strange.

He was once abandoned by the captain himself in the war.

Then in an instant, he was surrounded by the demons and turned into a cold corpse.

Now he is obsessed with it, but he begins to draw his sword against his former compatriots.

At this moment, countless human territories, monks who had just died,

all carried overwhelming resentment and indiscriminately attacked the people around them.

They no longer resented a certain group alone, but resented the battlefield where they died,

all living creatures...

Too many dead souls, at this moment, resurrected, silently murmured:

"My body... thrown in the wild, why didn't anyone take me home?"

"I want to go back and take a look, but now I'm dead in a foreign land... I can never go back..."

"After death, there's really nothing left... It's so dark here..."

The dead are crying and bleeding, and now even after death, they can't rest in peace.


"Father, why didn't you save me? I died right in front of you..."

A young fox demon from the demon clan, with long silver-white hair fluttering in the wind,

a pair of fluffy white ears on his head, now bloody and broken in two,

he was very young, with the purest demon clan bloodline, and would have been a natural king,

but at this moment, he also fell, died on the battlefield,

originally, for him, he only thought that he was accumulating merits on the battlefield and plating a layer of gold,

but there was no child's play on the battlefield,

he died neatly on the battlefield,

he was proud of protecting his father, and his identity and bloodline, but did not bring him any help,

but became the target of public criticism.

He died, died under his father's nose.

At this moment, his beautiful face even looked a little distorted because of resentment.

He questioned loudly, looking at the man in front of him who said he would protect him,

with amazing resentment in his eyes:

"You said you would protect me! Why didn't you save me?"


The middle-aged demon had a complicated expression, and a trace of pain appeared on his face.

He could only resist the attack from his own child while killing his own child with his own hands.

And every time he attacked, he was in agony.

There were some things he couldn't say. He was the commander of the demon army.

For the sake of the overall situation, he couldn't save and couldn't save!

He could only watch his own child being killed.

Now, he had to kill him again by himself!

He had fought all his life, and now, what did he get in return?


When he personally smashed the remaining resentful spirits in his own son's body again,

the general of the demon clan seemed to have aged by dozens of years, and his body was much more hunched.

Now, he is really tired and has no strength to fight anymore...

Before, it was his body that was tired, but now, it is his heart that is tired...

In the past, he still had the obsession of revenge for his son, but now, he killed him with his own hands?

Who should he seek revenge on?

After fighting and fighting, what else did he get except his wife and children being separated?

This damn war...

And there are many people who think like him...

As long as it is a war, there will be deaths, and it will only bring more killings, and there will be no end...

There are too many resentful spirits accumulated over thousands of years, and now it is time to settle accounts.


In this terrifying and strange situation, the human race and the demon race rarely stopped fighting at this moment.

The dead bodies of the old friends stood up one after another and revived to become their enemies.

It was like a wake-up call, making them sober as never before.

They began to think, is war really right?

How to cleanse the resentful spirits all over the world?

At the same time,

in the sky, the dead spirits of the past generations summoned by the Lord of Qianling Realm

began to invade the entire Yaoyuan Continent again! This is a truly unprecedented disaster!

The revived bodies on the ground are just the creatures that have just fallen in this era.

And the dead spirits who died on the battlefield over the years, as long as they meet special conditions, have been summoned.

This is a truly terrifying number!

But fortunately, the summoned dead spirits and the resentful spirits on the ground are only one-hundredth of their strength.

But for the living creatures of the entire Yaoyuan Continent, it is still a disaster like the end of the world.

Under the threat from the outside world,

the human race and the demon race had to join forces to resist this catastrophe together!

Time flies, and more than two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

"Still haven't found it?"

Su Mo stood at the edge of the cloud and purified the countless undead in front of him.

Su Mo's existence is like a bright sun, and the Chaos Body Forging Technique's energy and blood are like a dragon, flowing spontaneously, avoiding all evil wherever it passes.

As long as you circle around the Yaoyuan Continent, a large number of undead will naturally die.

But there are too many undead souls,

Moreover, as long as the Qianling Realm Lord is not solved, the undead souls of the past generations will only continue to appear endlessly.

Therefore, it is impossible for Su Mo to spend too much energy on solving ordinary undead.

To really solve this disaster, the Lord of Qianling Realm is the first to bear the brunt!

"not yet……"

Zhao Ziluo also had a complicated expression, shook his head and said,

They have been searching for the Qianling Realm Master and Zhao Ziluo in black for more than two months.

The Qianling Boundary Master, a demon ancestor level 1112, seemed to have completely disappeared into the undead army and disappeared.

And Zhao Ziluo, who was dressed in black, also completely disappeared from the world.

"Keep looking, those undead guardians can be used as a breakthrough."

Su Mo said,

The undead protector is a high-level undead produced after the undead legions devour each other.

As months pass, these undead will not only attack all living creatures,

They will even devour each other to give birth to high-level undead.

Nowadays, in addition to the undead guardians, there are also a series of high-level undead such as undead knights, undead swordsmen, and undead giant monsters.

The guardians of the undead are the highest-level undead among them, and can be said to be Qiantian's guardian group.

If you want to find Qian Tian, ​​starting from the guardian of the undead is the best choice.

As for Zhao Ziluo's evil thoughts, when the time comes... maybe they will come out naturally.

In the blink of an eye, one year has passed,

During this year, the sky in the entire distant continent was gloomy, and there was no longer a ray of sunlight shining through.

During this year, under the unprecedented threat of undead natural disasters,

And under the suggestions of Su Mo and Zhao Ziluo.

The human race and the demon race formally established an alliance between the two races.

The two tribes have now reached an agreement to jointly resist the undead army!

With further contact between the two races, the human race began to go to the demon race's area to build defensive formations to resist the undead.

The demon clan will send giant demons to act as guards for the human race to resist the undead!

The human race's Qimen Dunjia, Five Elements Magic Formation, and various spells are far stronger than those of the demon race.

In the process of resisting the undead, human formations have repeatedly made military exploits.

At the same time, the human race showed amazing strategic thinking, which also made a kind of monster race admire them.

As for the demon clan, due to their large base and unique talents, they can excel in different fields.

Played different roles and made extraordinary achievements repeatedly.

In just one year, under a world-destroying disaster,

The ideas of the two races are unprecedentedly consistent.

In the end, under Su Mo’s decision,

The alliance between the two ethnic groups adopted a common merit system, established a new trading system, and unified materials and weights and measures.

The warriors of the human race and the demon race even disrupted their original teams and integrated into the new formation teams.

Every monk team will have a balanced number of human monks and demon cultivators.

There are two team leaders in the team, one is from the human race and the other is from the demon race.

At the same time, the number of undead hunted by the team will be regarded as merit.

Anyone who dares to cause sabotage in the team will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant regulations of the "Law on Peaceful Coexistence of Two Races".

The foreign enemy is at the forefront.

In just one year, the hatred in the past has faded too much.

Comrades are often the fastest way to form friendships.

From the beginning there was mutual hostility and distrust, but under cold terms and the leadership of the team leader,

And under the countless life-and-death crises that the two races have experienced together, the warriors of the two races can now safely hand over their backs to the foreign race.

At this time, the two races realized that the demon race (human race) was not all bad.

People are divided into good people, and monsters are divided into good monsters.

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