In the blink of an eye, time flies and another year passes.

The atmosphere between the two races is becoming more and more harmonious, and the human race and the demon race, with their bold personalities, are even more like brothers.

In every troubled time, more and more heart-stirring stories are born.

The stories inside are both human and demonic.

Among them, due to the team system, which is shared by humans and monsters, and the ratio of men to women is equal,

Therefore, there are many cases of shemales falling in love.

Among them, the most famous one belongs to the new generation of geniuses from the Dongfang Family, Dongfang Yueming and a little fox demon from the Monster Clan!

The two have become a model of human-male love, and are being imitated by the world!

Whenever the two races of humans and demons combine and a half-demon child is born, they will be protected by the laws of the alliance and will receive a series of subsidies.

It’s a far cry from the previous days when everyone was shouting and fighting.

It's just that the policy of encouraging shemales to fall in love has not been written on the table.

In general,

The past hatred between humans and monsters has faded too much.

Everything is really as Zhao Ziluo expected. In this special period, the two races of humans and monsters can truly live in peace.

In addition to the series of institutional reforms brought about by Su Mo, what brought about all these changes was

This is an unprecedented threat from foreign enemies... and the creatures of the Demon Yuan Continent must be allowed to face the outside world in unison.

At this time, Su Mo looked sad.

It has been almost three years since he came to this world, but he still can't find his way home.

Both Qian Tian and Zhao Ziluo in black seemed to have disappeared from the world, hiding behind the scenes without even a shadow to be found.

"I don't know how they are doing?"

Su Mo murmured, looking up at the bright moon in the sky,

Two years have passed. After continuous hunting by the human and demon tribes, the number of the undead army has finally been reduced sharply.

At this time, the sky was no longer gloomy, and the undead army wandering all over the sky slowly disappeared.

Finally the clouds and mist parted to see the moon.

Su Mo's eyes flashed slightly, across the endless sea of ​​clouds,

Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, her eyes are as bright as the stars, filled with an emotion that cannot be resolved.

He misses them very much now...very much...

At the same time, there is a blue planet that spans countless time and space planes.

"It's been more than two months. Where has my brother been?"

Su Xuan raised her head and looked at the bright moon in the sky, with a look of confusion on her face.

The bright moon hangs high there, the stars are shining brightly, and the breeze and moonlight almost overflow all night long.

How is it even remotely apocalyptic?

But now the global situation is turbulent, and some kind of fire plans are making a fuss.

It seems like the end of the world is coming...

And she and sister Luo Xi, thanks to their brother's existence, are also part of the Tinder Project.

But if my brother never comes back, will they still be able to see each other when they go to Mars?

"Sister Luo Xi, tomorrow is the Tinder Project. Do we really want to go to Mars? Then, will we have to go to Mars to meet my brother again?"

Looking at the figure standing quietly next to her who looked like the protagonist of the era, the peerless and beautiful figure in white, Su Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"He will be back soon..."

Luo Xi said, her beautiful and flawless face looked calm and unruffled,

The words couldn't be more ordinary, but they came out of Luo Xi's mouth,

Everything seemed so natural, as sure as fate.

As she said, if she told him to reply, he would definitely reply.

"Then Sister Luoxi, is that King of Alien Beasts really as scary as what is said on TV? Is he not even afraid of nuclear bombs?"

Su Xuan thought for a while and asked again.

"Yeah, it's scary..."

And it's far scarier than what's shown on TV.

Resist nuclear bombs? That's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the strength of the Alien Beast Emperor.

Luo Xi said with a complicated expression.

Naturally, she would not say the latter words to Su Xuan, so as not to increase panic.

"But... when he comes back, all problems will be solved..."

Luo Xi said quietly.

She raised her beautiful eyes and stared at the bright moon in the sky in trance.

I always feel that there seems to be something above the moon.

At this time, the Earth's atmosphere is outside.

"Mother, I'm here to visit you."

A figure in purple floated all the way to the moon.

He has a handsome and somewhat evil appearance, with a pair of horns growing on his forehead.

An amazing aura emanates from the whole body.

Looking at the moon that was very close at hand, his expression became more and more respectful.

He was originally a small mutant beast on earth.

But on a night with clear breeze and bright moon,

While bathing in the moonlight, he accidentally absorbed a drop of blood from the ancient moon corpse.

From now on. Not only did his life level jump, but he also gained countless inheritances in that drop of blood.

After that, he made great progress all the way and embarked on a counterattack road to become an emperor.

Became the fastest evolver on the entire moon.

And the reason why he calls the ancient moon corpse his mother is purely because he puts gold on his face.

Now, he has come to the moon again, following the mysterious guidance.

Just to touch the ancient sword, the sword inserted into the body of the ancient moon corpse seemed to be very important. It was firmly nailed to the moon and seemed to involve a seal.

This is also the reason why the ancient lunar corpse drops blood.

And as long as this sword is touched, the seal will be shaken and contaminated,

Then he will receive the gift of the ancient moon corpse again and become more powerful!

By then, the entire earth will be just a piece of cake!

"As long as I can get the appreciation of Mother this time, the life and death of the entire earth will depend on my thoughts!"

The purple-clothed figure showed endless greed and passion in his eyes, and he smiled wildly.

Then there was no pause, and the body floated towards the moon at a faster speed.

At this time, Yaoyuan Continent.

Su Mo's own courtyard.

"Su Mo, it seems they have discovered their whereabouts."

A figure in white descended from the sky and landed in Su Mo's courtyard.

Zhao Ziluo was dressed in misty white clothes, and his always indifferent expression now showed ripples.

She has also been very anxious recently.

Because as Su Mo became more and more anxious, there was something vaguely wrong in the eyes he looked at her.

From time to time, a ray of light flashed through, as if some crazy murderous intention was brewing.

It frightened her into a daze.

Zhao Ziluo was afraid that one day, Su Mo would kill her as an evil thought.

"Really? Let's go."

Su Mo's expression was calm, and he didn't seem to be too surprised, and his expression didn't show any fluctuation or change.

But judging from his slightly contracted pupils and clenched fists.

With the pace that never stopped, it was easy to see that his mentality was not as calm as it appeared.

The next moment, Su Mo had turned into a streak of light, flying with his sword, and reached the sky.

Just about to fly away,

"Su Mo, it's over here..."

Looking at Su Mo who was flying far away, Zhao Ziluo couldn't help but said,

Watching Su Mo flying with his sword, his body standing with his hands behind his back visibly stiffened.

Zhao Ziluo's beautiful face couldn't help but reveal a faint smile,

It's really... it's been a long time since I've seen Su Mo so anxious, right?

"Maybe this is the last time? I'm really selfish. I secretly watched him for another year..."

Zhao Ziluo said to himself, a ray of sadness flashed across his eyes,

The next moment, his body turned into a stream of light and followed him.


ps: This world of reincarnation is coming to an end soon, just in these two days.

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