
But the next moment, an attack was launched. It was a light wave like an electric pulse, which directly passed through the integrated image in Ilia's hand, flickered a few times, and destroyed it.

"Illya, don't be stupid again."

"There is not much time left for us from above. We must destroy humanity immediately."

But another spaceship landed, and an ugly star-greeder who maintained his original appearance walked out and said to Illya.

Ilia did not look at him, but still asked Ye Fan: "How about... give me a... photo, and I will protect... you..."

"How should I trust you?" Ye Fan frowned.

Although he didn't know the power of the photo that existed... But Ye Fan didn't want to give it to her so easily.


On the other side, several Greedy Star spaceships have landed, emitting energy light waves and mercilessly destroying human buildings.

The smoke of war and the cries of children are everywhere. Artillery fire and smoke are everywhere. Airships are landing one after another, carrying out dimensionality reduction strikes on humans! The red arrogance filled half of the sky, and the warriors' unwilling roars could not be heard.

A wave of energy light even rushed towards Illya. She turned her head slightly, her hair was messy, and she easily avoided it.

She twirled her slender fingers around her hair and said lightly, "You don't seem to have much time to think about it."

"That seems to be the case." Ye Fan touched his chin and thought.

"Ye Fan, what should we do now?"

Ye Fan's classmates were already holding Ye Fan's arms and asked tremblingly.

Including Su Xuan in the distance, they couldn't help but cast their eyes in Mark's direction.

"What else can be done?"

"I can only ask this female warrior to protect me."

Ye Fan said. Then he made a gesture of invitation.


Another attack fell straight towards Mark.

But it was blocked by Ilia who teleported in front of Ye Fan.

"Illya! Do you want to defect?"

In the distance, the loud shouts of the Greedy Star people were heard.

"Remember, the photo you promised me."

Illya turned her back to Ye Fan and others and left these words.

Immediately, the whole person turned into a meteor and rushed straight towards the rest of the Star Greeders!

The sound of explosions kept coming.

It was a tsunami-like roar that each attack brought.

She actually started fighting with the other Greedy Stars, and she didn't know how magical the photo was.

"Master Zhang Jian..."

Ye Fan touched the photo in his arms and couldn't express his emotions in words for a while.

"What did you say to the alien?"

"He is actually willing to help you?"

A beautiful shadow came, Su Xuan turned into a rainbow, came here, looked at Ye Fan, frowned and asked.

She was also entangled by a greedy star, and she almost couldn't help but use the backup plan her brother gave her.

But the star-greeder was easily solved by the female alien who had talked with Ye Fan before.

She couldn't help but be shocked,

I couldn't help but come here to ask.

"No, it's not that I said anything..."

"It's just that this female alien thinks that... I have a photo of Master Zhang Sword..."

"I want me to give her Master Zhang Jian's photo in exchange for her chance to take action."

Ye Fan shrugged and said helplessly.

"What about the photos? Do you have them?"

Su Xuan asked.

"Please, in this day and age, where do you get the photo of Master Zhang Jian?"

"Hasn't everything been completely blocked? I would also like to have one..."

Ye Fan raised his hands as if begging for mercy. He looked like he was going to forgive me...

"In other words, you cheated on her?" Su Xuan raised her eyebrows.

"I didn't lie to her, she was just self-righteous... and thought I owned it."

Ye Fan quickly distanced himself from the relationship.

"That's it. You don't have any photos. If this female alien discovers us, wouldn't we all be in trouble?"

Next to Ye Fan's classmate, the fat man, couldn't help but wailed.

"So, why don't we run away now?" Ye Fan suggested.

"Yes, it's indeed the best time to run away while this female alien is fighting with other aliens and has no time to worry about us." The fat man's eyes also lit up and he nodded in agreement.

"I'm afraid it's too late." Su Xuan shook her head, seriousness written on her pretty face. "Now, there are aliens everywhere, and the Star Greeders have launched a full-scale invasion."

"With this female alien here, we can still provide us with shelter. However, once we leave here and bump into other aliens... life or death is unpredictable... and the most important thing..."

Su Xuan paused for a moment, but she didn't finish her sentence.

"The most important point? What is it?" The fat man scratched his head and scratched his head impatiently.

Ye Fan also turned his gaze to Su Xuan, frowning and waiting for her answer.

"That's...I'm afraid it's too late...that alien...has already arrived..." Su Xuan looked behind them and said helplessly.


"What?" Ye Fan and Fatty were surprised at the same time. He quickly looked behind them.

But I saw in the distance,

Illya had already raised her hand and summoned a lightsaber, killing all the other flying fleets and Greedy Stars.

She had already cleaned up the mess, and a drop of dark green blood dripped on her delicate cheek. She turned around and swept her eyes over here.

"It seems that this female alien named Illya is a very powerful existence even among the greedy people." Su Xuan took a deep breath and frowned.


But they didn't have time to think more. The next moment, the blonde girl named Illya had already flashed, and at the end of the vision, more than ten miles away, she turned into a long rainbow and instantly swept in front of everyone.

"You just seemed to be talking about me?" Illya raised her eyebrows and asked.

The battle had just ended, and there was still a murderous aura on her body.

"Well, we are just talking about you, you are very skilled..." Ye Fan laughed.


Illya was furious at this moment, and her eyes were bright with blue light! The breastplate stood up to protect the fullness of her chest, and her slender and straight jade legs were also protected by the silver leg armor.

This pair of legs just kicked a Greed Star man to death, Ye Fan dared not look at it.

At this time, Illya's golden hair was flying, and her aura was full.

"You don't have a photo of Him...right?"

Illya was furious, but her voice was unexpectedly calm. Just listening to it, people felt a chill.

"Through the vibrations that just remained in the air here, I sensed the information you left behind..."

"You don't have a photo of Him...right?"

Illya asked again. Looking at Ye Fan, there was an annoyance and unwillingness of being deceived.

"You are so smart, why ask if you know it?"

"Besides, it's just a photo...why..."

Seeing that he was exposed, Ye Fan simply spread his hands and said disapprovingly.

"Despicable and ugly human, dirty reptile, little liar!"

"Self-righteous guy... You don't know what that photo means to me..."

Illya said angrily, and a huge energy ball had already gathered in her hand, ready to attack Ye Fan.

"Wait a minute."

Su Xuan stepped forward and blocked Ye Fan.

She raised her eyebrows and said calmly:

"Do you want photos?"

"I have them."

"Even if I want, I can call out the people in the photos. Do you believe it?"


ps: Many people have gone to school. This is really sad news...

Thanks to [Hymenaeus the Crazy], [Blackened Fox (ಡωಡ)], [Stone of Crazy Mine], [Cang Xing of Inner Gate], [Midnight Hunter Ma Ren], [Yuan Ji], [Xu Chuanling of Lingxiang Temple], [Yang Su.], [Xia Tian], [It's Hard to Pick a Name 258], [Old Lu Who Loves Steamed Small Yellow Croaker] and other book friends for their gifts and support! Thanks to other book friends for their gifts and support! !

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