"Oh? Do you have a photo of this supreme being?" Illya narrowed her blue eyes, becoming completely interested.

Under her gaze, Su Xuan took a deep breath and carefully took out a photo.

It was a yellowish black-and-white photo that had obviously aged well and was full of weathering. The photo showed a gray-haired but handsome-looking little boy.

Wearing a simple T-shirt, he put one hand on his hip, raised a wide smile, as bright and dazzling as the sun, and put his arm around the shoulders of the little girl who was half a head shorter than her.

The little girl also looked cute. She was wiping her tears with one hand and seemed to be crying.

"You told me, this is the adult?"

Illya was stunned for a moment and asked coldly.

Ye Fan and others also had some confusion in their eyes, not knowing what this meant.

"To you, he is the sword master and the swordsman, but to me... he is just my idiot brother, my elder brother..."

Su Xuan held the photo with a gentle smile on her lips.

"There is no power of faith in this photo... It's just ordinary, I don't feel anything special..."

Illya frowned.

But then, I still felt it in this photo,

I felt a wonderful emotional power.

It is different from the power of faith, but it is more mysterious and powerful, like... family love?

But even so, can he really protect his own life in the next desperate situation?


Another huge attack came, but Illya knocked it down with a single blow, holding a lightsaber.

In the distance, several more Greedy Star fleets were seen approaching, and several Greedy Star warriors stepped out of them.

"Illya! Have you really betrayed the great Greedy Star Civilization... and decided to protect this little earthling?"

A tall star-greedy warrior walked over, surrounded by several other star-greedy warriors.

There was also a five-pointed star sewn on his shoulder, and he asked Illya angrily.

Illya pursed her lips and did not answer, nor did she look at the other Greedy Stars who arrived.

She took the photo handed over by Su Xuan and carefully protected it in her arms.

Then he clenched the lightsaber in his hand and stood in front of Su Xuan, Ye Fan and others.

"If you dare to lie to me, even if I turn into a heroic soul in the starry sky, I will make you disappear in the long river of stars! You will be removed from your name on the road to death!"

Illya turned her head slightly, leaving everyone with a cold back.

Then he held a lightsaber, transformed into a rainbow, and killed the rest of the Greedy Stars again.

"Sir, squad leader, is this reliable?"

Ye Fan carefully approached Su Xuan and asked.

Su Xuan was already the monitor of their class from the moment she transferred to their class.

With his outstanding appearance and talent, he has extremely high popularity and appeal.

"I don't know what she wants."

Su Xuan frowned, her delicate and pretty face was a little absent-minded, she shook her hands in the air and was speechless for a moment.

Ilia was very reluctant to give the photo to her.

This is the only childhood photo she treasures.


In the distance, Illya is still fighting against her fellow tribesmen.

The battle was very tragic.

Illya fought one against six, but she didn't lose at all.

It's a pity that the tall star-greedy warrior who arrived at the end was very powerful, and the five-pointed star engraved on his shoulder was very eye-catching.

He was actually able to have a back-and-forth fight with Illya.

The other Greedy Star warriors did not dare to get close at all.

But Illya is gifted after all, and her starry sky combat skills are very superb, obviously a step ahead of other Star Greed warriors.

Gradually, he took the situation back into his hands.

She first punched and kicked, destroying all the other Greedy Star warriors who were constantly supporting them, and knocked them away.

Finally, he chose to fight with the tall Star Greed warrior.


From time to time, there are star-greeders who are kicked away by Illya and turn into meteors to escape towards the sky! Some of them turned into rain of blood and scattered.

But there was also a Greedy Star whose head was kicked off and only half of his body was left.

Ilia accidentally kicked her in front of Su Xuan, Ye Fan and others.


The half of the greedy star fell on the ground ten feet away from Su Xuan, Ye Fan and others, directly smashing a huge crater of about ten meters in the thick marble floor, kicking up a large amount of dust!

If the Greedy Star Man's body had moved a little further, Su Xuan and others would probably have to receive their lunch boxes on the spot.

After the smoke dissipated, everyone stared at the body of the Greedy Star Man in trance.

"Here you go, this is the first time I've seen the corpse of a Greedy Star."

The fat man was very excited, and he boldly stepped forward to touch it.

See if it's true.

"Fat man, wait a minute..."

Ye Fan frowned and did not step forward rashly.

He wanted to reach out to stop his teammates, but the fat man had already run forward quickly.

Su Xuan also frowned, as if she felt the scene was a bit disgusting, and turned her back.

When he came closer, the fat man felt a little happy when he actually touched the body of Greedy Star Man.

He kicked the body of Greedy Starman hard several times. After seeing no response, he turned around, waved his hands vigorously towards Ye Fan and others, and said happily:

"This star-greedy man is dead, and he can't die any more!"

"Not to mention, this Greedy Star Man's bones are very strong, there are actually some electronics and circuits in his body, and his skin is very realistic!"

"My dear, this is of great research value. Tell me, if you sell the corpse of the Greedy Star Man, can you get a good price?"

The fat man babbled, shouted, and said excitedly.

But he found that the next moment, Ye Fan's expression had become extremely frightened.

"Fat man! Get out of the way!!"

Ye Fan used all his strength and shouted loudly.

But it was too late.

The fat man was stabbed to the core by a tentacle protruding from the body of the Greedy Star Man.

The fat man felt the heart-breaking pain in his chest. He turned around in shock and made a hoarse and painful voice in his throat.

But I can no longer utter a complete word.

At the last moment of his life, he saw the Greedy Star Man with only half of his body left. Unexpectedly, a tentacle had grown out of his body.

He saw his own reflection in the tentacles that reflected the cold light.

The fat man's body gradually shriveled up, and his hair turned from thick black to gray... After a while, he became skinny and skinny, and his appearance became old.

In just a few seconds, he had been sucked into a mummy.

As for the star-greedy man, after his tentacles connected to the fat man's body, he seemed to have received some kind of energy supplement, and his body twisted strangely.

Not long after, the remaining half of the body had grown up, and the head, which had been destroyed, had regenerated. In that way, it was vaguely similar to the fat man.

The fat man completely turned into a mummy.

What came with it was a Greedy Star Man with a complete body, grinning gloomily, and stood up again.

"Fat man!!"

Ye Fan's eyes were filled with tears, and he heard a heartbreaking roar, looking at his classmate and friend helplessly.

In a moment of inadvertence, he transformed from a living person into a mummy.

The impact this had on Ye Fan was unimaginable.

Even Su Xuan on the side frowned and turned away.

The two of them were still students and had never been on the battlefield and experienced the cruelty of fighting.

All these events gave them a strong mental impact.

Especially the person who died was still a classmate whom he spent time with day and night.

The shock in my heart is even more indescribable.

It turns out...war has never been a child's play.

What's more, this kind of genocide war has already started the moment the Greedy Stars arrive!

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