"Neither of these two women is gentle. I still like a gentle woman like Mikoto. She is so gentle when stroking her fur."

Listening to the roaring in the conscious space and the scolding in his ears, the orange cat who had just come back to his senses shook his head subconsciously.

The village is indeed vigorously promoting a plan during this period. The name of that plan is "Konoha's Future" on the surface, and "How to Care for Widowed Villagers" behind the scenes.

Just now, he wanted to care for Kushina, but he was beaten out unexpectedly.


Then, the orange cat lowered his head and looked towards the living room on the first floor. After his eyes stayed on the woman for a moment, he looked at Asuka sitting beside her.

All his peers are gone, and Feiniao can only focus on the previous generation or the next generation if he wants to get married.

Shizune is not good in the next generation. She was trained by Tsunade and now she hides away when she sees Asuka.

Yuhi Kurenai is okay, but Asuka is a little unhappy.

Among the previous generation, those over thirty years old were directly screened out, those who were not good-looking were directly screened out, and those who were not talented and affected the genes of the next generation were directly screened out.

There were not many people left to choose from.


The orange cat lay on the railing and sighed.

"It's a pity. Although the Hinata families all marry with foreign races, the premise of their marriage is to put a caged bird on their offspring. Otherwise, it would be very good to marry a Hinata wife."

Before he could continue thinking about it, the woman on the first floor suddenly changed the topic, once again moving from Asuka's happiness to Uchiha Mikoto's happiness.

"Uchiha Mikoto is such a good person, how could you do this?"


The orange cat grinned, then jumped down from the second floor and landed not far from Asuka.

Hearing the movement behind him, Asuka glanced at it and continued to lower his head and look at the floor under his feet.

"Feiniao, although it is your freedom to propose ideas at the clan meeting, you should also think about the consequences when you propose your ideas. Now that you are a strong man in Kaleidoscope, there will definitely be followers behind you who agree with your ideas in the future.

When more people in the family agree with your ideas, they will join forces to strengthen your momentum."

After staring at the woman who looked exactly like Mikoto for a long time, the orange cat quietly came behind Asuka and wrote on his back with his paws, "Is she really that person? Why does this cat look like Uchiha Mikoto?" so similar

Kushina also said just now that she absolutely cannot be Uchiha Mikoto, but I always feel weird.

Although I don't think she is Mikoto, this person talks as if she has eaten firecrackers, and the smell of gunpowder is too strong. "

After roughly guessing the handwriting written by the orange cat, Feiniao glanced at the woman secretly, then raised his hand to wipe the spittle that splashed on his face.

at this time.

Feiniao also felt a little strange.

Is it because what he did is really a loss of conscience, or is it that the woman in front of him is too protective of Uchiha Mikoto?

After ten sentences of chatting, seven of them were directed towards Uchiha Mikoto.

"Kushina and Feifei also think she is not Mikoto?"

Suppressing the last doubt in his heart, Feiniao smacked his lips and promised, "Don't worry, I will discuss it with the great elder when the clan meeting is held tomorrow.

(The Great Elder) has a very bright mind, and he must be able to think of a way to get the best of both worlds. "


After hearing Asuka's assurance, Uchiha Mikoto nodded with satisfaction.

Today's trip was not in vain, not only did I get some information, but it even changed Asuka's mind to some extent.

As night falls, the lights in every house gradually turn on, bringing warmth and light to this dark world.

Uchiha Itachi sat quietly in the corridor, holding the baby in his arms, looking at the disappearing sunset in the distance with blurred eyes, lost in thought.


A burst of baby crying pulled Itachi back from a daze. He looked down at the crying baby, with a forced smile on his face and comforted him.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, mother will be back soon."

After saying that, Itachi looked out at the street anxiously.

Sasuke's crying became more and more intense, but his mother, who had been out for a long time, had not returned yet.

In the past, this time was Sasuke's time to eat.

But now

After looking at Sasuke who was crying from hunger, Uchiha Itachi looked back at the empty home. After a little tangle on his face, he got up and walked towards the room, ready to brew some milk powder.

When Itachi walked into the living room, he suddenly heard a familiar humming sound coming from the kitchen.

Looking curiously, Itachi discovered that a figure wearing an apron had appeared in the originally empty kitchen.

When did you come back?


She called out tentatively, and the figure selecting dishes in the kitchen moved for a moment, then she turned to look at the two people in the living room, and said with a smile, "Itachi, Sasuke, you must be starving.

Wait a little longer, the rice will be cooked soon. "

Uchiha Itachi blinked, looking at his mother's rosy and shiny face, and the relief in his tone, and asked in confusion.

"Mother, where did you go this afternoon?"


Thinking of what happened this afternoon, the smile on Uchiha Mikoto's face became even brighter, "It was a hearty and bizarre experience, no one would believe it if I told it."

Itachi glanced at his mother strangely, but after he noticed that his mother's complexion and mood were unusually good, he immediately stopped asking about it.

My mother has been in a bad mood recently, and she always looks unhappy with herself.

It's better to feel better.

Half an hour later.

A simple dinner was served on the table.

Itachi rubbed his belly, glanced at the dishes on the table, clasped his hands together and said politely, "I'm starting!"


Uchiha Mikoto smiled and nodded. Then she picked up a piece of tofu and put it in her mouth. After chewing it twice, her face changed and she muttered, "Did I forget to add salt? Why is there no taste at all?"

But when she saw Weasel, who was eating very deliciously, she couldn't help but ask.

"Itachi, do you think the food is bland?"

"Just right!"

"It's strange, why do I feel like there is no salt in it?"

"Mother, what are you talking about?"


Seeing Itachi looking at her in surprise, Uchiha Mikoto shook her head and took another bite of another dish.


Still bland!

After she picked up all the dishes on the table one by one, and even ate two chopsticks of pickles, her expression completely changed.

There was something wrong with her tongue.


With the sound of a porcelain bowl falling to the ground, Uchiha Itachi paused in his eating movements.

His heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and his eyes quickly glanced at his mother. At the same time, he began to reflect on whether he had chewed while eating, which made his mother feel bad again.


Itachi carefully looked up, and then he noticed that the smile on his mother's face was completely gone, and her expression was gloomy and scary.

"What's wrong with you?"

Hearing Itachi's cautious question to herself, Uchiha Mikoto moved her fingers vigorously and said vaguely, "Xylophone. Kono is seriously ill."

Uchiha Itachi's small eyes blinked rapidly several times. He looked at the drool dripping from the corner of his mother's mouth and the palms that were constantly moving but could not be held tightly, and he said with some confusion.

"what did you say?"


After saying three words in a row, Uchiha Mikoto felt a sudden numbness in her thighs, just like squatting in the toilet for a long time, and she couldn't use any strength at all.


Itachi kept repeating the three words "Dudu.Du.". The next moment, his eyes suddenly widened and he looked at his mother in panic.

Mother, is she poisoned?

at the same time.

Uchiha Asuka's house.


As the toilet flushed, Uchiha Asuka walked out of it holding his pants.

"Asuka, how many times has this happened?"

The orange cat raised his eyelids to glance at him, then lowered them again.

Not long after the person who looked exactly like Asuka's mother left this afternoon, Uchiha Asuka seemed to have eaten something bad and went to the toilet once an hour.

"Four or five times!"

Feiniao rubbed his belly and said with some regret, "Maybe it's because I'm used to eating coarse grains, and suddenly I ate a meal of fine grains, and my stomach couldn't bear it."

“Are you sure this isn’t puffer fish poisoning??

But it shouldn’t be. With your current strength, how could you not be able to remove the highly toxic parts of the puffer fish? "

"It's probably not poisoned, it's just a bad stomach."

Having said this, Feiniao shook his head vigorously and said with some fear, "Ever since I was poisoned once, I have felt sick when I saw pufferfish. If I hadn't entertained that person this time, I wouldn't have gone to the wet market to buy it." This pufferfish thing.

At that time, I asked the fishmonger to help me take care of the pufferfish. It shouldn’t be a problem with the pufferfish. "



Thinking of the skillful fishmongers in the vegetable market, the orange cat let out a light ooh and closed his eyes again.

There's nothing terrible about being poisoned anyway.

As the top medical ninja in Konoha, Uchiha Asuka can still handle a little poison on his own.

As for the woman who has left.

Are dead people still afraid of being poisoned?

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