The two chickens were cleaned up by Liu Han in just three minutes, and even the bones in the chicken’s body were pulled out, but the most amazing thing was that the chicken still maintained its original form…

To be able to do this, it not only requires the hand speed of “being single for many years”, but also requires strength and skill, but also requires a good understanding of the body structure of the chicken to do it, which requires a high degree of technology.

However, Liu Han did it, for no other reason, because he had already mastered the cooking skill of “Luohan Tiger Claw Pulling”.

What made Liu Han excited was that this was only a “one-star” cooking skill to have such a powerful technical content, this higher-star cooking skill, he did not dare to imagine.

Rao was next to Liu Han, Ye Shanliang was also stunned for a long time, and then with a serious look on his face, he murmured: “Clean cooking techniques, this Liu Han is really not simple, since this is the case, I will show you a little strength.” ”

Saying that, Hayama Liang picked up a kitchen knife and began to slice the most essential part of the duck meat, and then marinated it with several flavors of spices.

Sure enough, Hayama Liang still took out his best spice offensive and prepared to cook this dish.

Liu Han didn’t feel strange, and then picked up the two old hens he had handled and began to put them into the bone broth that had been stewed from the beginning.

Although this bone stock has not been stewed for a long time, it is just right for Liu Han’s dish.

Generally speaking, dashi stock can be divided into hair soup, milk soup, seafood soup, clear soup, these four types.

The so-called Mao soup is used in large quantities for ordinary cooking, and it is often found in general restaurants, which are continuously boiled and continuously taken to replenish water. The raw materials are generally chicken bones, duck bones, pork bones, minced meat, pork skin, etc. Boil in cold water, remove foam, put in green onion and ginger wine, and simmer for a few hours, this soup has no special requirements and no technical content.

Followed by milk soup, generally using chicken, duck, pork bones, pork feet, pork elbow, pork belly and other raw materials that are easy to make the soup white, boiling water first, put cold water on a strong fire to boil, remove foam, put in green onion and ginger wine, simmer slowly until the soup is thick and milky white. Because it has the color of milk, it is called milk soup.

Then there is the seafood soup, as the name suggests, this is a variety of seafood soup, just like the production and distribution of Mao soup, there is no special technical content, but seafood soup appears more on the Western table.

The last thing that is more particular is clear soup. The clear soup is divided into ordinary clear soup and refined clear soup.

Ordinary clear soup, choose old hens, with some lean pork, boil with boiling water and put cold water on a high fire, remove foam, put in green onion and ginger wine, and then change the heat to low, keep the soup noodles slightly open, turn over the crushed small blisters. After waiting for the heat, it will be boiled into white milk soup, and if the heat is too small, the flavor will not be strong.

Subsequently, this refined clear soup is more exquisite. After proceeding, such a soup is the best in the soup, like white water but clear and fragrant, often used in the preparation of high-end dishes, its representative dish, cabbage.

Now what Liu Han wants to do is this exquisite clear soup, because the time is relatively limited, can only be made into a temporary exquisite clear soup, so the exquisite clear soup will definitely lack the rich taste of the taste, not as strong as the soup cooked for a long time.

However, what Liu Han wants now is this effect, and the general exquisite clear soup is only served after the main dish, so even if the taste is very strong, it will not affect the food after the main dish.

But here it is different, Liu Han wants to serve it as an appetizer. The appetizer is still exquisite, the main effect is appetizing, and the most taboo is the strong taste.

This point is well reflected in the “Zhonghua Fan”. In the Battle of Shanghai, the chef of the dark culinary world, “Jin Mao Hu Luo Ke”, that is, the chef who uses the “Luohan Tiger Claw Pull”, faces Tang Sanjie’s bouncing turtle soup with an exquisite top soup.

However, because the taste of “chicken top soup” was too strong, it did not have an appetizing effect as the first dish, and it ended in failure.

In fact, if when making exquisite broth at that time, Roco did not use such a rich pork bone stock as raw materials, but used a relatively light taste and not particularly long stewed broth to make it, I am afraid that the result of the duel would have been different.

Liu Han, who is very aware of this, simply filtered the simmered broth, and then tasted it with a “super sense of smell”, and felt that it was almost the same as another pot, scooped up some of the broth, and then put it into a large casserole.

Then one of the two boneless clean old hens was put into it and began to stew.

In fact, there is no special technical content to make this exquisite broth, just be able to handle the old hen cleanly and pay attention to the rich taste of the matching texture.

Indeed, it sounds so simple that almost everyone does. But when it comes to doing it, few people can do it well!

It can only be said that Liu Han is “lucky”. When handling old hens, you can use the “Luohan tiger claw pulling” that has only recently learned, and when the delicate broth is seasoned, it is assisted by a leisurely “super sense of smell”.

Therefore, this created the possibility for him to make soup that he had not been exposed to before.

After putting one of the whole chickens into a large casserole, Liu Han directly covered the lid, and then turned on a high heat and slowly simmered.

After doing all this, Liu Han turned around and said to Hayama: “Classmate Yetama, this appetizer of mine will take another hour to complete, so in order to synchronize the two dishes, you can slow down a bit.” ”

When Ye Shanliang heard this, he “sighed” again and said, “So, is this a drag?” ”

“Ah~ If you think this is a drag, then serve your main course first, as long as Senior Sister Mizuhara doesn’t mind.” Liu Han said with a faint smile.

Ye Shanliang couldn’t help it, he could only slow down when he heard Liu Han say this, after all, this assessment was “binding”, and if Liu Han didn’t cook well, he would also be implicated.

Then Ye Shanliang stayed on Liu Han’s cooking table for a moment, feeling a little strange and puzzled. Now he also knows that the appetizer that Liu Han wants to make is soup, and it is also chicken soup…

But when it was stewing, he only put one chicken into the casserole, and the other one on the side, and it seemed that he was not going to use it? If that’s the case, why deal with two, isn’t it a waste?

(To be continued.) )_

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