Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1612 See also

Many martial arts fans have determined that Duan Yu is the protagonist, but now Duan Yu does not know any martial arts at all, and Duan Yu seems to have no interest in martial arts at all, let alone learn martial arts.

The protagonist of a martial arts work is not interested in martial arts. This is the first time that martial arts fans have seen this setting.

"This is interesting." The martial arts fans thought so in their hearts.

Duan Yu is not interested in martial arts now, but "Dragon Babu" is martial arts after all, and the protagonist cannot always know martial arts.

Then, the question arises, how did Duan Yu's later martial arts come about?

Did he suddenly become interested in martial arts and learn it by himself? Or has he never been interested in martial arts, but because of some reasons, he acquired martial arts by accident?

There is great interest and expectation in the hearts of all martial arts fans.

Continuing to look back, Duan Yu had a conflict with the Wuliangjian faction and wanted to leave. At this time, a young girl suddenly appeared and helped Duan Yu a lot.

That girl was called Zhong Ling, and she had an extremely powerful Lightning Sable. The Lightning Sable injured the people of the Boundless Sword Sect, making the people of the Boundless Sword Sect have no time to take care of Duan Yu for the time being.

The reason why Zhong Ling came here was because she overheard a news that there was a gang called the "Shen Nong Gang" that was going to deal with the Wuliang Jian faction.

Zhong Ling came to watch the fun, and happened to see that Duan Yu was being bullied by the people of the Wuliangjian faction, so he sent a lightning mink to attack the people of the Wuliangjian faction and rescued Duan Yu.

The people of the Wuliangjian faction were about to deal with Zhong Ling, but they received a letter of war sent by the Shennong Gang, asking the people of the Wuliangjian faction to cut off their right hands, break the blade, and withdraw from the Wuliangshanjianhu Palace, otherwise they would be left behind.

The purpose of the Shenlong Gang is for the immeasurable jade jade in the palace of the Infinite Mountain and Sword Lake.

"What is the 'Infinite Jade Bi'? It seems to be very powerful." All the martial arts fans were in their hearts, and after muttering like this, they continued to look down.

Zhong Ling told the people of the Wuliangjian faction that from what she overheard, the reason why the Shenlong Gang had to deal with the Wuliangjian faction this time was not the Shennonggang's own idea, but that they had obeyed the order of the Lingjiu Palace of Misty Peak. , to occupy the Jianhu Palace and find out the truth of the "Infinite Jade Wall".

What is the "Mischievous Peak Spirit Vulture Palace"? Why did the Shenlong Gang obey their orders?

The people of the Wuliangjian faction were confused, as were all the martial arts fans.

Later, Zhong Ling said that she also heard from the Shenlong Gang that their gang leader Si Kongxuan had a "life and death talisman". Except for Tianshan Tongmao and her old man, there is no one else in the world who can understand it. When the "life and death talisman" occurs, one cannot live, nor one can die.

"Life and Death Talisman? Tianshan Tongmao? What else is it?" The people of the Wuliangjian faction continued to be confused, as did all the martial arts fans.

However, although they are confused now, their eyes are getting brighter and brighter. They have faintly felt that the extremely grand background of "Dragon Babu" is slowly infiltrating.

After that, relying on the power of Lightning Sable, Zhong Ling and Duan Yu ran out of the Boundless Sword Sect, ready to see what the Shenlong Gang looked like?

On the way, Duan Yu told Zhong Ling that he escaped from home because his father always wanted to teach him martial arts.

Seeing this, all the martial arts fans said in their hearts, "Sure enough", Duan Yu really has no interest in martial arts, and his father forced him to practice, but he did not practice.

Continuing to look down, after a few glances, the hearts of the martial arts fans suddenly jumped wildly, appearing very excited and excited.

Because they saw three very familiar words, or a very familiar martial arts.

A yang finger!

When Duan Yu talked about one of his father's martial arts, Zhong Ling said that it should be the one Yang finger of the Duan family in Dali.

Duan Yu also said later that he seemed to have heard the name of that martial art, and it seemed that it was indeed called Yiyang Finger.

Yiyangzhi, all martial arts fans, are very familiar with this martial arts, because in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the Southern Emperor Duan, one of the five best in the world, has a stunt called Yiyangzhi.

This yang finger is also the nemesis of Ouyang Feng, the western poison.

Wait, Duan Huangye is known as the Southern Emperor, that is naturally because he is the emperor of the Dali Kingdom.

Could it be that Duan Yu's father is also the emperor of Dali? Duan Yu is the prince of Dali country?

Well, this possibility is indeed very large.

That is to say, Duan Yu is the ancestor of Emperor Duan of the Southern Emperor in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Having reached this conclusion, all martial arts fans are very excited, and they are even more looking forward to "Dragon Babu".

Continue to look below.

Duan Yu and Zhong Ling discovered that the people of the Shenlong Gang were making drugs, obviously to deal with the people of the Wuliangjian faction.

Duan Yuzhai is kind-hearted and can't bear the people of the Wuliangjian faction to be poisoned, so he stepped forward to stop the people of the Shenlong Gang from continuing to produce drugs.

Zhong Ling couldn't stop it, so he had to show up with Duan Yu to stop the people from the Shenlong Gang from making drugs.

However, things were not as Duan Yu thought. Not only did he and Zhong Ling fail to stop the Shenlong Gang, but they were also taken by the Shenlong Gang.

Fortunately, Zhong Ling's Lightning Sable bit the Shenlong Gang leader Sikong Xuan. The Lightning Sable is extremely poisonous. If the person bitten by it is not treated, he will die within seven days.

And the only person in the world who can cure the poison of lightning mink is Zhong Ling's father, not Zhong Ling himself.

So, Sikong Xuan took Zhong Ling as a hostage, and asked Duan Yu to go to Zhong Ling's house to find Zhong Ling's father to cure the poison of lightning mink.

In this way, Duan Yu took a pair of Zhong Ling's shoes as a token, and went to Zhong's house for help according to the address that Zhong Ling said.

On the way, Duan Yu was resting in a place, but he overheard two disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect talking about the "Infinite Jade Wall".

It is said that many years ago, on the moonlit night, their great master would often see figures dancing swords on the jade wall, sometimes men, sometimes women, and sometimes even male and female ambassadors.

The essence of swordsmanship displayed on the jade wall, let alone never seen in his life, can not even imagine in a dream, if you can learn a trick and a half, it will be enough to Yang Wei Wulin.

Their great master was overjoyed, thinking that it was the immortal who showed up to give pointers, so he was addicted to the sword shadow on the jade wall, hoping to learn one and a half moves.

It's just that the sword shadow on the jade wall is too fast and too strange, and it is faint and vague, and it is impossible to see what they say, and their great master has not learned even half a trick.

Later, the sword shadow of Yubi gradually disappeared and never appeared again, and their great master finally died in depression.

After Duan Yu listened to the two disciples, about the "immeasurable jade wall", they were discovered by the two disciples because of the noise.

The two disciples were about to catch Duan Yu, so Duan Yu ran wild and accidentally fell off a cliff.

The hearts of all the martial arts fans were tense, and I rubbed it, I guess it's going to be a big trouble now.


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