Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1613 Brother Chun, yes

Duan Yu overheard the strange story about the "Infinite Jade Bi", but fell off a cliff because he was chased by two disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect.

A group of martial arts fans were nervous at first, but then relaxed.

They know that although Duan Yu fell, nothing should happen. After all, he is the protagonist. It is impossible to fall off the cliff and hang from the beginning.

And the fact is that, after Duan Yu fell off the cliff, he was unharmed for various reasons.

Not only that, but the cliff where Duan Yu fell off happened to be the cliff of the "Infinite Jade Bi".

The hearts of all the martial arts fans moved, wouldn't Duan Yu have a chance here?

Thinking like this, my heart suddenly became very anticipation, and I continued to look down.

Although the opportunity has not yet come, Duan Yu unintentionally solved the mystery of the "immortal shadow on the jade wall" on the immeasurable jade bi.

The people of the Wuliangjian faction believed that the figures on the jade bib with swords were immortals dancing swords, but this was obviously impossible.

It was two people dancing swords somewhere at the bottom of the cliff. After two reflections, the silhouette of dancing swords was reflected on the jade bi.

At first there were two people, a man and a woman. Later, did the man leave or died? Only the woman was left dancing the sword.

Duan Yu solved the mystery of the "Jade Bi Immortal Shadow", and thought of the woman who danced the sword back then, alone in this valley, dancing the sword alone, and she was very likely to die in depression in the end, and she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Many martial arts fans also sighed in their hearts. According to the descriptions of the two great masters of the Wuliangjian Sect, the two people who danced swords in the valley had very high martial arts skills, which were absolutely shocking to the world.

But in the end, it is not a sullen death, what is the use of martial arts no matter how high it is?

The martial arts fans sighed in their hearts and continued to look down.

Duan Yu was running around in the valley, looking for a way out of the valley. Under various chances, he inadvertently came to an artificially excavated stone cave. Various objects in the cave showed that people once lived there.

I think it should be the man and woman who danced the sword back then, but then I don't know if the man left or died? Only the woman was left to live here.

The eyes of all the martial arts fans were bright, and they were all thinking, is this kid Duan Yu's chance coming?

This is indeed the case.

Duan Yu found a jade statue of a very beautiful girl in the cave. The jade statue was the size of a real person and lifelike. The texture of the white jade on his face was faintly flushed, and it was no different from ordinary human skin. Seeing that Duan Yu was called "Sister Fairy", she was dazzled, as if possessed by evil spirits, and her eyes could no longer be separated from the jade statue.

After a long while, a line of words was found next to the jade statue, "Wu Yazi is a book for Qiushui sister. There is no sun and moon in the cave, and the world is the most happy."

These Wuyazi and Qiushuimei were obviously the names of the man and woman back then.

There are two futons in front of the jade statue, which seem to be used for people to kneel and worship, and the words "Kow the first thousand times for me to drive".

Duan Yu was amazed at the beauty of the fairy sister, she was simply fascinated, so she knelt down and kowtowed without thinking.

After a thousand kowtows, the small futon for people to kowtow suddenly burst open, and inside was a silk bag.

Opening the silk bag, Duan Yu learned that Sister Shenxian's school is called "Xiaoyao School", and inside the bag are the essentials of Xiaoyao School's martial arts. Among them, two martial arts seem to be very special, called "Bei Ming Shen Gong" and "Lingbo Weibu" .

Why do you say these two martial arts ox forks? Because looking at the name is a fork, all the martial arts fans thought of it.

Then I thought, Duan Yu's chance really came, although I don't know yet, what kind of a house is the Xiaoyao faction? But from the shocking martial arts of Wu Yazi and Qiushuimei, we can know that the Xiaoyao sect must be a very good martial art, and the martial arts of the Xiaoyao sect naturally don't need to be said more.

A group of martial arts fans were very excited and continued to look down.

Duan Yu had been nostalgic in the immortal sister's cave for a long time, and finally left the cave very reluctantly. He had to find a way to go out of the valley to report the news to Zhong's house.

Save Zhong Ling.

After coming out of the fairy sister's cave, Duan Yu finally found the way out of the valley.

After exiting the valley, I identified the direction, followed the path that Zhong Ling said, and finally arrived at the "Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations" where the Zhong family was located.

However, reporting to Zhong Ling's father, the owner of the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, Zhong Wanqiu, did not go well.

For some unknown reason, Zhong Wanqiu hated the Dali surname Duan very much. After learning that Duan Yu's father was called Duan Zhengchun, he was even more angry and shouted, " are Duan Zhengchun's dog thief. 's son?" It seems that there is some great hatred between him and Duan Zhengchun.

As for Zhong Ling's mother, Gan Baobao, the reaction when she learned that Duan Yu was Duan Zhengchun's son was quite intriguing. Still tearful, she turned her back and stretched her sleeves to wipe away her tears.

This makes the mouths of all martial arts fans continue to wonder, what is the situation of this Nima?

Looking at it like this, could it be that Zhong Wanqiu was lured by Duan Yu's father, Duan Zhengchun?

This is very possible, because Zhong Wanqiu is extremely ugly, but Gan Baobao is very beautiful.

However, looking at Zhong Wanqiu's love for Gan Baobao, it should be another possibility, that is, Gan Baobao had that kind of relationship with Duan Zhengchun before marrying Zhong Wanqiu, and after marrying Zhong Wanqiu , is also fond of Duan Zhengchun.

And Zhong Wanqiu obviously knew that, so he cried again after being furious, what did you say, A Bao, you still want to leave me, did you go to find him? After learning that Gan Baobao was not going to find Duan Zhengchun with Duan Yu, he was overjoyed.

Then, due to some reasons, Zhong Wanqiu couldn't go to rescue Zhong Ling in person, and Bao Bao Bao quietly stuffed Zhong Ling's birthday into Duan Yu's hands and asked Duan Yu to find his father Duan Zhengchun to rescue Zhong Ling, Duan Yu must tell Duan Zhengchun, "Please help us save our daughter."

Duan Yu naturally thought that Gan Baobao was talking about saving her and Zhong Wanqiu's daughter, but all the martial arts fans were thoughtful.

This gives birth to the eight characters, and also said that we rescued our daughter, is this Nima...

In short, the relationship seems to be very complicated.

A group of martial arts fans now admire Duan Yu and his father Duan Zhengchun, and would like to say, "Brother Chun, yes!"

After admiring, continue to look below.

In order to let Duan Yu go back to rescue Zhong Ling within the stipulated time, Gan Baobao sent someone to accompany Duan Yu to a place and borrowed a good horse.

The owner of the horse was a young woman, a friend of Zhong Ling, and Duan Yu rode a borrowed horse to Dali.

However, this journey has not been smooth either.


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