Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1614 Shuimu Qinghua, graceful and elegant

Duan Yu rode a borrowed horse and flew all the way to Dali.

However, before they went far, they encountered two big men attacking. The target of the two big men's attacks was not Duan Yu, but Ma Zhiren. The person they really wanted to attack was the owner of the horse. The woman who gave Duan Yu the horse.

They just regarded Duan Yu on horseback as the woman.

Duan Yu relied on the BMW Shenjun to dodge the attack of the two big men, and easily left the two big men behind.

It's just that Duan Yu also understands that the two big men are actually admitting the wrong person, so it means that someone wants to harm the woman. === "Recommended reading of the new book: \u003cahref\u003e The Great Wilderness Festival of the Six Traces" ===.

Duan Yu was worried that the woman didn't know that someone was going to hurt her, so he turned his horse's head and drove back along the same road. He was going to tip the woman off, saying that someone wanted to hurt her and let the woman prepare early.

It's just that Duan Yu was late. When he returned to the yard where he borrowed the horse, he found that the yard was surrounded by a group of people, and the owner of the horse, the woman, was surrounded by a group of people.

The woman covered her face with a scarf, so she couldn't see her face clearly, but she was indeed very young.

Since Duan Yu had returned, he was naturally involved in this conflict.

After a series of conflicts and confrontations, the woman took Duan Yu on a BMW and rushed out, temporarily escaping the siege of the group.

Duan Yu didn't know martial arts, and despite the danger, he rushed back to report the letter. The woman was somewhat grateful.

However, this does not mean that women will be very polite to Duan Yu.

On the way the two rode the BMW together, Duan Yu suffered a lot, and after finally subduing, the woman did not continue to "abuse" Duan Yu.

Afterwards, the two encountered four young women blocking the way. All four women were uniformed in green cloaks, each holding double hooks, and they were the envoys of the Misty Peak Spirit Vulture Palace.

The four holy envoys stopped Duan Yu and the woman because they regarded them as two elopement disciples sent by Wuliangjian to arrest them both.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the woman took the lead and killed the four holy envoys unexpectedly, then picked up the green cloaks that the four holy envoys had dropped on the ground, and Duan Yu wore one.

After that, the two came to the place where the Shenlong Gang detained Zhong Ling and wanted to rescue Zhong Ling.

Because of the green cloaks they wore, the members of the Shenlong Gang regarded the two of them as the holy messengers of the Misty Peak Spirit Vulture Palace, and they were very respectful.

The two easily rescued Zhong Ling and left.

After rescuing Zhong Ling, Duan Yu finally knew the name of the woman, Mu Wanqing.

Shuimu Qinghua, graceful and clear, is really a good name, and Duan Yu greatly praised it.

It was only at this time that the group of people who were chasing Mu Wanqing chased after him again. Mu Wanqing and the group fought together, and Zhong Ling pulled Duan Yu to leave.

It's just that Duan Yu saw that Mu Wanqing was being besieged and refused to leave, but Mu Wanqing let Zhong Ling go by himself and did not bring Duan Yu together.

Zhong Ling was helpless and had to leave by himself.

After that, Mu Wanqing found an opportunity to break out of the siege, and once again escaped in a BMW with Duan Yu.

It's just that this time is not as lucky as the last time, a group of people are chasing after them, and they reach a deep creek that is several feet wide.

Mu Wanqing let the BMW cross the deep ravine, and the BMW jumped with all its strength. The front feet and hooves barely stepped on the opposite bank, but in the end, the distance was too wide, and after running for a long time all night, the back hooves failed to step on the rocks and fell toward the deep valley.

Mu Wanqing reacted very quickly, grabbed Duan Yu and jumped up and successfully reached the cliff, but the BMW fell straight into the deep valley.

Mu Wanqing was naturally heartbroken, but fortunately, she finally got rid of that group of people's pursuit.

It's just that the good times didn't last long, and a very powerful character appeared on the other side, following the cliff on this side of the cliff and climbing the cliff on this side.

The martial arts of the incoming person are far above Mu Wanqing. Mu Wanqing is not the enemy of his tricks, and the situation is very bad.

The person who came was the third-ranked Nanhai Crocodile God among the four evil men, nicknamed "Ferocious God and Evil Demon".

His surname is Yue, and he is called "Yue Lao San" by the eldest of the four villains.

However, the crocodile god of the South China Sea is bent on climbing to the position of the second child, and always declares himself "the second child of Yue" on the rivers and lakes.

If someone called him "Yue Er Ye", it would definitely make the South Sea Crocodile God extremely happy. If he is called "Yue Sanye", it will make the South Sea Crocodile God furious, and if he is not careful, he will die.

The Nanhai Crocodile God's martial arts is very high, but when a group of martial arts fans were thinking in their hearts, what should Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing do, the situation changed dramatically.

First, the crocodile god of the South China Sea was fooled by Duan Yu for a while, and then found that he could no longer kill Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing. If he kills the two, he himself will be the son of a tortoise bastard.

Then the crocodile god of the South China Sea suddenly discovered that the back of Duan Yu's head is very similar to his, saying that Duan Yu is very suitable for learning his martial arts, and he has to accept Duan Yu as a disciple.

He originally had an apprentice, but he was killed by Mu Wanqing, which is why the South Sea Crocodile God will come to Mu Wanqing.

The previous apprentice was killed, and the South Sea Crocodile God naturally wanted to find another apprentice. He found that Duan Yu was better than his previous apprentice, and laughed excitedly.

Before that, there was an episode. The crocodile god of the South China Sea wanted to tear off the veil covering Mu Wanqing's face to see what happened. In a hurry, Mu Wanqing turned her back to the crocodile god of the South China Sea and took the initiative to tear off the veil and let Duan Yu saw his own face.

In this way, Duan Yu is her husband.

It turned out that she once swore that any man who saw her appearance would either kill him or marry him. She could not kill Duan Yu, so she could only marry Duan Yu.

Of course, it is not difficult to see that Mu Wanqing already has a good impression of Duan Yu.

Otherwise, no matter how critical the situation is, it is impossible for Mu Wanqing to take the initiative to let Duan Yu see her appearance.

In this way, Mu Wanqing is Duan Yu's wife, and if the South Sea Crocodile God wants to see Mu Wanqing's appearance, he needs Duan Yu's consent.

The crocodile god of the South China Sea stared at Duan Yu, and because of this, he found that Duan Yu was very similar to him, and wanted to accept him as his apprentice.

Now, the crocodile god of the South China Sea has the intention of accepting Duan as his apprentice, then Mu Wanqing is his apprentice's daughter-in-law, and naturally he can no longer force Mu Wanqing to do things he doesn't want to do.

The principle of the South China Sea Crocodile God can be said to be very strong, and it seems to be very "cute".

Such a character has been portrayed extremely successfully through this little brush and ink, and all the martial arts fans will instantly remember that the South Sea Crocodile God is such a character.

The South Sea Crocodile God has the mind of accepting apprentices, so Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing are naturally safe, at least they will not die in the hands of the South Sea Crocodile God.

Then, a series of plots happened, and the four villains also appeared together, it seemed that there was something important to do...

The story became more and more exciting, and all the martial arts fans became more and more excited, but they looked at it, but suddenly found that it was gone.

It turned out that the four chapters serialized today had already been read by them unknowingly.


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