Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1615 Thanks again to Guyong

After reading today's serialization, a group of martial arts fans became extremely excited after a very depressed sigh.

Judging from the content of the opening chapter of today's serialization, although it cannot be said that "Dragon Babu" can reach the height of the Eagle Shooting Trilogy, it seems that there has been a faint trend.

Even if it is not reached in the end, the height of the Eagle Shooting Trilogy will definitely be only a slight difference in the end, and this slight difference can naturally be ignored.

From this point of view, this work is definitely worthy of the majestic name of "Dragon Babu".

The martial arts fans are excited and excited, and the Internet has naturally been hotly debated for a long time.

"I used to say that Gu Yongda opened a new martial arts book so soon, and the quality is difficult to guarantee? How is it now? Don't worry about the quality? I told you a long time ago, don't use common sense to see Gu Yongda, you always can't remember. live."

"Yeah, judging from the quality of the opening chapter, the possibility of "Dragon Babu" reaching the height of the Eagle Shooting Trilogy is very high. It is true that Gu Yongda can't use common sense to see this, in fact, we have already I understand, but it's always time and time again, I use common sense to see Gu Yongda. Alas! Really."

"Duan Yu is definitely the ancestor of Nandi Yideng Master, but I don't know how many generations are there? Is there a good old man in history? Come out and calculate it for everyone."

"This is actually not difficult to calculate. Master Yideng's name is Duan Zhixing, and there is indeed a person in history. It is the 18th and last monarch of the Dali Kingdom, who ascended the throne in 1171. Duan Yu's father, Duan Zhengchun, who was also the monarch in the history of Dali Kingdom, ascended the throne in 1094. The next monarch after Duan Zhengchun was called Duan Heyu, also called Duan Zhengyan, the son of Duan Zhengchun. It can also be seen that the "Eight Dragons of Heaven" The protagonist Duan Yu is Duan Heyu in history. Duan Heyu's next monarch is Duan Zhengxing, and Duan Zhengxing's next monarch is Duan Zhixing. It can be seen that Duan Yu is the grandfather of Nandi Yideng Master. Of course, history is history, Yes, Duan Zhixing in history was not the Southern Emperor, nor did he abdicate or become a monk."

"I'm rubbing it! It's amazing, it turned out to be a grandfather."

"My first impression is that Master Yideng is Duan Yu's ancestor. Alas! This is the age of the character when he appeared, which gave me the illusion."

"Haha! My first impression is that Duan Yu is a descendant of Master Yideng. Who made Duan Yu a young man when he appeared, and when Master Yideng appeared, he was already an old man."

"Zhong Ling, this girl is very cute, will she not be accepted by Duan Yu in the future?"

"Hey! I guess I can't accept it. From the performance of Zhong Ling's mother Gan Baobao, I guess Zhong Ling is her and Duan Zhengchun's daughter, so Zhong Ling is Duan Yu's half-sister, so naturally I can't accept it. already."

"Zhong Ling is the daughter of Gan Baobao and Duan Zhengchun. It is indeed obvious that Gan Baobao should be pregnant with Zhong Ling first and then marry Zhong Wanqiu. I'm rubbing it! It's so complicated."

"It doesn't matter if Duan Yu can't accept Zhong Ling. He already has a wife, Mu Wanqing. Shuimu Qinghua, Wanxi Qingyang, is really an excellent name. I like this name. Unfortunately, my surname is not Mu, otherwise , I must name my daughter Mu Wanqing."

"It doesn't matter if the surname is upstairs or not, as long as you find a wife first, and then you have to have a daughter."

"Go on! Wife will find it sooner or later."

"Mu Wanqing made Duan Yu miserable at the beginning of this girl. However, since she had a good impression of Duan Yu and let Duan Yu see her face, her whole heart was on Duan Yu. I like this kind of girl!"

"Have you noticed that the third of the four villains, the South Sea Crocodile God, sometimes seems silly and cute? He is indeed a bad guy, but it gives people a very real feeling. I like the South Sea Crocodile God."

"The crocodile god of the South China Sea takes his face very seriously, and he has to strive for the position of the 'second child'. At the same time, he is very principled. Duan Yu has not agreed to be his apprentice, so he has taken good care of Mu Wanqing. .

Gu Yongda used a small amount of pen and ink to shape the South China Sea Crocodile God extremely successfully. This pen power is too strong. "

"The four wicked men are interesting, the eldest 'evil is full of evil', the second 'does all evil', the third 'fierce and evil', and the fourth 'extremely vicious', the word 'evil' is in the first place, it is the number one, and it is also a loss to Gu Yong. It's really interesting to think about it. Of course, I also want to thank me for having so many 'evil' idioms in China."

"The eldest of the four villains seems to be very strong in martial arts. The third child of Yue tried his best to be the second child of Yue, but he never dared to become the second child of Yue. It can be seen that the elder's martial arts are far superior to him."

"Everyone didn't notice that the characters mentioned above seem to be very bullish? The first is Tianshan Tongmao from the Lingji Palace of Misty Peak, and then the two people dancing swords under the immeasurable jade bi, Wuyazi and Qiushui. Sister, these three people seem to be very good, but I don't know if they will appear in the future?"

"Tianshan Tongmao should appear, Wuyazi and Qiushuimei should not appear. According to the meaning of the book, these two people should have died."

"Wuyazi and Qiushuimei should have died. However, the two martial arts Duan Yu obtained, Beiming Shengong and Lingbo Weibo, also look very good."

"I like the name 'Lingbo Weibu'. It's very emotional. It should be similar to a light-hearted exercise, right? It's very suitable for Duan Yu."

"I really want to keep looking back, but unfortunately it's gone. I have to wait until a week later."


Countless martial arts fans are discussing on the Internet, and many martial arts authors are also discussing in their circles.

"The opening of "Tianlong Babu" also reveals an extraordinary trend. After all, Gu Yong is Gu Yong, too strong."

"Yeah, I originally thought that if he used the name 'Tianlong Babu', there would be a safety hazard, but now it seems that there is no safety hazard."

"Let's watch it later. After all, it's just the beginning, so there's no need to draw conclusions so early."

"Gu Yong's setting for the protagonist this time has once again created a precedent. The protagonist has no interest in martial arts, which also provides us with a new way of thinking."

"Indeed, the protagonist is set to have no interest in martial arts, but by various coincidences, or under various compellations, he has practiced all martial arts. It is indeed very interesting. Readers' sense of expectation and Curiosity will also be very strong.”

"This is a brand new setting method, and the effect seems to be very good. Thanks to Guyong, it has opened up new ideas for us."

"Yeah, I have to thank Gu Yong again this time."


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