Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1624 I promised too much beauty to the future

The death of Ah Zhu cast a very strong sense of sadness on Xiao Feng, plus this was actually a misunderstanding at all, and the sadness became even more intense.

Xiao Feng is really a tragic hero, all the martial arts fans tremble in their hearts, they don't understand, why did Gu Yong make such a heroic hero become so tragic?

The love between Xiao Feng and A Zhu is not much, but it is so vigorous and thrilling.

After the chapter of "Putting on the Cow and Sheep Kong", all the voices about "Dragon and Babu" were only related to Ah Zhu, this intelligent, kind, careful and infatuated woman.

Everyone was poked into the softest part of their hearts by the death of Arjuna. If they could, they would rather skip this paragraph and not watch it.

But unfortunately, they didn't know in advance that they finally saw this kind of text, and saw that the intelligent, kind, careful, and infatuated woman died at the hands of the person they loved the most.

And this is just a misunderstanding.

If Azhu does not make this decision and let Duan Zhengchun go to the appointment himself, then she will not die, and Duan Zhengchun will not die either.

Because Xiao Feng had repeatedly confirmed to Duan Zhengchun before he started, whether he was the big brother who took the lead back then, or the villain who killed Qiao Sanhuai and his wife and Master Xuan Ku?

If it was the real Duan Zhengchun, he would definitely deny it instead of admitting that this misunderstanding would eventually be resolved, Duan Zhengchun would not die, and neither would Azhu.

But it is a pity that there is no if, Azhu died, and a young girl lost her beauty like this, through the most cruel way in the world.

All the martial arts fans are saddened in their hearts, they are not Gu Yong and can't bring Ah Zhu back from the dead.

They also know that if they go to petition Guyong to ask Guyong not to let Azhu die so ruthlessly, there will be no result, and Guyong cannot be amended.

All they can do now is to use a few words to write down some memories of Aju.

Ordinary martial arts fans have this idea, and many celebrities and famous people also have such an idea. The texts about Azhu appear one by one on the microblogs of celebrities and famous people.

In this way, they hoped to commemorate this intelligent, kind, careful and infatuated woman, and to commemorate the short but unforgettable love between her and Xiao Feng.

Yang Qiming wrote on Weibo: "Aju is dead, why did Gu Yong let Aju die? Many people may be thinking, could it be that Gu Yong doesn't like Aju? This is obviously wrong, I think the truth is just the opposite. , Guyong is actually quite partial to Arjuna, which can be seen from Arjuna's appearance.

Azhu's name was first uttered by Abi, Abi said to Jumozhi, Duan Yu and others: 'I can't be the master, so I have to ask a few people to wait here, I'll ask Sister Azhu . ’

Then, Aju appeared, but this appearance was not a direct appearance.

First, an old servant with silver hair and silver bows and a wrinkled face appeared, and then described from Duan Yu's perspective, he smelled a faint fragrance, and felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find the flaw.

Then another shrewd and capable skinny butler appeared, this time also described through Duan Yu's perspective, and vaguely guessed that this skinny butler should be played by a young woman.

Then, the graceful and splendid old lady Murong appeared again, her head full of pearls and green eyes, and she looked like an old man, which made Duan Yu smile and applaud secretly.

Azhu has appeared in three roles in a row, but the real body has not yet officially appeared.

It wasn't until the next morning that Aju's real body finally appeared.

Duan Yu saw Ah Zhu, "Wearing a light crimson gauze shirt, Yingying is sixteen or seventeen years old, with an oval face, smart eyes, and a playful look on his face. ’

After many calls, Arjun finally appeared.

And let's think back to Gu Yong's works, which other woman appeared in this way?

It is Huang Rong, the most popular Huang Rong in Gu Yong's works.

Huang Rong also didn't appear in her real body at first, but always walked in the downtown area as a little beggar and dealt with Guo Jing.

After calling for a long time, he appeared in his real body, 'Riding out of the lake in a small boat, the light is shining brightly, making Guo Jing dazzling and blooming, like a dream. ’

Ah Zhu's appearance is similar to Huang Rong's. It can be seen that Gu Yong is very partial to Ah Zhu.

So, Guyong prefers Azhu so much, why should he let Azhu die, or at the hands of Xiao Feng?

Regarding this point, the author has not yet figured out the reasons for it, but only vaguely guessed something. I may think more clearly and thoroughly in the future, and then I will write something and talk about it for myself. "

Li Bo wrote on Weibo: "Xiao Feng and Ah Zhu, one is a maid in Yanziwu, the other is a hero in martial arts. The love between them is not much, but it is so thrilling.

When Xingzilin first met, Xiao Feng rescued Azhu with justice. The Shaolin Temple met again, and the two began to have a fate. In order to save Ah Zhu, Xiao Feng went to Juxian Village alone.

In Juxian Village, facing Qunhao, Xiao Feng's heroic spirit, Xue Shenyi refused to help, Xiao Feng said to Azhu: 'Now, they will never allow you to live, let's die together. ’

At this time, Arjuna may have begun to secretly promise. So much so that after she was healed, she went outside Yanmen Pass to wait for Xiao Feng for five days and five nights, in exchange for Xiao Feng's tenderness, saying that after killing the big villain, they would go hunting and herding cattle and sheep together outside the Great Wall.

It's a pity that all the good things came to nothing on the bluestone bridge on that thunderstorm night.

The grassland outside the Great Wall is still there, the cattle and sheep are still there, and the agreement is still there, but the Yiren are no longer there.

With the dream of herding cattle and horses outside the Great Wall, Azhu lay down in the shallow dirt pit. She loved and loved her man deeply, and held a handful of soil with both hands.

Xiao Feng's heart is regretful and painful. He has promised too much beauty to the future.

If it is possible, Xiao Feng will definitely not promise good things to the future, but let good things start from today.

But unfortunately, if there is no if, the future is beautiful, and there is no chance to realize it.

The death of Azhu brought some sadness to "Dragon Babu".

No, it should be said that the tragedy of "Dragon Babu" has already appeared, but we don't seem to be deeply aware of it. "

In addition to Yang Qiming and Li Bo, there are also many famous celebrities, martial arts authors, ordinary martial arts fans, and some people from other walks of life who have written about Azhu and Xiao Feng on their Weibo. Word.

The death of Azhu has touched the hearts of many people.


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