Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1625 There is still a male protagonist

Many people have written some words about Azhu on Weibo, and her death has touched the hearts of many people.

At the same time, through the death of Azhu, many people suddenly felt that the work "Dragon Babu" had a tragic color.

This kind of color has actually appeared before, but it didn't appear to be strong at that time, and everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

It was not until the death of Arjun that everyone suddenly had a strong feeling.

After mourning Aju's death, everyone has a common wish and expectation in their hearts, looking forward to the end of the tragedy of "Dragon Babu", and don't let the tragedy continue.

And the next episode does not seem to be tragic.

Xiao Feng promised Azhu to take good care of her younger sister, Azi. Azi is the apprentice of Ding Chunqiu, a constellation old monster. Compared with Azhu, her temperament is completely different.

Azhu is smart, kind, and tender, but Azi is unruly, willful, cruel, and vicious.

However, in order to live up to the trust of Azhu, Xiao Feng still took Azi by his side and took good care of him. He took Azi to the northeast and rescued the Liao Emperor Yelu Hongji from the Jin people.

Later, Xiao Feng and Yelu Hongji became brothers, and helped Yelu Hongji eliminate the domestic rebellion, and was named the King of the Southern Court.

From then on, Xiao Feng temporarily became the king of the Southern Academy in Liao, and his life had a brief period of peace.

However, Xiao Feng could never forget the covenant with Arjuna, and he always missed Arzhu so much that he could no longer hold other women in his heart.

Xiao Feng remained indifferent to A Zi, who slowly fell in love with him.

All the martial arts fans could only sigh silently.

After that, the plot turned to the other side. Ding Chunqiu's senior brother, Su Xinghe, issued invitations to the chess club, set up a rare chess game, and invited people who are proficient in chess in the world to come and break the game.

Ding Chunqiu, Duan Yu, Murong Fu, Jiu Mozhi, Wang Yuyan, the Four Great Evils, Shaolin monk Xuan Nan and others arrived one after another.

The chess skills of several people are very high, but in the end, the Zhenlong chess game is too mysterious and cannot be broken.

Not only was he unable to break the game, but Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing, the leader of the four villains, fell into a demon in the process of breaking the game and almost committed suicide.

Along with Xuan Nan, an eminent Shaolin monk, there was also a young monk from Shaolin Temple called Xuzhu.

Xuzhu grew up in a Shaolin Temple with both his parents dead. He was very ugly, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, his nostrils turned up, his ears were drawn to the wind, and his lips were thick, but he was very kind.

Seeing that Duan Yanqing was caught in a demon, he was about to commit suicide by raising his stick, so he randomly dropped a piece in an attempt to disrupt the chess game and let Duan Yanqing get out of the demon.

But he never thought that his random son was the most crucial step in solving the Zhenlong chess game.

Afterwards, Duan Yanqing was grateful and secretly helped Xuzhu play the chess game through the technique of sound transmission, but he never thought that the Zhenlong chess game would be solved.

Xu Zhu solved the Zhenlong chess game, and Su Xinghe sent Xu Zhu into a cave. There was an old man in the cave, who was Wu Yazi, the head of Xiaoyao Sect.

It turned out that thirty years ago, Wu Yazi was plotted by his own disciple Ding Chunqiu and was knocked off the cliff by Ding Chunqiu.

For thirty years, Wu Yazi has been looking for another smart and dedicated disciple to teach him all his martial arts.

It's just that the opportunity is always rare. Thirty years later, the years will come to an end, and the Zhenlong chess game that was set up in that year cannot be announced to the world. I hope to find one who can crack the Zhenlong chess game, who is both talented and smart. disciple.

And Xu Zhu, by chance, cracked the Zhenlong chess game.

Originally, Xuzhu looked rather ugly, and Wuyazi was dissatisfied, but Xuzhu randomly dropped a piece and broke the rare chess game that no one can break.

Therefore, Wu Yazi accepted Xuzhu as his disciple, and passed all his skills of more than 70 years into Xuzhu's body. Clear the door and eradicate Ding Chunqiu.

So far, Xu Zhu has become the head of the Xiaoyao Sect from a small monk with low martial arts skills. He has profound skills, but he is not very familiar with the martial arts of the Xiaoyao Sect.

After that, in a very long plot, it was all led by Xuzhu, and a series of stories happened with Tianshan Tongmu, the master of the Vulture Palace, and Li Qiushui and others.

In the Xixia Palace, in order to force Xuzhu to crack, Tianshan Tong grandma threw Princess Xixia on Xuzhu's bed and had a sweet date with Princess Xixia.

After the death of Tianshan Tongmao, Xuzhu became the master of Lingjiu Palace again, and became a brother with Duan Yu.

At the same time, Xiao Feng, who was not at the scene, also swore in together.

These series of plots have made a lot of martial arts fans discover a problem, that is, Xu Zhu is also the protagonist of this work.

This work actually has three male protagonists, which is definitely the first time for Nima.

Three male protagonists and three main lines unfold at the same time, which are intricate and dazzling.

Moreover, this main line of Xuzhu is also directly related to the jade statue of the fairy sister that Duan Yu saw in the Infinite Cave when the work first started, and revealed some doubts that have plagued martial arts fans for a long time.

Back then, Wu Yazi and Li Qiushui lived in Wuliangdong, dancing and playing with swords, happy and happy, better than immortals.

One day, Wuyazi found a huge piece of beautiful jade, and carved a jade statue in the image of Li Qiushui. After the carving, Wuyazi often looked at the jade statue in a trance, and never paid much attention to Li Qiushui.

But in fact, the person who carved Wuyazi was not Li Qiushui, but Li Qiushui's sister.

Li Qiushui looks exactly the same as her sister, except that her sister has two more dimples at the corners of her mouth.

However, Gu Yong never mentioned everything about Li Qiushui's sister, which made a lot of martial arts fans very curious, but could not find the answer, and could only rely on their own imagination and speculation.

In addition, does Wu Yazi love Li Qiushui, Li Qiushui's sister, or the jade statue he carved by himself?

Gu Yong also did not give a clear answer. Regarding this series of questions, the Internet is destined to be controversial again.

There are no clear answers to many questions, but Wu Yazi and Li Qiushui have a daughter, so they can be sure.

Their daughter, Li Qingluo, was married to the Suzhou Wang family. It was Madam Wang of Namantuo Villa and Wang Yuyan's mother.

As soon as this relationship came out, the previous doubts were solved. Why did Mrs. Wang and Yuxiang have five or six similarities, while Wang Yuyan was almost exactly the same as Yuxiang?

It turned out that they were Li Qiushui's daughter and granddaughter.


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