Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1629 The Sweeping Monk

A group of martial arts fans sighed, and the situation at the scene continued to become complicated.

Abbot Xuanci first told Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng and their sons that he had indeed made a big mistake in the battle of Yanmen Pass that year, and then shouted to the monk in gray, "Old patron Murong Bo Murong, you faked the news that day, saying that the Khitan warriors want to Do you have any guilt in Si Hao's heart for coming to the Shaolin Temple to seize martial arts books in a big way, so that you have made all kinds of big mistakes?"

It turned out that Abbot Xuanci had already guessed the identity of the gray-clothed monk through the words that the gray-clothed monk had just woken up to Murong Fu. It was Murong Fu's father, Murong Bo, who had been suspended for more than ten years.

And the culprit responsible for the Yanmen Pass massacre that year turned out to be Murong Bo.

So far, all the doubts have been solved, and all the truth has been revealed. The reason why Murong Bo wanted to spread the news and asked the Central Plains to ambush the Xiao Yuanshan family was precisely to provoke the contradiction between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom.

If there is a large-scale battle between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom, Tubo, Xixia, Dali and other countries will inevitably be involved.

At that time, the world will inevitably be in chaos, and his Murong family's great cause of revitalizing the Yan Kingdom will have a chance of success.

The greatness of Murong Bo's plan made the group of nobles in an uproar, and all the martial arts fans also took a breath. For the illusory cause of restoring the country, Murong Bo really did everything possible.

Then, Murong Bo suddenly ran towards the Shaolin Temple, Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Feng and his son saw this and immediately chased after him.

Murong Bo was their real enemy, and they naturally couldn't let Murong Bo leave like this.

When Murong saw him again, he hurriedly chased after him.

All martial arts fans can't wait to know what kind of story will happen between Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Feng and his son, and Murong Bo and Murong Fu's father and son?

But the next thing is to let them sigh.

Shaolin Abbot Xuanci violated the precepts and accepted the punishment of walking with a cane in front of Qun Hao. After accepting the punishment, he committed suicide in front of Ye Erniang and Xu Zhu.

Afterwards, Erniang Ye also swung her sword and stabbed herself beside Abbot Xuanci.

Xu Zhu panicked and was in a hurry to save Abbot Xuanci and Ye Erniang, but where else could they be saved?

Seeing Xu Zhu's panicked and helpless appearance, all the martial arts fans felt endless sighs and sorrows.

Xu Zhu thought that both his parents had died since he was a child, but today he was surprised to find out that both of his parents were still there, which was originally a very happy thing.

Then, in less than an hour, his parents committed suicide in front of his eyes, but he himself was powerless.

Abbot Xuanci could see Xuzhu almost every day, but he didn't know that Xuzhu was his worried and missed son for twenty-four years.

Ye Erniang had been looking for her son for twenty-four years, and she finally found it today, but before she could enjoy a moment of joy, she was already separated from her son by yin and yang.

Destiny is always so tragic, and martial arts fans are sighing endlessly, but "Dragon and Babu" is still tragic in this highest dynasty. It really answers that sentence, all living beings are suffering.

The martial arts fans packed up their moods and continued to look down.

After Murong Bo escaped for a while, Xiao Feng caught up with him and could not stop. After that, Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Fu also arrived one after another, and Jiu Mozhi suddenly appeared.

The current situation is that the father and son of Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng face off against Murong Bo, Murong Fu and his son, as well as Jiu Mozhi.

Originally, when the father and son Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng united, their martial arts would be superior to that of Murong Bo and Murong Fu, but now that Murong Bo and Murong Fu and their son have added the extremely high martial arts Jiu Mozhi, the situation has reversed.

However, Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng's father and son were not afraid.

Afterwards, Murong Bo said that he could make a deal with Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Feng and his son. As long as the two agreed, he could immediately take his life and avenge Xiao Feng's mother. He would never resist.

This deal was to let Xiao Feng launch the Liao army to attack Song in the south, and his Murong family formed a rebel army to rise up, cooperate with the Liao army, and then the three kingdoms of Tubo, Xixia and Dali,

Taking advantage of the chaos, the five kingdoms divided up Song Yunyun.

Seeing that Murong Bo was sincere, Xiao Yuanshan was moved and asked Xiao Feng's opinion.

Because, now that the two sides are fighting, Murong Bo's side is obviously much more likely to win. Not only will they not be able to take revenge, but they may also die here.

Accepting Murong Bo's business, not only can he take revenge easily, but he also has no worries about his own life.

However, Xiao Feng resolutely refused, saying that killing his mother is a big revenge, how can it be regarded as a business transaction? This revenge can be avenged, if not, their father and son will die here.

Then he said that Song and Liao had finally stopped their soldiers for decades. If the swordsmen resurfaced, how many Song and Liao people would be separated from their wives and their families would be destroyed? He is loyal to Daliao and repays the country, and aims to protect the land and the people, but how can he kill people, acquire land, and build meritorious deeds for his own glory, wealth, and revenge, so that countless people suffer from war and chaos, and countless souls are ruined?

When all the martial arts fans heard Xiao Feng's remarks, they only felt tears welling up. This is the hero who stands tall!

Xiao Yuanshan nodded again and again after hearing this, and an old voice suddenly came from outside the window, "Good, good! Xiao Jushi's house is kind and kind, and he thinks of the common people in this way, he is really a bodhisattva's heart."

The five people in the house were shocked. They were all top-notch experts in the world, but they didn't know when someone came outside the window?

They looked out the window and saw a skinny monk in green robes, holding a broom, bowing and sweeping the floor.

The monk was not young, and his long, sparse beards were all white, and he moved slowly and had no energy.

Who is this sweeping monk? A group of martial arts fans wondered. Looking at this appearance, it should be just an ordinary sweeping old monk in the Shaolin Temple. Why can he appear outside the window and make the five top masters in the house unaware?

With such doubts, the martial arts fans continued to watch, but this time, they gradually became extremely excited and excited.

The sweeping monk said that he did not know how many years he had been in the temple? Anyway, when Xiao Yuanshan first came to the temple to pick up books, he had been here for more than ten years.

Then he said that Murong Bo also came to Shaolin Temple to get books...

Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo had been hiding in Shaolin Temple for 30 years, and had read the martial arts books in Shaolin Temple over and over. At first, everyone thought that no one in Shaolin noticed it.

Only now did I know that it was not that no one noticed, this sweeping monk completely saw the process of fetching books for the two of them over the past 30 years.

And the magic of sweeping monks continues.

He said that Kumozhi forcibly integrated the seventy-two stunts of Shaolin Temple, and the catastrophe was just around the corner.

Then secretly made the "Wuxiangjiezhi" secretly plotted against the sweeping monk.

However, just three feet in front of Zhilifu and the floor-sweeping monk, they seemed to encounter a layer of extremely soft, yet extremely hard barrier, and with a few chi chi chi, the finger force dissipated without a trace.

After that, Xiao Feng and Murong Fu started fighting, Xiao Feng used all his strength to attack Murong Fu with the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon, Murong Fu wanted to use the technique of "Fighting the Stars" to resolve it.

However, when the floor sweeping monk folded his palms together, there seemed to be a force that turned into an invisible high wall, blocking the gap between Xiao Feng and Murong Fu. Xiao Feng's overwhelming palm slammed into this wall, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

Then, the sweeping monk made his move and beat Murong Bo and Xiao Yuanshan to death in one move. Facing Murong Fu's attack, he ignored him and took Xiao Feng's palm with all his strength. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and praised "good martial arts".

Afterwards, he grabbed Murong Bo with one hand and Xiao Yuanshan with the other, and walked away with a high level of lightness that Xiao Feng had never seen in his life.

The magic of the sweeping monk made all the martial arts fans stunned, and then very excited. The martial arts of the sweeping monk, in a word "unfathomable", seems to be indescribable.

It is too strong!


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