Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1630 Hot discussion continues

The sweeping monk who suddenly appeared, stunned all martial arts fans with a series of miraculous performances.

The martial arts of the floor-sweeping monks are so obvious that they are too strong to be described as "unfathomable".

The martial arts of Xiao Feng, Xiao Yuanshan, Jiu Mozhi and others are already the best in the world, but in front of the sweeping monks, they are afraid that they will not be able to pass a single move.

How strong is the martial arts of the sweeping monks? Nobody knows.

If he hadn't spit out a mouthful of blood after receiving Xiao Feng's all-out blow from the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, it proved that he was human and would have been injured.

Martial arts fans must think that he is already supernatural.

However, after the sweeping monk vomited blood and was injured, he grabbed Xiao Yuanshan with one hand and Murong Bo with the other, and walked in the air as if nothing had happened. The speed was so fast that Xiao Feng had never seen it in his life.

Of course, the monks who sweep the floor are not only strong in martial arts, but also in the profound Dharma and insight into everything.

He could see at a glance what kind of illnesses Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo suffered every day, and at a glance what kind of martial arts Jiu Mozhi was cultivating, and said that Jiu Mozhi's catastrophe was imminent. between.

All these surprise and sigh the martial arts fans, and the monk who sweeps the floor has become so strong that it does not seem to be in the world.

After the sweeping monk grabbed Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo and ran for a while, he put them down, expressing that he wanted to revive the blood for them.

Xiao Feng, Jiu Mozhi, Murong Fu, a group of eminent monks from Shaolin Temple and others arrived one after another.

They saw Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo who were beaten to death by the sweeping monk with one move, and they gradually came to life under the sweeping monk's various miraculous means.

After coming back to life, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then knelt in front of the sweeping monk, asking the sweeping monk to accept him as his apprentice.

Murong Bo's ambition to dominate the world, Xiao Yuanshan's deep hatred of blood, after they walked from life to death, from death to life, they have all returned to dust and disappeared!

The two were enlightened.

By the time we got here, the Gao Dynasty, which was called the biggest in the whole work, had slowly ended, but the Gao Dynasty, which was hotly discussed in the outside world and on the Internet, had just started.

Although there are some tragic feelings in this great court, in general, it makes the martial arts fans very excited and excited.

On the Internet, excited martial arts fans talked a lot.

"The Shaolin Temple War, from the beginning to the end, there is nothing that is not exciting, it is simply addicting to watch."

"'Who said that the martial arts of the Constellation School can beat the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the Beggar Gang?' Xiao Feng's appearance was so imposing! It made people's blood boil!"

"When I heard Xiao Feng's words, and when I saw Xiao Feng appear on the stage, it was like a thousand troops rushing up the mountain, and the whole person was so excited and excited! The number one hero in the world is none other than Xiao Feng."

"Xiao Feng's words that make people's blood boil, what's more than this sentence? 'Young Master Murong, Zhuang Gang Master, Ding Wei, all three of you will come together, what should Xiao be afraid of?' How domineering and heroic is this sentence?"

"As soon as Xiao Feng came on stage, he used the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon to rescue A Zi from Ding Chunqiu's hands and made Ding Chunqiu very embarrassed. Ding Chunqiu and his disciples who didn't know the sky was so tall, Finally realized what the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragons are? It feels really cool."

"Yeah, when I saw those disciples say that the martial arts of the Constellation School far surpassed the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, I was thinking, if Xiao Feng suddenly appeared at this time, he would use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to slap those people in the face. , how cool should it be? But I never thought that Xiao Feng really appeared suddenly, and he really hit his face with the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. Cool! It was really cool. Even when I think about it now, I still feel cool! "

"Duan Yu and Xu Zhu appeared one after another. This is the first time the three brothers have gathered together. In the face of a powerful enemy, they drank heavily and were not afraid. This is the heroic life, which is really fascinating."

"Speaking of Xuzhu, his chance along the way is really enviable, especially when his subordinates are all big girls like flowers and jade,

Simply the happiest person in the world. "

"It's a pity that in this kid Xuzhu's mind, only his dream girl, those big girls like flowers and jade, especially Meijian, Zhujian, and two quadruplets with swords, turn around him. Go, serve diligently, but he is not at all tempted, what a waste, what a pity!"

"Go and go, Xu Zhu is called single-mindedness. Men must be single-minded when dealing with relationships, and of course women are the same. I just don't know when he will be able to see his Meng Gu again? Should we see him again?"

"If it's just here, Xuzhu's absolute winner in life is enough to be envied by anyone. But unfortunately, in this work, it seems that everyone can't escape the sadness, and Xuzhu is the same. It was a surprise to know. My parents are still there, and they are right in front of me, but where can I imagine that in less than an hour, my parents both committed suicide in front of me. ."

"Abbot Xuanci was also tragic. Thirty years ago, he was deceived by his good friend Murong Bo and took the lead in causing the Yanmen Pass massacre, which made him regret, reproach, and feel uneasy for thirty years. People snatched it away, missed and worried for 24 years, but finally found out that his son was by his side. In the past 24 years, I have seen my son almost every day, but I have never enjoyed the joy of father and son for a moment. No. Knowing that Abbot Xuanci knew that Xu Zhu was his son, what kind of mood did he feel? It should be a mixture of surprise, joy, regret, and self-blame."

"To be honest, the Yanmen Pass massacre 30 years ago really can't be blamed on Abbot Xuanci. Murong Bo is the real culprit. For his illusory cause of restoring the country, he did not hesitate to cause chaos in the world and ruin lives."

"Yeah, Murong Bo is the real murderer, and also the real villain. But such a villain can finally get the enlightenment of the sweeping monk, put down the butcher knife, and escape into the empty door. I really don't know what kind of virtue he has. How can he enjoy such an ending? I think the person with the best fate is Murong Bo."

"The great villain Xiao Feng was so desperately pursuing turned out to be his own father, which is really unexpected. Sigh! Why does Gu Yongda always cause Xiao Feng such tragedies? Could it be that this is Xiao Feng's heroic hero, Is there a price to pay? It doesn't make sense."

"Yeah! I really hope Gu Yong can let Xiao Feng go, and don't let Xiao Feng's tragic situation continue to be staged. He killed the woman he loves the most and also loves him the most. This is already the most tragic thing in the world. already."

"Xiao Fengshan didn't die. Maybe this is a kind of compensation for Xiao Feng to see his father again? Xiao Yuanshan has always been a victim, but he killed himself. Xiao Feng's defenseless adoptive father, adoptive mother, as well as teaching Master, it is really inappropriate."

"Xiao Yuanshan's temperament changed greatly because of the 30-year Yanmen Pass massacre, his wife was killed for no reason, from an innocent victim to a wicked person who harmed others. There is a cause and effect. It's just Qiao Sanhuai and his wife, Master Xuanku has become an innocent victim."

"Yes, Qiao Sanhuai and his wife and Master Xuanku are innocent. Sigh! It can only be said that all living beings are suffering."


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