Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1637 Soul Break Yanmen Pass

Outside Yanmen Pass, the situation became tense once again, and all the martial arts fans were heartbroken.

And some celebrities and martial arts writers frowned slightly, and they suddenly had a bad premonition.

Continue to look below.

Xiao Feng told the heroes of the Central Plains to calm down and walked towards the Liao army alone, expressing that he had something to say to the emperor of Liao.

Seeing Yelu Hongji, Xiao Feng said that he had a great debt, and it was a capital offense that Lao Yu would come in person.

Afterwards, Duan Yu and Xu Zhu rushed out of the crowd, unfolded their peerless skills, deceived Yelu Hongji's side, and kidnapped Yelu Hongji.

The two held Yelu Hongji on the left and the right, and quickly returned to the Qunhao side of the Central Plains, intending to use Yelu Hongji as a pledge, and then make a decision.

It was just on the way back that Xiao Feng took action and snatched Yelu Hongji from the two of them, and then told everyone on both sides to stay still. He had something to say to Yelu Hongji.

Xiao Feng saw that Yelu Hongji was afraid, so he reassured Yelu Hongji, saying that he would not hurt him, but just wanted Yelu Hongji to reward him.

Then he said that Yelu Hongji was already the captive of Xuzhu and Duan Yu. According to the rules of the Khitans, Yelu Hongji should redeem himself with colorful objects.

Yelu Hongji said what Xiao Feng wanted, even if he opened his mouth.

Xiao Feng said that he dared to speak on behalf of Xuzhu and Duan Yu, and asked Yelu Hongji to make a promise, promising to retire immediately, and for the end of Yelu Hongji’s life, he would not allow the Liao army to cross the Song-Liao border for half a step.

Duan Yu and Xu Zhu were overjoyed after hearing this, and they successively stated that they wanted this promise from Yelu Hongji.

Yelu Hongji's face was gloomy,

He asked Xiao Feng, what if he didn't allow it?

Xiao Feng said that if Yelu Hongji did not agree, then he and Yelu Hongji would perish together, just as they had vowed to die in the same year, the same month and the same day when they were married.

Yelu Hongji weighed it for a long time, knowing that Xiao Feng's words were true, and finally agreed, pulled out his treasured sword, held high above the top and issued an order to let the army return to the north immediately, and the southern expedition was over, and vowed that in his life, no one of Da Liao would be allowed. One soldier died and violated the border of the Song Dynasty.

As soon as Yelu Hongji's promise came out, there were thunderous cheers everywhere, whether it was the heroes of the Central Plains, the officers and soldiers guarding the city at Yanmen Pass, or the soldiers of the Liao Kingdom, all of them cheered.

It can be seen that the soldiers of the Liao Kingdom actually did not want to go south to attack the Song Dynasty, nor did they want to fight.

This is of course very normal. Whether it is Song people or Liao people, apart from those in power and a few militants, how many people are willing to fight?

The soldiers on both sides were full of joy, and all the martial arts fans were secretly excited.

Xiao Feng forced Yelu Hongji to make such an oath. Not only did the Liao army retreat this time, but more importantly, in the next few decades, the Liao army would not go south to attack the Song Dynasty, and there would be no Liao army. One soldier and one soldier crossed the border of Liao and Song.

That is to say, in the next few decades, there will be no war between Liao and Song, and the border will be peaceful.

This allows countless people in the world, especially those in the frontiers, to enjoy a stable life for decades without suffering from the war.

Xiao Feng's actions this time can be said to have saved the lives of countless soldiers and civilians, as well as the lives of countless living beings. This action is very great.

This is the real hero, the hero, the hero!

The whole country in the Song Dynasty should be grateful for Xiao Feng's actions this time, and they will definitely be grateful for Xiao Feng's actions this time. In the future, Xiao Feng will have a very comfortable life in the Song Dynasty.

How can all the martial arts fans not be excited?

The Liao army retreated, and Xiao Feng and the Central Plains Qunhao were completely safe. This time, the crisis finally passed without any danger, and the rest was peaceful.

All martial arts fans let out a long sigh of relief.

However, they overlooked a key point, that is, Xiao Feng is indeed a Khitan person no matter what, and today he forced the Daliao Emperor to make such an oath for the sake of the Song Dynasty.

So, from the perspective of the Liao people, Xiao Feng is disloyal and unrighteous.

Yelu Hongji returned to the Liao army, turned around and sneered, and said to Xiao Feng, "You have made such a great contribution for the Song Dynasty, and you have a high official and rich salary, just around the corner!"

Xiao Feng said loudly, "Your Majesty, Xiao Feng is a Khitan native. He once had a righteous relationship with His Majesty. Today, he threatened His Majesty and became a big sinner of Khitan. He is both unfaithful and unrighteous. How can he stand between heaven and earth after that?"

Seeing Xiao Feng say such a sentence, the hearts of all martial arts fans suddenly jumped wildly. What does Xiao Feng mean? Does he want to...

A terrible idea suddenly popped into the hearts of martial arts fans, which made them feel scared and sad.

They couldn't accept it anyway, and they wished that the idea in their hearts was wrong.

But the thoughts in their hearts cruelly became reality.

After Xiao Feng finished saying those words, he suddenly raised the two broken arrows in his right hand, and at the internal power fortune, he poked his right arm back, and with a puff, inserted into his heart.

Duan Yu and Xu Zhu were so frightened that they both scrambled to get close, only to see two broken arrows stuck in the heart, Xiao Feng's eyes were closed, and he was out of breath.

Xiao Feng was at the Yanmen Pass, where his mother died and his father jumped off a cliff. It was also the Yanmen Pass where Azhu had waited for him for five days and five nights.

All the martial arts fans were stunned, and the magazines that many were holding fell to the ground with a "pop".

Xiao Feng is actually dead, how could such a great hero die?

All martial arts fans are unacceptable.

And those who had a bad premonition before, those famous celebrities and martial arts writers, let out a long sigh.

Xiao Feng's ending was indeed like this, sandwiched between Liao and Song, Xiao Feng finally reached this point.

All the martial arts fans murmured, "Why did Xiao Feng die? How could Xiao Feng die? Doesn't the protagonist of a work have the aura of the protagonist? Just play the role of the aura of the protagonist, and Xiao Feng doesn't have to die. "

Xiao Feng's death is destined to cause an uproar on the Internet.

Now, this uproar is on the verge of breaking out.

And the story of "Dragon Babu" is not completely over yet.

Xiao Feng committed suicide, and the people in the Central Plains grieved. Yelu Hongji was also at a loss, thinking whether Xiao Feng had merit or deeds to Daliao? Xiao Feng tried his best to dissuade him from marching south. Is it for the sake of the Song Dynasty or for the sake of the Liao Dynasty?

The army of the Liao Kingdom slowly moved northward, and the officers and soldiers couldn't help but turn their heads and looked at the body of Xiao Feng underground.

A Zi suddenly rushed out of the crowd, screaming to let everyone move away, holding Xiao Feng's body and talking softly, saying that she could finally hold Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng would not push her away again.

All martial arts fans are endlessly sighing, A Zi is also an infatuated woman.

After that, You Tanzhi suddenly appeared again. He was blind. He heard A Zi's voice and knew that A Zi was nearby. He was very happy. He finally found A Zi.

All martial arts fans are even more embarrassed, they are all infatuated people, each one is more infatuated with each other.

Azi dug out her eyeballs and threw them back to You Tanzhi. They were You Tanzhi's eyeballs. She didn't want to owe You Tanzhi anything. She asked You Tanzhi to leave. together.

You Tanzhi heard the exclamations of the people around him and knew that something must have happened, but he couldn't see it, so he could only hissed: "Miss Azi, Miss Azi!"

A Zi picked up Xiao Feng's body and walked forward, gradually approaching the deep valley on the side of the mountain, and fell into the deep valley with one foot.

You Tanzhi pursued A Zi's voice, and after A Zi, he also fell into a deep valley...

Everything is so miserable, and the martial arts fans can only see it in a daze.


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