Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1638 Finale of

A Zi hugged Xiao Feng's body and fell into the deep valley of Yanmen Pass, and You Tanzhi also fell.

All the martial arts fans are sighed and sentimental.

But then thought again, A Zi's infatuation and You Tanzhi's infatuation are destined to have no results.

That being the case, this may be their best ending.

In the eyes of others, it may be very cruel and regrettable, but for A Zi and You Tanzhi, they may feel very happy.

They can finally be in the same place with the person they love the most and never be apart.

The story of "Dragon Babu" is really coming to an end.

Duan Yu, Xu Zhu and others, along with Zhongyuan Qunhao, finally left Yanmenguan after being sad for a while.

In the next few decades, Yanmen Pass will be very peaceful. This is what Xiao Feng bought with his own life.

Zhongyuan Qunhao said goodbye, and Xu Zhu and his group also separated from Duan Yu and his group.

Xu Zhu returned to Misty Peak with Meng Gu and his subordinates, while Duan Yu, Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling, and his subordinates returned to Dali.

After returning to Dali, Duan Yu, Wang Yuyan, Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling and others went to Wuliangdong again.

In the Infinite Cave, I saw the fairy sister again, the sister of Wang Yuyan's grandmother.

Here, Duan Yu completely shattered his inner demons.

Wang Yuyan finally returned to Murong Fu's side,

Duan Yu married Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling, and Xiaolei, the maid of Princess Xixia.

One day, Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling, Ba Tianshi, Zhu Danchen and other subordinates were traveling, and when they passed a forest, they suddenly heard a child's voice calling out: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I have paid my respects. Why don't you give me candy?"

Duan Yu and his party were surprised, they thought that someone in the forest recognized Duan Yu, and when they went to the forest to look, they heard someone in the forest say: "You have to say: 'Long live my emperor, long live, long live!' Candy."

This was Murong Fu's voice.

Duan Yu and the others were taken aback again. They hid behind the tree and looked where the voice came from. They saw Murong Fu sitting on an earthen grave with a tall paper crown on his head.

Seven or eight rural children knelt in front of the grave, shouting "Long live", and shouting for candy.

Murong Fu said: "Everyone loves Qing's death. Since I have revived Dayan and become a great treasure, everyone will be rewarded."

There were two women standing beside the grave, it was Wang Yuyan and Abi. There were tears in the two women's eyes, but there was infinite tenderness in their eyes when they looked at Murong Fu.

Wang Yuyan and Abi's two daughters saw Duan Yu, walked to Duan Yu's side, and called out "brother" at the same time, and tears fell from their cheeks.

The three faced each other for a moment, waved goodbye, and turned around.

Duan Yu and his party quietly retreated, but when they saw Murong Fu sitting on the south side of the earthen tomb, they muttered to themselves.

Next is the word "complete book".


"Dragon Babu" has officially ended so far, and the hearts of all martial arts fans are very heavy.

This is a very hard book.

At the end, they could clearly see in their minds that Murong Fu was sitting on an earthen grave, calling him "Zhen", with a radiant face, full of will, and pointing at the country.

Murong Fu was crazy, and his ending made everyone sigh, but now he may have only realized, what is true happiness?

When Princess Xixia was recruiting her son-in-law, Princess Xixia's maid Xiaolei asked Murong Fu, "When was the happiest time in your life?"

Murong Fu's mind suddenly went blank, he couldn't answer, because he had never felt happy in his life.

This seems very incomprehensible, because in the eyes of outsiders, Murong Fu should be happy at all times.

He is young and handsome, strong in martial arts, and famous all over the world. The place where he lives is the poetic Yanziwu, the flowery Suzhou, and he has a beautiful cousin who is infatuated with him.

Such conditions, no matter how you look at it, should be happy and happy.

However, the illusory dream of restoring the country for several generations was blessed by Murong Fu when he was first born.

Since then, he has spent his whole life running for the restoration of the country, and has never felt happiness, let alone happiness.

He couldn't answer Xiaolei's question, but he still answered tactfully that his happy time was in the future, not in the past.

The "future" that Murong Fu talked about meant that he would become a great treasure in the future and become the master of Dayan's rejuvenation. At that time, he would definitely be happy.

However, his kingship and hegemony are destined to be in vain, and he will never be able to become a great treasure.

So, will Murong Fu never be happy?

No, Murong Fu can be a treasure, and he can be happy when he is crazy.

Therefore, Murong Fu went crazy.

Insane, Murong Fu finally became a treasure, and he finally felt what happiness was.

What kind of irony is this? What kind of helplessness?

All martial arts fans let out a long sigh, and Murong Fu was also a pitiful person.

Well, maybe not completely pitiful, he is still happy.

Because when he was crazy, the two daughters Wang Yuyan and Abi were still by his side, with infinite tenderness in their eyes.

Wang Yuyan may also feel happy, because she can finally stay by her cousin's side all the time, and her cousin will never drive her away again.

In the previous life, in the triple version of Mr. Jin Yong's "Eight Dragons", Wang Yuyan and Duan Yu were together, and did not return to Murong Fu's side, and Duan Yu only married Wang Yuyan.

In the latest revision later, Mr. Jin Yong changed the ending of Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan, Wang Yuyan returned to Murong Fu, and Duan Yu married three daughters, Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling and Xiaolei.

In the new revision, some fairy-tale beauty is missing, but it is more real, and the ending is actually better.

For those who are only familiar with the triple version, some people may find it difficult to accept the changes in the ending of the newly revised version, thinking that the ending of the triple version is better.

At the beginning, Li Fan was also a little uncomfortable. He was already familiar with Wang Yuyan and Duan Yu getting married, but after a while, Li Fan gradually realized that the ending of the new version is actually better.

As mentioned in the previous article, Duan Yu's infatuation with Wang Yuyan is more of a kind of inner demon, treating Wang Yuyan as a fairy sister in the Infinite Cave.

As he grows older, experiences more in life, and ascends the throne as an emperor, he will definitely gradually break through the demons he once had.

The inner demon is broken, and she will no longer be so infatuated with Wang Yuyan.

As for Wang Yuyan, it is impossible for Duan Yu to have a deep affection for her. For her cousin Murong Fu, who has been infatuated with since childhood, it is impossible to forget it completely. Deep down in her heart, the person she loves the most will definitely be forgotten. It was still Murong Fu.

Mu Wanqing has always been infatuated with Duan Yu, her love for Duan Yu is the most unforgettable, and she should marry Duan Yu.

In this case, it is natural that the ending of the new revision is better.


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