Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1640 A share of the soup

In addition to martial arts fans and martial arts authors, authors from all walks of life also discussed the evaluation of Liang Sheng, Yang Qiming, Li Bo and others on "The Eight Dragons".

It is too exaggerated to say that "Tianlong Babu" is a traditional literary work. When does martial arts qualify to be called a traditional literary work?

That's right, it's too exaggerated. "Dragon Babu" is well written, we admit this. But no matter how well written it is, it is also a martial arts. How could it be called a traditional literary work?

well! People are big bosses, their evaluations are more authoritative than ours, and it is useless for us to object.

Don't worry, this thing is definitely controversial and won't be determined so quickly. Even if the controversy continues, it is not surprising.

well! Since there is a controversy, it means that "The Eight Dragons" does have the qualification to be called a traditional literary work. Controversy can already explain the problem.

It is also said that Gu Yong is really a not simple author!

Forget about whether "Tianlong Ba Bu" is called a traditional literary work? Gu Yong is really not simple. Let's just talk about his martial arts works. Before his debut, the status of martial arts can be said to be very low, and the authors of martial arts are also inferior. But now, in just over two years, martial arts are about to go to heaven. If we only talk about the martial arts of Guyong, it is already in heaven.

Gu Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is already in the sky, and the Times Literature Award is still unbelievable when I think about it.

By the way, have you watched "Dragon Babu"? I read it, and to be honest, this "Dragon Babu" is really not an ordinary martial arts, it really has high literary value.

I also read it, well, I admit, its literary value is indeed not low. No one is injustice, all sentient beings are sinful, Mr. Liang Sheng said it well!

Does it really have any literary value? So should I take a look too?

go and have a look,

Although we don't write about martial arts, it is definitely beneficial to read it.

Authors from the rest of the circles, many people are quite dissatisfied with the fact that "Dragon Babu" is called a traditional literary work, and they are also very sour.

But even so, they have to admit that "Dragon Babu" is indeed not a simple martial arts, and its literary value is very high.

Some people who didn't plan to watch "Dragon Babu" at this time also made the decision to watch "Dragon Babu".

It won't hurt to see it anyway.

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Editor-in-chief Wang Yang said with emotion: Gu Yong is really a terrible author. He used "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" to let the world know that martial arts can also win the Times Literature Award. Now, with the help of "The Eight Parts of the Sky", let the world know that martial arts are also qualified to be called traditional literary works. How terrible!

Jian Yishen also sighed and smiled bitterly in his heart. He once thought that he could surpass the ancient and mediocre. Now that he thinks about that time, he is really over his head.

Of course, after "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Jian Yishen knew that he was ridiculous and over-thinking, and now he is just feeling this way again.

After a while, Jian Yishen said: Editor-in-chief, "Dragon Babu" is so extraordinary now, do you think he will continue to write martial arts in the future?

Wang Yang pondered: I really dare not say this now, I can't see through Gu Yong at all! However, according to his last interview, "Dragon Babu" should not be his last martial arts. Honestly, I'm really looking forward to his next martial arts movie! Unprecedented expectations! I really want to know, after "Dragon Babu", what other martial arts works can he write?

Jian Yishen smiled slightly and said, "It's not just the editor-in-chief who is looking forward to it, there are many people who are looking forward to it. However, I feel that this time he should not launch the next martial arts work in a short period of time.

Wang Yang nodded and said: I also have this feeling, this time it should really take a while.

Jianyi Shendao: It will take a while. I plan to study "Dragon Babu" and the previous Trilogy of Eagle Shooting. To be honest, the time he released his works was too fast, and I didn't even bother to study it.

Wang Yang was very happy that Jian Yishen could say this, and said with a smile: Xiao Tang, in addition to your research these few days, you can’t prevent you from writing more analytical articles on “The Eight Parts of the Dragon”, preferably those with novel viewpoints and unique analysis. . For example, why did Xiao Feng choose to commit suicide? In addition to the ethnic conflicts between the two countries, is there any other reason? More analysis, there will be a lot of people interested.

Jian Yishen nodded and said: I understand, editor-in-chief, I will try to explain as much as possible. This is called taking advantage of the situation, using the situation of Guyong to increase your exposure, that is, to get a share of the pie.

Wang Yang laughed and said, "That's right, that's it. Moreover, the action should be faster. I estimate that there will be many martial arts writers who have this idea. The earlier the analysis of the article table, the greater the influence.

Kenichi Shinto: Okay, editor-in-chief, I see.

Wang Yang is right, there are indeed many martial arts writers at this time, and they all thought of taking advantage of the situation.

Now all kinds of articles analyzing "Dragon Babu" are very popular among martial arts fans.

As long as your analysis is in place, and you don't want to talk about it, you will definitely be able to arouse a lot of repercussions among martial arts fans.

Martial arts fans accept your analysis and think that your analysis is reasonable and well-founded, and they will have a sense of identity with you, thinking that you are a good author and have a common language with them.

By the time you get your next book, they might pay attention.

Especially for those lesser-known martial arts writers, this way of attracting fans is even better than the effort they put into creating a work.

Even for a famous martial arts author, it will have no small effect.

For example, if Jian Yishen published an analysis article, it would be popular.

It is very likely that there will be martial arts fans who think this way. This kid was too arrogant before. I didn't like it very much, so I didn't read his books much. Now that he has studied Gu Yongda's "Dragon Babu" so deeply, it makes perfect sense, since he studied Gu Yongda's book so diligently. Well, when he next book, I'll go take a look too.

That's a successful slice of the pie.

Therefore, researching "Dragon Babu" and listing related analysis articles is the only thing that many martial arts authors are doing these days. ...

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