Little Farmer Big Star

1641 The Prophet Yue Lao 3

In the next few days, a lot of analytical articles appeared on the Internet.

Some are from famous celebrities, some are from martial arts authors, and most are from martial arts authors.

Except for a few articles about shrimp and eggs, most of the articles are well-founded, and the analysis is in place.

It also includes many articles with novel viewpoints, which brighten the eyes of martial arts fans.

For example, Jian Yishen wrote an article called "the most outstanding prophet in China, the third son of Yue, the crocodile god of the South China Sea".

When I first read this title, all the martial arts fans were a little confused. When did Yue Laosan become a prophet? What was predicted?

After reading the article, all the martial arts fans suddenly realized, "I rub it! Yue Laosan is really an excellent prophet."

The general idea of ​​Jian Yishen's article is this.

Prophecy one:

When Yue Laosan first met Duan Yu, he said that Duan Yu was a martial arts prodigy.

Although things went wrong later, Yue Laosan became Duan Yu's apprentice, but Duan Yu's martial arts really became one of the top masters in the Tianlong world.

Prophecy II:

In Zhong Wanqiu's Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, the third child of Yue asked Zhong Wanqiu, who is he from Zhong Ling?

Zhong Wanqiu claimed to be Zhong Ling's Lao Tzu.


"Nanhai Crocodile God tilted his head and looked at his father and daughter for a while, and said: 'Of course you are 'self-proclaimed'. My wife is so beautiful, but you are ugly as a monster, how could it be her father? What is born is not born by you. You are a fake Laozi, not a real Laozi!' When Zhong Wanqiu heard this, his face became dark with anger, and he took the knife and slashed at the crocodile god of the South China Sea."

Yue Laosan said, "My mistress must have been born by someone else, not by you. You are a fake Laozi, not a real Laozi." Zhong Wanqiu's lungs exploded with anger.

When we first saw it, we didn't take it seriously, but when we saw it later, we realized that the third son of Yue was really right.

Zhong Ling is really not Zhong Wanqiu's daughter, but Duan Zhengchun's daughter. Zhong Wanqiu is indeed a fake Laozi, not a real Laozi.

Prophecy Three:

Yue Laosan went to the Dali Palace to accept Duan as a disciple. For some reason, he fought with Duan Zhengchun once, and both sides admired each other's martial arts.

Then, the third child of Yue started prophesying again.

"The crocodile god of the South China Sea looked at Duan Yu, and then looked at Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, and said: 'The old martial arts are very strong, but the young ones are not at all. I don't believe that you are the two of you. Duan Zhengchun, let's be so-so. , even if he is your son.'"

Yue Laosan said that Duan Yu was not Duan Zhengchun's son. How is this possible.

But at the end of this work, we are stunned to find that Yue Laosan is right, Duan Yuzhen is not Duan Zhengchun's son, but Duan Yanqing's son.

After the above three predictions, Yue Laosan has undoubtedly become the most outstanding prophet in the Tianlong world.

After reading this article by Jian Yishen, all martial arts fans suddenly realized that this is the case.

For Yue Laosan, martial arts fans like it very much, and Yue Laosan's image has always been cute.

This can be seen from the time he appeared on the stage, "The man laughed and said: 'I can't escape, I am the crocodile god of the South China Sea, the best in the world in martial arts... No... hehe, two

The little doll must have heard my name, right? ’”

Yue Laosan is one of the four villains, but in the whole work, he also killed three people, Jin Xier from the Valley of Tribulations, Soldier A of the Dali Palace, and Gu Ducheng, one of the four guards in Dali.

Yue Laosan wanted to accept Duan Yu as his apprentice, but he became Duan Yu's apprentice by accident.

Yue Laosan was very angry about becoming Duan Yu's apprentice, ashamed to mention it to outsiders, and most afraid of letting people know that he was Duan Yu's apprentice.

However, when others found out, he never denied it. In front of the martial arts hero, he kowtowed to Duan Yu and greeted the teacher.

When he was accidentally injured by Duan Zhengchun, he wanted to scold him loudly, but he stopped in time as soon as he scolded one word, and said to himself, "You are my master's father. It is inappropriate to scold you. I will quietly cut your head off another day."

In the battle of Shaolin Temple, Duan Yu was ravaged by Murong Fu before the Six Meridians Excalibur attacked, and Yue Laosan said "Don't hurt my master" and rushed out.

In a manor owned by Mrs. Wang, Duan Yu was captured by Mrs. Wang and brought before everyone.

Seeing Duan Yu being kidnapped, Yue Laosan went up to rescue him, "The Nanhai Crocodile said: 'He is my master, that's the real thing, and he didn't lie to me, so how could he hurt him?' Then he reached out to relieve Duan Yu. 's binding.

Duan Yanqing said: 'The third child, listen to me, take out the crocodile's mouth and cut off this kid's head. ’

The crocodile god of the South China Sea shook his head repeatedly and said, 'No way! Boss, the third child of Yue won't listen to you today, I have to save Master. ’ As he said that, he pulled hard, and immediately broke one of the tendons that bound Duan Yu. "

Regardless of Boss Duan's objection, Yue Laosan is determined to save Duan Yu. Duan Yanqing is afraid of Duan Yu's Six Meridian Sword, worried that after Yue Laosan loosens Duan Yu's bond, he is not an opponent. , directly guide the back of the sea crocodile god, the internal force is everywhere, and the steel rod pierces out of the chest.

In order to save Duan Yu, Yue Laosan died at the hands of his own boss.

As Yue Laosan's master, Duan Yu has never taught Yue Laosan anything, but Yue Laosan always agrees with Duan Yu and rescues him many times. In the end, he died because of saving Duan Yu.

Yue Laosan is only a supporting role, but this supporting role has left a strong imprint in the hearts of all martial arts fans.

All martial arts fans will not forget Yue Laosan.

Now, through the article of Jian Yishen, martial arts fans know that Yue Laosan is also an excellent prophet.

It seems to be arbitrary, but without going through the brain, it directly reveals the secret.

This may be that Gu Yong used the mouth of Yue Laosan to tell the truth in advance. Such an important truth was told through Yue Laosan's mouth.

It can be seen that Gu Yong himself should also like Yue Laosan very much.

All the martial arts fans were talking about their favorite Yue Laosan and Yue Laosan's magical prophecy.

This article by Jian Yishen has become popular. Some martial arts fans who have had opinions on Jian Yishen before have seen that Jian Yishen is so devoted to Gu Yong's works at this time, and their views on Jian Yishen have also changed a lot.

The reason why they had opinions on Jian Yishen before was because Jian Yishen was too arrogant and expressed some opinions against Gu Yong, which made them very unhappy.

Now that Jian Yishen is so devoted to Gu Yong's works, their unhappiness is not so strong.

The next time they see the new book of Jian Yishen, they should have a look.

Jian Yishen was very excited to see such a situation. He finally made those martial arts fans who had opinions on him changed their opinion of him.

Since his mentality changed, he has been trying to find a way to make that part of the martial arts fans change their views on him, but it has never been effective.

This is normal, who made him so arrogant and dare to target Gu Yong?

Jian Yishen has always been very regretful, and he can understand which martial arts fans are. He was indeed too arrogant at the beginning.

Now, after the articles he analyzed were published, it finally had an effect, which made him very excited.

It seems that it is correct to find solutions from Gu Yong's works.


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