Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1660 Signing: Immortal Fate Lay

In the square, after listening to Liu Dong's words, everyone understood that it was the unfathomable young man who wanted to write.

Everyone was suspicious of the young man's calligraphy skills, and there were whispers everywhere.

Wang and the four bodyguards sneered in their hearts, "Isn't that kid pretending to be dizzy? Or maybe he's too flirtatious to write in public, it's really over his head."

They were very much looking forward to it in their hearts, expecting that the words written by Li Fan would be laughable and generous. Wang had already prepared the words of ridicule in his heart, and he would say it as soon as Li Fan started to write. Of course it is impossible to let go.

Of course, Wang will make everyone think that he is commenting on Li Fan's writing, which not only ridicules Li Fan, but also enhances his own taste, which is really the best of both worlds.

His die-hard fans are also looking forward to it very much. The words he just said have already had a certain effect. After Li Fan has finished writing, he will combine the words written by Li Fan and bring the rhythm again, and the effect will definitely be better.

No matter what different thoughts people have in their hearts, at this moment, everyone's eyes are all focused on Li Fan, or in other words, on the large brush that Li Fan has already held in his hand.

Naturally, Li Fan could hear the whispers around him clearly, but he was not interested in paying attention to it. He picked up the pen and wrote it out.

The first character is a word for "serving". Due to the angle, people who are far apart can stretch their necks, but still can't see how the characters can be written.

But for Wang, he didn't need to see too clearly, anyway, in his opinion, that young boy's calligraphy skills must not be very good, as long as the young boy started to write.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Wang Haha laughed and said: "Objectively speaking, this character can be written well, but unfortunately the writing power is a bit lacking, and the structure is a bit scattered, and it will take a long time to practice before I can get a first glimpse of everyone's way. Of course, a It is not bad that young people can write to this level. It is even more rare to have the courage to write words of this level in public. If it were me, I would definitely not use this courage. I have a thin skin. I can't afford to lose this person. Well, the young man is not bad, better than me."

Wang did not understand calligraphy at all, but he knew that such a general comment would never be wrong.

He was very satisfied with what he said, that is, to ridicule Li Fan, to improve himself, and to make no faults, after all, he was only evaluating objectively.

In addition, it also gave people the feeling that he was admonishing Li Fan to practice calligraphy hard and try to get a glimpse of everyone's way as soon as possible, which is simply perfect.

Wang's words were immediately aroused, and his die-hard fans echoed.

"Daji said it well, the reviews are very professional and accurate."

"Daji's calligraphy must be very good, Daji should go over and give him some pointers."

"Daji is right, he can write to this level, it's not bad, and it's not too embarrassing."


Wang and the fans sang in harmony, and everyone at the scene listened to it, but many people nodded secretly, but more people were calm.

Although they couldn't see clearly what Li Fan's words were like, but when they saw Li Fan's writing movements, they seemed to be at the level of everyone, so it's better not to jump to conclusions.

As for Liu Dong and the few people who were close, their faces were full of shock and disbelief. Although they didn't know much about calligraphy, it didn't mean they couldn't see the level of calligraphy.

Li Fan's characters are vigorous and powerful, free and easy, and he is a family of his own. He can definitely be called everyone among everyone.

Liu Dongji was very excited. He originally saw that Li Fan was young, and he also did not think that Li Fan could have deep knowledge in calligraphy, but he never thought that Li Fan's knowledge in calligraphy was so deep.

After that, he couldn't help but be more curious about Li Fan's identity. His skills were unfathomable, and his calligraphy skills were also extremely deep. He was sure that this young man would definitely not be an ordinary person.

And the reason why Liu Dong is so excited,

There is one more, that is the content of the words written by Li Fan, and now Li Fan has finished writing the last word.

There are sixteen words in total: "Serve the heart, be honest, be sincere, and be trusted by thousands of families."

Sixteen-character pens walk dragons and snakes, bold and free, vigorous and powerful, with great visual impact and excellent aesthetics. Even people who have no knowledge of calligraphy will definitely know that this is everyone among everyone. .

And the content of these sixteen characters is related to Liu Dong's electrical appliance store.

"Serve the heart, be honest, be sincere, and be trusted by all families." Liu Dong muttered these sixteen words, and suddenly felt a heavy responsibility, it was a responsibility to do things with conscience!

The reason why Li Fan wrote these 16 words to Liu Dong was because Liu Dong was unwilling to do things against his conscience before, and he was worthy of these 16 words.

These sixteen characters are a kind of affirmation, but also a kind of spur. Li Fan hopes that the electrical appliance store operated by Liu Dong can achieve "heart" and "integrity".

Of course, with these 16 words written by him, Li Fan believes that the poor profits of Liudong Mall can be quickly reversed. This is the reward he deserves because he is unwilling to act against his conscience.

After Li Fan stopped writing, he looked at Liu Dong, smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Liu would like to have these sixteen characters?"

Liu Dong's heart froze, he knew why Li Fan asked him this way?

This means that once he asks for these sixteen words, he must do what the sixteen words say, serve with heart and do things with integrity!

Liu Dong straightened his clothes, bowed slightly towards Li Fan, and said solemnly, "Please rest assured, sir, I will definitely do these sixteen words, with my heart and integrity, and I will definitely live up to my expectations!"

Li Fan nodded and said, "I believe Mr. Liu, then, this letter will be given to Mr. Liu."

Liu Dong was not only excited, but also felt a heavy responsibility. He bowed again and said, "Thank you, sir, I wonder if you are willing to leave the signature? Only then did Liu Dong know who was thanked by him today?"

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "As I said before, I met Mr. Liu today because of fate. Everything has a cause and effect. I have no kindness to Mr. Liu, and Mr. Liu doesn't have to worry about it."

After finishing speaking, Li Fan took the pen in the lower right corner and wrote a line of small characters as the signature, explaining the reason for writing these sixteen characters.

"Xianyuan layman" is obviously a self-proclaimed, Liu Dong can't remember for a while, who is this "Xianyuan layman"?

After Li Fan finished writing, he put down his pen, walked over to the young mother, smiled slightly, and said, "It's over, I'm leaving, I hope your child grows up healthily."

With tears in her eyes, the young mother couldn't help expressing her gratitude.

Li Fan waved his hand, indicating that the young mother did not need to thank him any more, then raised his eyes and glanced at the four bodyguards.

The four bodyguards shivered for a while, and they naturally understood what Li Fan was trying to do. It was to let them stop trying to find trouble with the young mother.

The four bodyguards felt bitter in their hearts. After seeing Li Fan's terrifying skills, how could they dare to trouble the woman?

Even if they were given another 100 courage, they would not dare.

Then, under everyone's attention, Li Fan walked out of the crowd together with Yang Jie, Liu Yu, and Lin Xin.


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