Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1661 priceless treasure

Everyone watched Li Fan leave, someone wanted to say something? He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Wang's die-hard fans originally wanted to ridicule a few words, saying that Li Fan was afraid that his handwriting was ugly and would be laughed at, so they hurried away after writing, but for some reason, they didn't say anything.

There was a strange silence at the scene, and it was not until Li Fan turned a corner and disappeared completely that the "humming" voice of the scene resumed.

Wang's die-hard fans, at this time, finally made a sneer.

"Skip off after writing. It seems that he also knows that his writing is not very good, so he is a little self-aware."

"Have the courage to write, but don't have the courage to face everyone's comments. I don't know whether to say that he is not brave enough, or should I say that he has self-knowledge?"

"It's a pity to leave, or let our Daji give him a good review. Maybe he can benefit a lot from it. What a waste of a great opportunity without knowing it."

"Forget it, let's slip away. No matter how you say it, you are a great master. If you are laughed at for your bad writing, you will be very shameless after all."


The fans talked a lot, and the voice was high-pitched, Wang Xin sneered, "He actually slipped away, it seems that I still think highly of him."

Afterwards, Wang was secretly proud of himself. He really had foresight, and while Li Fan was still writing, he had already commented on it.

If he opened his mouth to say the words just now, without Li Fan as the protagonist, the feeling of coolness would be greatly reduced.

Wang was secretly complacent, Li Fan left, and he no longer had to worry about Li Fan using methods against him. The superiority of third-tier stars had completely returned.

He is now thinking that if Liu Dong is willing to beg him to attend today's promotional activities, as long as he has enough face, he may agree.

After all, the appearance fee of 500,000 is not a small sum.

His assistant understood and said loudly on purpose: "Boss Liu, that kid is gone, and the matter here is over. If you still want us to be lucky and go to your promotional activities, show some sincerity, and we may be lucky. Consider attending."

It's just that Liu Dong didn't react at all after hearing it. He didn't move at all, as if he was trying his best to think about something?

Seeing that his words were ignored, the assistant was very upset and snorted heavily, and Wang's face darkened again in an instant.

Liu Dong did hear the assistant's words, but he ignored it. He was wondering what kind of person "Xianyuan Lay" would be? He can feel that he must know who this person is? But just a little bit, a little bit...

Liu Dong was thinking about it, and everyone at the scene was talking. Since the word was still spread out on the long table, most people at the scene had not seen the word.

When they heard the voices of those die-hard fans, they couldn't help thinking, "Is it true that those brain-dead fans were right? That young man was really worried that the words he wrote were too ugly, so he hurried away? But if I'm really worried that if his handwriting is ugly, he doesn't need to write it at all."

Everyone was puzzled and talked a lot. They originally thought that Liu Dong would soon let the people around him show the words so that everyone at the scene could see clearly.

But who would have thought that after waiting for a long time, Liu Dong didn't seem to have any intention of showing the words, but what was he thinking about there?

Someone couldn't wait and said loudly, "I said Boss Liu, shouldn't you show that pair of words for everyone to see? Everyone is waiting."

"Yes, Boss Liu, if you have any questions, it's not too late to think about it later. Let everyone read the words first and see how the young man writes?"

"Although that pair of characters was given to you by that young man, you should also let us see it."

"Boss Liu, if you don't show it, we'll all come here!"


Everyone wanted to swarm up and see what happened in the past, but in the end they held back.

Too many people.

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that Boss Liu Dongliu, who was originally motionless, suddenly seemed to be very excited, and even his body seemed to be shaking slightly because he was too excited.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Liu Dong said very excitedly: "I'm sorry, sorry, very sorry! I will show this pair of characters to everyone and share with everyone. Xiaolin, let's lift this pair of characters together, for everyone to enjoy.”

Xiao Lin was Liu Dong's assistant. Hearing that, he hurriedly agreed and walked to the other end of the long table, preparing to hold up the paper with Liu Dong.

Liu Dong's hands trembled slightly. Obviously, he already knew who "Xianyuan Jushi" was?

He knew that this pair of words would be invaluable.

The calligraphy itself, the content of the sixteen characters, and the process of birth, and the most important thing is the identity of the author, these will make this pair of characters an absolute priceless treasure, and the process of its birth will also become a beautiful talk.

Framed and hung in the shopping mall, Liu Dong can't imagine how popular his shopping mall will be.

Liu Dong believes that if he asks a price, even if it is an astronomical figure, there will be many people chasing this word.

Of course, it is impossible for him to make an offer.

Liu Dong was so excited that he said to Xiao Lin, "Xiao Lin, be careful, be careful, be very careful."

Xiaolin hadn't realized who "Xianyuan Jushi" was, and was a little puzzled by Liu Dong's excitement, and said, "Mr. Liu, your hands are shaking, you are the one who wants to..."

Xiaolin wanted to say, "You should be more careful." But it seemed a bit inappropriate for him to say this, so he only said half of it.

Liu Dong understood what Xiao Lin meant, laughed and said, "Of course I will be very careful."

Afterwards, the two of them raised the word together, and Liu Dong said to the crowd, "'Serve your heart, be honest, be sincere, and be trusted by every family.' Now please enjoy it together, and I will share with you.”

Everyone at the scene finally saw the content of this pair of words.

Then, there were exclamations, and everyone's faces were full of shock and inconceivable expressions.

I saw sixteen big-character pens walking dragons and snakes, unrestrained and unrestrained, with extraordinary momentum, everyone was relaxed and happy, and they were fascinated!

"This...this...this...the word..."

Someone wants to say something, comment on the word, but find that they don't know, what kind of word should be used to express it?

It seems that all the words are not enough to express the feelings in their hearts at this moment.

Is this what the young man wrote? It was so shocking.

They even thought that the young man had slipped away early because he was worried that his handwriting was not good. It was ridiculous!

Wang was stunned. Although he did not know calligraphy, he knew that people who could write such characters were definitely the best of the bunch.

That kid is so young, how could he have such deep attainments in calligraphy?

Wang would never believe it, but those words were right in front of him, and he had to believe them.

Suddenly, Wang Xin was frightened. It was a kind of fear that was born in his heart involuntarily when facing an overly powerful enemy.

Although it could not be said that the young man was the king's enemy, the king still had this feeling of fear.


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