Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1662 The identity of young people

Wang Xin was terrified. His die-hard fans were completely gone at this time, and they dared not make any more noise.

If Li Fan's words were only averagely well written, they could still say it stubbornly, those words were not very good at all.

After all, everyone's vision of appreciation is different, and no one can say that they are deliberately finding fault.

But if now, if they still want to speak stubbornly, if those words are not very good, they can only be regarded as idiots.

Therefore, they died down and dared not make a sound. The only consolation left for them now is that even if the boy writes well, he is not a star after all, and their great luck is a genuine third-tier star.

They didn't dare to make a sound, and the rest of the people at the scene kept exclaiming. They were so shocked that they didn't expect that young man to be able to write words to such an extent.

This kind of character is simply a kind of enjoyment. Even people who have no interest in calligraphy at ordinary times are fascinated by it at this time.

It turns out that when writing calligraphy together to a very high level, it can make people feel so enjoy.

"Can you be considered the number one person in the world of calligraphy based on such words?" Many people have such doubts in their hearts, but they dare not jump to conclusions, nor do they have the qualifications to draw conclusions.

"Hey! How do I feel that this style of brushwork has been seen somewhere?" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Have you seen it? Where?" Someone asked impatiently.

"Well, let me think about it, I should have seen it, but I'm not sensitive to calligraphy, and I can't remember where I saw it for a while." The previous person replied.

The first thing people feel is the calligraphy itself, and then the content of the sixteen characters, "serving the heart, being honest, being sincere, and being trusted by thousands of families."

These sixteen characters are very easy to understand. It means that if you can do business with sincerity and integrity, then you will be honest and trustworthy in the end.

These sixteen words were obviously the warning and expectation that the young man had for Boss Liu. These sixteen words had a lot of power.

In the crowd, many people are their own shop owners, and there are also many businessmen. They read these sixteen characters thoughtfully.

The sixteen-character calligraphy is extremely accomplished, and the content of the text itself is deeply thought-provoking.

So, who is that young man? Everyone can't wait to know the answer.

They all believed that the young man would definitely not be an ordinary person.

Who is he? There is a line of small characters on the lower right, and everyone's eyes are moved to that line of small characters.

The small characters explained the reason why the young man wrote these sixteen characters today, and finally the five characters "Xianyuan Laymen Question".

"Xianyuan Jushi" is obviously the self-proclaimed name of the young man.

So, who is Xianyuan layman? Never seemed to hear it before.

Everyone murmured the words "Xianyuan Jushi", who would they be?

"Xianyuan layman, Xianyuan, Xianyuan..."

Suddenly, someone exclaimed and said with a shocked face: "I think, I already know who the 'Xianyuan Jushi' is?"

Then someone murmured: "Xianyuan, Xianyuan... I should have thought of it long ago."

If the four words "Xianyuan layman" are linked together, everyone can't remember for a while, who is this "Xianyuan layman"?

But if you only look at the word "Xianyuan", everyone will immediately think of a place, that is Xianyuan Farm.

Then, the identity of "Xianyuan layman" has already been revealed.

It is the owner of Xianyuan Farm, Li Fan!

Of course, Li Fan's identity is far more than the owner of Xianyuan Farm.

That young man turned out to be Li Fan, and everyone was shocked on the spot. For them, it was really incredible.

Li Fan, to them, has always been a legend.

once in a while,

There will be a legend about Li Fanxin and it will begin to circulate.

They are familiar with every legend of Li Fan, but they never thought that one day they would witness the birth of the story about Li Fanxin.

In other words, the birth of a new legend. What happened today will undoubtedly become a legend about Li Fanxin.

Of course, thinking about it again, they shouldn't be surprised that Li Fan will appear here. It is possible for Li Fan to appear anywhere.

Moreover, they should have guessed earlier that the young man was from Li Fan, with unfathomable skills and profound knowledge of calligraphy. He was very young and his surname was Li.

Besides Li Fan, what other young man has such ability?

Of course, this is what they are saying now, but if things were to happen again, they would still not guess that it was Li Fan.

Because, in their subconscious, Li Fan is a legendary existence, very far away from them, how can they guess that it is Li Fan?

But in fact, he knew in his heart that their subconsciousness was wrong. Li Fan was hidden in the city, and he might appear in the downtown at any time.

Then, nature may appear by their side, Li Fan is not far away from them.

At this time, everyone finally understood why Liu Dong's hands were shaking with excitement before, because he got a priceless treasure today.

That pair of characters will be priceless, and there will be consequences before its birth, and it will also form a new legend about Li Fan.

Both Liu Dong and the young mother will be the key figures in this legend, and they are all witnesses.

Of course, the key figures in this legend are not only Liu Dong and the young mother, but also Wang and his four bodyguards.

It's just a pity that they will be the negative key figures in this legend.

Thinking of Wang and his four bodyguards, everyone at the scene turned to look, and they suddenly wanted to see Wang's expression.

Before, when Wang faced Li Fan, although he was afraid, he always had a sense of superiority, because he was a third-tier star, and the other party was just an ordinary person.

Now, when Wang knew that the ordinary person who gave him a sense of superiority turned out to be Li Fan, what kind of expression would he have?

Everyone wanted to know, but unfortunately, when they turned to look for Wang, Wang and his four bodyguards had disappeared.

It turned out that Wang also guessed the identity of the young man from the self-proclaimed "Xianyuan layman".

After guessing his identity, Wang finally realized what it means to be ashamed. There is nothing wrong with him being a third-tier star, but compared with Li Fan, the two sides do not know how many levels of difference?

It would not be too exaggerated to say that it is the gap between fireflies and the sun and the moon.

Wang trembled all over, and dared not stay at the scene for a moment. While everyone was shocked that the young man turned out to be Li Fan, he sneaked away with the four bodyguards.


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