Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1672 Completely different effects

Sun Wukong was very drunk, and all the audience laughed in their hearts, but this time this time, the Queen Mother was very angry.

Then, when the music reaches 51 seconds, the background picture is still above the Tiangong, and the same carved railings are looming in the clouds.

It's just that the protagonist on the screen is no longer the drunken Monkey King, but a beautiful fairy dancing gracefully.

The fairies are very beautiful, and the dance is also very beautiful. It was a scene of a group of extremely beautiful fairies dancing.

The fairy may be Chang'e, or which of her other fairies? Audiences don't know the answer yet.

Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that this is a very beautiful visual enjoyment for the audience.

With the dancing of the fairy, the music starts from 51 seconds, and there is a female harmony of "ah~ah~ah~".

The harmony is not heavy, the sound drags on for a long time, very ethereal, as if it came from a far away place, and then stays in people's minds, the reverberation lingers around the beam for a long time.

The heavenly palace with carved railings and jade, the softly shrouded clouds, the dancing beautiful fairies, and the ethereal and distant female harmony make the artistic conception of the whole shot harmonious and beautiful, and people seem to be in a dreamlike fairyland among.

The perfect fusion with the female harmony is the perfect interpretation of the combination of guitar solo and keyboard solo, which sets off the female harmony more distant and ethereal.

The feeling of being real and illusory is even more intense.

When a group of musicians heard this, they couldn't help but slap the table in amazement.

The female harmony of this "Ah~ah~ah~" is simply a stroke of genius, expressing a dream-like beauty to the fullest.

All the musicians are getting more and more excited and excited.

The music and pictures continued, and at 1:06, the female harmony disappeared, and the music became radical again, accompanied by intermittent drum sounds, gorgeous and atmospheric.

The protagonist of the picture was once again replaced by Sun Wukong. This fellow was still in a state of drunkenness.

Obviously, after being drunk, this fellow came to Taishang Laojun's Tusita Palace again, and would steal Taishang Laojun's elixir here.

Most viewers are very familiar with the content of "Journey to the West". They only need to see a clip, and they can know the story that happened before and after the clip.

After that, it was a picture of a galloping horse, and all the audience knew that this should have happened during Sun Wukong's official position as Bi Ma Wen.

Continue on, and at 1 minute and 22 seconds, the picture and music change again.

The picture is also of a fairy dancing, but this time the location of the dance has changed, and there are more fairies dancing around the fairy and appreciative guests.

This time there is also no female harmonies, instead a symphony, the rhythm and melody have changed, but the same perfection and good sound.

Ordinary audiences do not know the appearance of the symphony, but many musicians have heard it.

For this opening song, they have long been shocked and admired, and for the appearance of the symphony, they can only shake their heads and smile bitterly.

They thought they had already understood the song, but now they realize that they should never come to such a conclusion without listening to the song.

Because, it will have new music and instruments appear at any time.

At this time, all musicians have determined that this opening song without lyrics will become a unique classic.

The music and pictures continued, and at 1 minute and 38 seconds, the female harmony of "Ah~ah~ah~" appeared again.

But this time was very different from the previous one.

First of all, the music in the background is different. Previously, it was a combination of guitar solo and keyboard solo, but this time it became a folk band.

The folk band appeared again, and all the musicians could only sigh, "Sure enough!"

Although it is also the harmony of a woman's "ah~ah~ah~", the feeling of listening to this paragraph,

But it is obviously different, and what this piece of music is trying to express is naturally different.

Ordinary audience members didn't know that the background music of this female harmony was replaced by a folk band, but they could tell that this female harmony was different from the previous female harmony.

It sounds different, and it feels different.

Combined with the picture, this feeling is even stronger.

The previous picture was of a fairy dancing, but this time, it is a silhouette picture of Tang Seng riding a horse and resolutely heading west as the sun sets.

In the picture, the setting sun reflects the clouds on the horizon. On the road, Tang Seng is riding on horseback, but he can't see his face at all. The people and horses are just dark silhouettes.

Coupled with the background music and female harmony, it gives people a feeling of loneliness, and can make people feel the vicissitudes and hardships on the road.

But at the same time, the Tang Monk in the silhouette looks straight ahead, holding a Zen staff in one hand and the reins of the horse in the other. Resolutely.

The audience seemed to be able to see that the expression on Tang Seng's face was resolute and firm.

The background music and female harmonies clearly give people a feeling of loneliness, but the picture makes people see Tang Seng's resolute determination.

The combination of music and pictures produced a very special effect and emotion, which made all the audience feel a huge impact on their hearts in an instant, which aroused their strong resonance.

After the silhouette of Tang Monk riding westward, there is the same background music and female harmony, but the picture is changed to the vast sea.

The waves rolled and slapped against the rocks on the shore, splashing all over the place.

In the vast sea, a thin figure, rocking a bamboo raft, slowly moved forward.

This thin figure is also a silhouette and can't see his face clearly, but all the audience knows that it is Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong is going to cross the ocean to learn art from a teacher.

The camera zoomed further and further, and the figure of Sun Wukong shaking the bamboo raft became smaller and smaller, and a ray of the setting sun slanted on the sea, making the whole picture even more empty and lonely.

The silhouette shot of Sun Wukong shaking a bamboo raft and going out to sea is similar to the previous silhouette shot of Tang monk riding westward.

The female harmonies of "Ah~ah~ah~" and the background music mainly composed of Chinese orchestras made these two sets of shots very emotional, which resonated strongly with the audience.

All the musicians exclaimed again at this time.

The female harmony of the same "ah~ah~ah~", with different background music and different TV pictures, has a completely different effect.

This made them have to marvel once again, Li Fan's musical talent is so terrifying.


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