Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1673 The Magical Opening Song

All the audience felt a strong resonance because of the two silhouette shots, and all the musicians exclaimed again.

The opening song continues, and at 2 minutes and 9 seconds, the music returns to the main melody of the wind orchestra again, and the percussion appears intermittently.

For the first time, the camera appeared at the same time, the four figures of Tang Seng and his apprentice.

In a dense forest, Sun Wukong led the horse and walked at the front, Tang Seng rode on the horse, Zhu Bajie followed behind with a nine-toothed nail rake, and Sha Seng took the burden and walked at the end.

The camera is far away, and it is difficult to see the appearance of the four masters and apprentices clearly, but all the audience are excited for a while, and they finally see the figures of Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng.

From a distance, Zhu Bajie has a fat head and big ears, his clothes are blue-black with white borders, and his cuffs are very wide.

Sha Seng used his own weapon as a pole, carrying the burden, looking from a distance, with a burly body, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a beard on his face and a large black bead necklace hanging around his neck, which was very conspicuous.

The four masters and apprentices are very different in appearance, body shape and other aspects, but they are extremely harmonious when they walk together. You lead the horse, I carry the burden, and the road is always at your feet.

The impassioned main melody of the wind band, coupled with the intermittent percussion music, makes people feel very clearly that the four masters and apprentices are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and they are resolute and determined to move forward without fear.

This is the perfect combination of music and pictures, and all the audiences are completely immersed in it.

The music continued, and at 2 minutes and 24 seconds, a short, fast and powerful percussion solo appeared, with both real tambourines and synthesizer drums.

The drum sound is short, fast and powerful, very dynamic, making people involuntarily sway.

The shot also became very interesting. Zhu Bajie, with a red festive hijab on his head, walked towards a girl, his arms slammed forward, and he wanted to hug the girl in front.

However, the girl's body suddenly disappeared, and Zhu Bajie hugged him empty.

All the audience couldn't help but smiled knowingly. They knew that Zhu Bajie was going to get married, and whoever caught it would be his daughter-in-law.

Unfortunately, the three girls were all transformed by Bodhisattvas, and Zhu Bajie was destined to be empty.

The dynamic drum sound, combined with Zhu Bajie's strong hug, but the empty picture, gives people an inexplicable sense of joy.

This soundtrack is also excellent, and all the musicians are once again stunned.

After the scene of Zhu Bajie hitting the sky and getting married, there are three more scenes.

First, in the Heavenly Palace, a fairy turned her head with a look of disgust in the face of a heavenly general who showed her favor.

Then there is Sun Wukong triumphantly dancing the golden hoop.

These two sets of lenses are equally interesting.

The last set of shots is in the early morning when the sun is just rising. The camera is facing the rising sun. Under the sun, Sun Wukong is facing the sun.

What the audience saw was the silhouette of Sun Wukong's back facing the rising sun.

Soon, the silhouette of Tang Monk walking on horseback also appeared in the camera, still facing the rising sun.

After that, the silhouette of the back of Monk Sha carrying a burden, and the silhouette of the back of Zhu Bajie's shoulders resisting the nine-toothed nail rake, and the back silhouette of the big sleeves swinging, also appeared in the camera one after another.

The four masters and apprentices are facing the rising sun, and the backs are moving farther and farther in the camera, and the sense of the picture is extremely strong.

Coupled with short, fast and powerful drum sounds, the picture is even more intense.

This is obviously the four masters and apprentices, ushering in a new day of sunrise, and once again embarking on a journey to the west.

This is the world of "Journey to the West". All the audiences were excited. They finally saw the most perfect "Journey to the West" film and television work.

The four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng, facing the rising sun, stopped at 2 minutes and 40 seconds, and then slowly disappeared.

When the music reaches 2 minutes and 40 seconds, the rapid and powerful drum sound disappears, and the music enters the final coda stage.

At 2 minutes and 53 seconds, the music and pictures disappeared completely,

This is the end of the ups and downs, powerful opening and closing, rich layers, and complex colors of the opening song.

The opening song ended, and the first episode of the "Journey to the West" TV series officially began.

However, many viewers are still immersed in the opening song and have not recovered.

They don't understand music, they don't know how much music was used for the opening song? How many instruments were used?

They only know that the opening song makes them addicted to listening, and combined with the opening picture, it is even more intoxicating.

At this time, they haven't even noticed a problem, that is, the opening song has no lyrics, let alone singing, and some just have ups and downs, and a powerful soundtrack.

All musicians understand the reason, because although this opening song has no lyrics, it shows all the emotions and moods to be expressed, even more perfect than with lyrics.

It has no lyrics, but it is better than having lyrics.

That being the case, it's not surprising that audiences don't realize that the opening song doesn't have lyrics.

Of course, the audience is only temporarily unaware of this problem, they will soon realize.

But this is enough to show that the opening song is extraordinary, and all the musicians are amazed and admired.

They can now be 100% sure that this opening song will become a unique classic. There is no ancient person before, and I am afraid that there will be no future comers.

Even Li Fan himself may not be able to compose such a song again.

This song combines electronic music, folk music, symphony, percussion, orchestra and other music together, supplemented by guzheng, pipa, tambourine, electric bass and other instruments.

It makes this piece integrate with the whole story of "Journey to the West", describing a kind of indomitable and fearless romantic spirit.

The rich musical connotation of this piece, the beauty of the melody, the precise fit of the plot and the music are all breathtaking, absolutely unprecedented.

All the musicians were overwhelmed with emotion. In their opinion, this is an absolute masterpiece, and they can only worship it.

All the musicians worshipped, and all the audience finally realized that the opening song had no lyrics.

"Fuck!" This was their first reaction.

"I really felt just now that this song seems to be a little different, and now I found out that there are no lyrics. It's too amazing, Mr. Li Fan's opening song is amazing!"

"Through the opening song, I can clearly feel the vicissitudes and hardships of Tang Seng and his apprentice on their journey to the west, and I also feel the firmness and determination of the four teachers and apprentices all the way to the west. I thought it was because of the lyrics. , but I just wanted to recall the content of the lyrics, but I found that I have no impression of the lyrics at all, and I can't recall a single sentence. I am still a little strange. I just finished listening to it, why can't I remember even a single sentence? Only now I know, It has no lyrics at all, and it’s weird that I can recall it. Songs without lyrics make me have the illusion that there are lyrics, this song is really God.”

"It's the same for me. I also wanted to recall the lyrics, only to suddenly realize that it doesn't even have lyrics. It can express so many emotions without lyrics. It makes people feel as if there are lyrics. This Nima is indeed a god!"



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