Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1674 You carry the burden, I lead the horse

After the opening song of "Journey to the West" ended, many viewers wanted to recall the content of the lyrics.

At this memory, they were stunned to discover that the opening song had no lyrics.

Obviously there are no lyrics, but they think there are lyrics, which makes them all sighed at the magic of the opening song.

There is no doubt that this opening song will become a very special classic in Li Fan's music works.

They also wanted to revisit the opening song carefully, but the content of the first episode had already begun, and they had to temporarily put the opening song down and focus on the content.

On the vast sea, the waves crashed on the shore, the immortal stone cracked, and Sun Wukong broke out of the stone...

These plots and scenes are already very familiar to them, but now, they are still very excited and excited.

Because they saw a completely different image of Monkey King from the nearly thirty movies before.

Although Sun Wukong appeared many times in the title, but because of the camera lens and other reasons, the audience never carefully saw the appearance of Sun Wukong.

Now, they finally see it clearly.

After Sun Wukong was born, he played excitedly at the beach, and all the audience saw a completely different Sun Wukong from before.

Whether it is the appearance, the action, or the feeling of the performance, it is completely different.

In this version of Monkey King, they saw the shadow of the monkey, which was vivid and vivid, but it gave people the feeling that it was definitely not a monkey, and they could still feel the shadow of a human being.

It's a monkey, it's a human, it's a human, it's a monkey, it's a very special feeling.

This feeling convinced all the audience that this is the real Monkey King, the image of Monkey King they have been longing to see.

Everyone's opinion before is not wrong. As soon as the TV drama version of Monkey King played by Monkey Baby comes out, there will be no more controversy about which version of Monkey King is the best.

Now, although the first episode of the TV series has just begun, the vast majority of viewers believe that it can be declared that the issue will not be controversial.

The best Monkey King is indeed the Monkey King played by the TV series Monkey Baby.

All the audiences were excited and excited. The content of the first episode was about "The First Appearance of the Monkey King". Because of the release of the movie version of "The First Appearance of the Monkey King", even the audience who had not read the original novel, they all Already very familiar with the content of the story.

But they still had to relish it, and they were reluctant to blink. Monkey King played by Monkey Baby was lively, active, and clever. With a blink of an eye, he played Sun Wukong into the woods.

This is what the real Sun Wukong feels like.

Especially when Sun Wukong was on his way to learn from a teacher, he passed a lively town, walked into a noodle restaurant, learned the plot of ordering and eating noodles, and showed the superb acting skills of the monkey baby. All the audience laughed and couldn't stop.

In the noodle shop, Sun Wukong imitated an old official and ordered a bowl of noodles.

After the noodles came up, he followed the old official's way, took a pair of chopsticks in his hand, and poked at the table, but he still didn't learn how to hold the chopsticks. , because the noodles were too long, I had to stand on the table...

After seeing the old official adding chili sauce to the bowl, Sun Wukong imitated the old official again and dipped a little chili sauce into his mouth with his chopsticks.

In this series of plots, the monkey baby performed the Monkey King vividly, and all the audiences were amazed by the superb acting skills of the monkey baby.

Of course, everyone also knows that all of this has a very close relationship with Li Fan, and it is Li Fan who completes the superb performance of the monkey baby.

The audience who watched Sun Wukong liked it very much.

After that, all the audiences are also very familiar with the plot. Monkey King floated across several major seas, and finally arrived at the Xieyue Sanxingdong Cave, where he worshipped Patriarch Bodhi as his teacher.

After learning the skills of a body from Patriarch Bodhi,

But Patriarch Bodhi suddenly asked Sun Wukong to go back to where he came from.

With tears in Sun Wukong's eyes and reluctantly saying goodbye to Patriarch Bodhi, the monkey baby's performance is still superb. moist.

And when it gets here, the picture freezes, and the content of the first episode ends here.

"It's gone?" All the audience were depressed for a while, this is so cool, how can it be gone?

And after being depressed, all the audience seem to have suddenly discovered something? All of them were in high spirits, and there was a look of anticipation in their eyes.

This is true for ordinary audiences, and even more so for all musicians. The excitement and anticipation in their eyes are stronger than those of ordinary audiences.

What did they think of?

The answer is the ending song.

A TV series has an opening song, so naturally it also has an ending song. Now that the first episode has been frozen, and the content of the episode has been played, the next broadcast should naturally be the ending song.

Ordinary audiences look forward to it, and musicians look forward to it even more.

The opening song is a shocking masterpiece, so what about the ending song? Will it also be the work of God?

It seems that there is no need to doubt this, because the ending song is also written by Li Fan himself, so naturally it will also be a masterpiece.

The only suspense is, will the ending song have lyrics?

Everyone is thinking about this question, and they have not yet determined their answer, the melody of the ending song has already begun.

Everyone was refreshed and stopped thinking about whether there were lyrics. Anyway, the answer will be revealed soon.

All of their minds are focused on the melody of the ending song and the ending screen, and they must appreciate the ending song quietly.

At the beginning of the melody, it was high-pitched and exciting, with short and powerful drum sounds. It was somewhat similar to some parts of the opening song, but it was not the same. The national style of the ending song was more intense.

After a few seconds, the short, powerful drum beat fades, and the rhythm of the music becomes brighter and smoother.

In the TV screen, Sun Wukong walks in the front with a golden hoop stick, Zhu Bajie shoulders against the nine-toothed nail rake, and follows behind with a horse in one hand, Sha Seng walks at the end with a burden, and the four master and apprentice travel through mountains and rivers, all the way forward, from The morning went to the evening, and the next day ushered in a new sunrise...

At this time, a clear and loud, aggressive and masculine singing came out.

"You carry the burden, and I lead the horse.

Welcome to the sunrise and send off the sunset.


The previous questions have been answered, and the ending song has lyrics, which perfectly fit with the image of Tang Seng and his apprentice, who lead the horse and carry the burden all the way to the west.


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