When the first lyric of the ending song was sung, everyone was thinking about it before, but had no time to answer the question. With the answer, the ending song has lyrics.

"You carry the burden, I lead the horse, usher in the sunrise, and send off the sunset." The lyrics are very appropriate, even if there is no picture on the TV, just listening to the lyrics, all the audience can be very clear I can see, in the setting sun, in the morning glow, on the difficult and dangerous road, Zhu Bajie leads the white horse, Sha Seng carries the burden, and the four teachers and apprentices move forward all the way.

The melody is high-pitched and beautiful, the artistic conception is magnificent and profound, and the perfect fusion of words, songs and meanings is the most intoxicating part of Li Fan's music works.

The singer's singing is clear and loud, full and generous, and masculine. It is a typical national singing method. It is very cordial and comfortable in the ears of the audience.

"Treading the ups and downs into a road,

After fighting the hardships and dangers, we set off, and set off again.

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la...

A lot of spring, autumn, winter and summer,

A field of ups and downs.

where is the road?

The road is underfoot.

where is the road?

The road is underfoot. "

On the westbound road, there are not only the obstructions of mountains and mountains, the Gobi abyss, the surging rivers, but also the eyes of monsters and monsters. The journey can be described as extremely bumpy.

But if these ups and downs are smoothed out, it will be a smooth road.

The phrase "Treading the bumps and turning into a road" depicts the four monks and apprentices of Tang Dynasty not afraid of difficulties and dangers all the way, over mountains and mountains, wading through walls, punishing demons and eliminating monsters, and constantly advancing to level the bumps, and finally become a scene of a smooth road, which is described incisively and vividly. , summed up very accurately and vividly.

"Fight the hardships and set off again." Further narrating the difficulties and difficulties of the road to the west to learn the scriptures, it also allows people to see very clearly the three brothers, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng, slaying demons and demons along the way.

A word "again" shows that the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng have re-started many times, which not only shows that there are many difficulties and obstacles, but also shows that the four masters and apprentices are never afraid of difficulties, no matter how many difficulties there are. , also set off again.

This is a positive, optimistic, heroic, indomitable, and courageous fighting spirit and life attitude.

This lyric refers to the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng, but this positive, optimistic, heroic, indomitable, and courageous fighting spirit is what we all need, and many people are very lacking.

Hearing this lyric, many audiences thought about it, and all the musicians sighed that a seemingly ordinary lyric contains so many things, Li Fan's lyric level is really unmatched.

"La la... la la la la la la la la..." A piece of empty words with a high-pitched and magnificent melody slowly brought the song to the high court.

The voice became more and more high-pitched, and people seemed to be able to feel that Tang Seng, master and apprentice were in a good mood. This increasingly high-pitched voice of empty words was sung from their mouths.

They were positive and optimistic, singing more and more high-pitched songs, and many audience members couldn't help but echoed.

"A series of spring, autumn, winter and summer, a series of ups and downs." This is the chorus part of the song, and it is also the high part of the song.

A series of springs, autumns, winters and summers shows that the four masters and apprentices of the Tang Dynasty have been on the road of learning scriptures, and they have gone through year after year.

The singing is full and high-pitched. The first word "fan" and the first word "field" have the highest pitch, and then decline, which makes people feel very clearly that the four monks and disciples of Tang Dynasty are actively forging ahead. Bitterness and sigh.

Years and years have passed, and I have experienced the ups and downs one after another.

So, where is the road?

"Dare to ask where is the road?" As soon as the question was asked, almost all the audience were thinking about the answer.

The answer does not seem to be difficult to answer. The four teachers and apprentices went to the west to worship Buddha and seek scriptures.

Well, the road is naturally in the west.

This answer is naturally not wrong, all the audience thinks,

They found the right answer, and the next lyric will definitely come back to this question, and the answer is that the way is in the West.

Their guess is not wrong, the next lyric is indeed the answer to "where is the road".

However, the road is not in the west, but at the foot.

"The road is at your feet." This is the answer to the previous question, and it is also the last lyric of the whole song. The melody and singing are still heroic.

All the audiences were refreshed, and the road was not in the west, but under their feet.

All the audience suddenly realized, yes, yes, the road should be under their feet, there is no place in the world that cannot be reached, and the farthest road is under their feet.

This is not just an answer to the previous question, but also contains a philosophy, and many viewers are once again thoughtful.

Even after the ending song was over and the commercials started playing on the TV, they were still thinking, "Dare to ask where the road is? The road is under your feet." This last lyric.

The "road" here obviously not only refers to the westward journey of Tang Seng and his apprentice, but also refers to the road ahead of each person, as well as the road of life.

We often ask ourselves, what should the road ahead look like?

This question is difficult to answer by ourselves, and it is even more difficult for others to answer. No one can accurately predict the future road, including ourselves.

But the road in the future always comes out step by step. If you want to know your future road, you have to look down at the road under your feet.

Since the road is under your feet, you will be down-to-earth and go down step by step, and you will eventually gain something.

"Dare to ask where the road is", this is the title of the ending song, a thought-provoking title.

Gradually, the thoughtful audience came back to their senses, and the question of "the road is under your feet" can't be fully understood for a while, or even never.

In this case, they stopped thinking about it for the time being, but put their energy back on the "Journey to the West" TV series itself.

The first episode starts from the first shot of the opening song and ends with the last shot of the ending song, which is completely over.

It's just one episode, and all the audience have absolutely believed that the "Journey to the West" TV series will become a classic like the original novel of "Journey to the West", but the two fields are different.

The opening song is a masterpiece, and the ending song is also quite classic. The Monkey King played by Monkey Baby is also a classic. Such a TV series is destined to become a classic among the classics.

While waiting for the start of the second episode, all the audience members were discussing on the Internet, and even many celebrities and famous people couldn't wait to post their thoughts on the "Journey to the West" TV series on Weibo. .

Many musicians also used a way of worship to publish their own appreciation of the two masterpieces of the opening song and the ending song on Weibo.


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