Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1676 Can't wait to appreciate

After the end of the first episode of the "Journey to the West" TV series, countless audiences have been discussing it on the Internet.

Many celebrities and famous people can't wait to express their views on the "Journey to the West" TV series on Weibo.

Cen Geng wrote: "Although I was well prepared, the TV series "Journey to the West" still surprised me. The Monkey King played by Monkey Baby is very good. This will be the most classic image of Monkey King. It's also very good, and the other actors, even the extras, are equally good. We can feel that the entire crew is shooting this TV series with heart, and I'm very happy to see such a TV series appear. "

Shen Cong wrote: "First of all, Sun Wukong's appearance makes people's eyes bright, this is the real Monkey King. Second, Sun Wukong's eyes are very smart, his eyes are bright, and we can all be very obvious in the gestures and gestures of walking. I can see the shadow of the monkey, but it is definitely not just the monkey. He is the Monkey King, and he is very different from the monkey. The Monkey King is the best, and it is indeed the monkey baby TV series."

Yu Qiu wrote: "I just watched the first episode of the "Journey to the West" TV series. From the first note of the opening song to the end of the last note of the ending song, I watched the whole process very carefully, even my eyes Few blinks, there is no doubt that this will be a very classic drama, looking forward to the upcoming second episode."

Bai Yi wrote: "Brother Li's "Journey to the West" TV series has finally started. After watching the first episode, there is only one feeling. This is the real "Journey to the West". The Monkey King, I would like to thank Guan Yunjie's Bodhi Patriarch, every actor and staff member of the crew, and thank you for bringing us a TV series like "Journey to the West"."

Liu Yuan wrote: "Stunning, quite amazing, the TV series "Journey to the West" not only did not disappoint, but also brought absolute surprises to everyone, the opening song, ending song, and episode content are all surprises. "


Numerous celebrities have written this on their Weibo, and after these celebrities, some famous musicians have also appreciated the two masterpieces of the opening and ending songs on Weibo.

Their mood is excited, and almost all of them appreciate it in a adoring tone.

The famous musician Xiang Xi wrote: "After listening to the opening song of "Journey to the West", my heart can't be calm. I can hear it tonight. This piece combines folk music, symphony, classical music, percussion, electronic music and other music, using electronic musical instruments, orchestral music, guzheng, lute, harp, pipe bell, hand drum, drum set , electric bass and other musical instruments. The whole piece is ups and downs, powerful in and out, rich in layers, and complex in color.

Yu Qun, a famous musician, wrote: "The opening song is majestic and majestic, including encounters, passions, sounds of nature, lyrical feelings, shocks, lyrical emotions, longings, vagueness, dangers, battles, confusion, weirdness, etc. Very rich content. In terms of form, connotation, and verve, they have all reached a very high level, and this is a movement only found in heaven, and it cannot be praised enough.”

The famous musician Yuan Shuo wrote: "The opening song has no lyrics, only two female harmonies, and these two female harmonies can be called divine strokes. The first one is above the cloud-shrouded Heavenly Palace, where the fairy dances and harmonizes. It is like a fairy, like a fairy sound. The second place is the silhouette of Tang Monk riding a horse, and the silhouette of Sun Wukong shaking a bamboo raft to go out to sea. The harmony is grand and grand, full of the grandeur and solemnity of Buddhism. The two harmony sounds are similar, but they have their own The different moods are amazing!"

The famous musician Ling Li wrote: ""Dare to Ask Where is the Road\

,"A work that perfectly integrates words, songs and meanings. The melody is high-pitched and desolate, the artistic conception is magnificent and profound, and the lyrics are optimistic, heroic and indomitable. The combination of the two vividly depicts the difficulties on the way to learn the scriptures, and the pride of the four masters and apprentices who will never return after struggling with difficulties and dangers before setting off. It fully reveals a relaxed, bold and light-hearted attitude towards life, full of philosophical implications. This is another masterpiece by Mr. Li Fan. "

The famous musician Wan Yuan wrote: "Whether it is the opening song or the ending song, they are absolutely masterpieces, and the songs brought to us by the "Journey to the West" TV series are obviously not just these two songs, I definitely have them. The reason is to believe that in the next episodes, there will be many episodes waiting for us to enjoy. I can't wait. "


Whether it is a celebrity or a famous musician, the Weibo they just published has quickly spread on the Internet. After seeing it, countless audiences are extremely excited, and they are even more discussing.

They like to watch it very much, the comments and appreciation of celebrities and celebrities, the more praise they get, the more excited they are.

And just when they were extremely excited, the second episode of the "Journey to the West" TV series officially started.

The exciting opening song sounded again, whether it was ordinary audience, celebrities, or those famous musicians, all of them were in high spirits, and they immersed all their minds in the opening song that sounded again, Very enjoyable.

This time, they seemed to hear some from the opening song again, which was not exactly the same feeling as the first time.

Every time I listen to it, I can have a different feeling, and all the audience have to sigh again, this is really a magical song.

All the audience are also very familiar with the content of the episode, but they still watch it with relish.


Shaoxing City.

In Shaoxing City, many people are also watching CCTV's "Journey to the West" TV series being broadcast.

Some of them are a little bit special.

They were the same people who often went to see the monkey show when the monkey was performing in the square outside the North City Gate.

On that day, when Yang Jie, Liu Yu, and Lin Xin went to the square where the monkey baby was performing, they invited the monkey baby to join the crew and play the role of Monkey King. The monkey baby made an agreement with the onlookers around them, that is, to wait until "Journey to the West" When the TV series "Remember" was released, they wanted to see Monkey King performing Monkey Doll on the TV screen again.

They have to see that at that time, Monkey King, who was performing as a monkey boy, did he make any progress?

Now that the TV series "Journey to the West" is officially released, they also sat in front of the TV and saw Monkey King performing Monkey Babies once again.

On the screen, the Monkey King performed by the monkey baby has changed his appearance and shape, and has become the real Monkey King. The feeling of the Monkey King performed is completely different.

The Monkey King on the screen is almost completely gone. The shadow of the monkey baby when he was performing in the square, but they can still clearly feel that it is the Monkey King who was performed by the monkey baby.

It's just that the Monkey King on the screen has become almost perfect, and the monkey baby's ultimate dream has finally come true.

They were in Shaoxing City, and a Monkey King was born from then on.

They are happy for the monkey baby and proud of the monkey baby!


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